User Profiles - Names beginning with Z: Page 2 of 9

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:18 UTC

Zeb ("Just looking")
Zwenne ("Cat-Cruncher :o)")
ZeroEcho ("I'm a 2nd year at the University of Hull studying Computer Science. I have my computers...")
zbear ("I mostly run SETI@home, because it's underfunded, and I run Rosetta@home as a secondary...")
Zoltan Balog ("Hi to all !!! I'm 25 years old, I like UFOs (SETI yeahh....) and any other mysteries...")
Zentaur ("Hi there, I am a linguist and work at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland. I hope...")
ZachTheMacJunkie! ("Name: Zach Stuart Age: 20 Gender: Male Ethnicity:...")
Zohguy ("I have completed over 500 workunits with seti@home, but my account was stolen.")
zukkaweb ("Ciao a tutti, ora mi descivo")
Zim ("I'm an engineering student studying electrical engineering. My hobbies include...")

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