User Profiles from Australia: Page 11 of 18

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:10 UTC

Gavin Shaw ("Name: Gavin Shaw Age: Not telling you. But was born on the 8th December. Guess which...")
Craig Marsh ("I work on a station in the rivarina,NSW Australia stumbled across Boinc by accident thought...")
Sabrewulf ("Real life identity: Simon. Area of occupation: Sydney, NSW, Australia. Birth timestamp ...")
anthony ("Hi all My name is Anthony and I live in a town called Kiama which is on the south coast of...")
Rod ("Recently Graduated Telecoms Engineer (BEng/BSc) from Curtin University, Perth, W.A.,...")
Cornelis ("I am a 60 year old Psychiatrist, with passions for single malt whiskey, Loudon Wainwright...")
LoriEllen and Dirk ("2 human team from Scarby Queensland Au. Free processor time to volunteer, nuff said.")
Nightsky ("G'day, I've always been interested in Astronomy and have a few telescopes a 18"Truss...")
GGM2007 ("Hi im chris Musician / science dilettante.... More a DILL-ettante actually. LOVE...")

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