User Profiles - Names beginning with S: Page 60 of 76

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:17 UTC

Skysnake ("Hi, my name is Stephan and I live in Heidelberg in Germany. I was born 1983 in the car-city...")
Sean Stewart ("Hi there. I am in Portland Oregon. I like the idea of idle cpu time being put to good...")
SM6GXQ Peter Lindquist ("My hobbies are: Space Physics and other science Computers Gardening Ham radio,...")
StefanoD ("From Genoa, Italy")
snake ("Boujour à tous, je m'appele Jeremy, je suis ingenieur sytèmes/réseaux/sécurité dans...")
Slavkoyama (" Hello, My shikona is Slavkoyama. Yeah, not a pseudonym but shikona, a ring name of a...")
Sysadm@Nbg ("cogito ergo sum sagt mein Computer, und damit er was zu denken hat crunche ich - a...")
stippi ("Joined seti@home in Dec. 2000 for the first time, paused a lot, joined R@H in April 2010,...")
Sir Stooper ("I am a [insert fake age here] year old [complimentary adjective] male who [likes/dislikes...")

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