User Profiles - Names beginning with L: Page 6 of 31

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:18 UTC

Lacey ("I'm a 21-year-old college undergrad; I like to read, watch movies, and sleep; I work for a...")
Leah ("38/F, American physically living in the UK, virtually living and working on the internet....")
Laurent Belin ("My name is Laurent Belin. I'm French, and living close to Paris. I'm living in the suburbs...")
Lisa Bartlett ("I live in Minneapolis Mn. I am a web designer for small business. I enjoy photography.")
LucaB76 - BOINC.Italy ("Born in 1976 in Pisa, Italy, I'm an amateur astronomer with a great passion for the Solar...")
Lord Snot ("Well I was the richest person in the world, until my father's multi-national collapsed this...")
Liberto [Valencia] ("I am from planet Earth - born at the beginning of the past century - retired - hobbies you...")
lengmianfo ("I come from China, and I am a student of the Northwest Polythechnical University.")
Lord_Austin ("The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and...")

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