User Profiles - Names beginning with R: Page 21 of 49

Last updated 11 Mar 2025, 13:35:15 UTC ("Rich, Kenmore N.Y. a suburb of Buffalo. 55 years old. Am currently diagnosed with Cancer...")
Robert i Ola ("Mieszkamy w pó³nocno-zachodniej Polsce choæ za moment przeprowadzamy sie do Walii....")
Rockinfroggi ("Hi there, 48 year old male from the UK here, I am currently back fighting the Big C so...")
Reelman ("Age 45, I am Family man disabled due to a accident at work. I am Addicted to collecting old...")
Robert Bertaux ("Hello man 36 , in july 69, iam interested in science also the nasa hm and Mars , hm and...")
Ryan ("I am a 21 year old open and wise indigo soul. I love aliens ")
Robert ("I currenty live in Washington state and own A small gift store in Leavenworth. Visit my...")
RicoP ("I'm a ITT Tech student living in Pittsburgh PA. I am interested in science and what i can...")
rottenkiwi ("hobbies astronomy,piano,organ music")

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