User Profiles - Names beginning with O: Page 2 of 15

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:18 UTC

Oscar ("In my sparetime I install computers for friends and family. Probably doing it right because...")
olaf_brandt ("I am working at Tübingen University Library.")
Owner ("I currently work in the field of of AIDS prevention and Community Outreach for a non-profit...")
Oliver.Spiess ("Hi! I'm Oliver, an 32 years old electrical engineer, married and a very proud father of a...")
oschudo (".")
outsider ("From Texas Age 17 Student Computer hobbiest")
OGPD ("Have nothing to say.")
Oliver Czirak
OldSeaDog ("I am a retired geekasaur; I ran a large Novell network but became quite ill and had to...")

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