User Profiles - Names beginning with A: Page 65 of 68

Last updated 13 Dec 2024, 12:50:41 UTC

ARMS ("I am running "Rosetta@home" with Arm-based single-board computers.")
Antonis Assimacos ("My name is Antonis Assimacos. I live in Athens Greece. I am a computer enthusiast, My first...")
allen ("I'm a CNC Machinist and still working (except for right now because of the virus) at age...")
Andrew P. Olson ("Participant of distributed computing projects since March, 1999.")
ACMI ("We're Creative Technologists at ACMI Labs.")
agurz ("I'm a concerned secular humanist in Maryland, USA.")
at90systems ("Tech guru, specialties in vintage computer systems, modern computer systems, ioT, alarm,...")
Agefer ("My name is Nikolai. I am 33 years old. I am from the city of Minsk. Republic of...")
Alec Neal ("Graduate student at Ball State University, doing research in short-period contact binaries.")

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