User Profiles - Names beginning with A: Page 16 of 59

Last updated 12 Mar 2025, 13:35:17 UTC

Arthur_Dent ("Occupation: Programmer Hobbies: Computers, related hardware and software Artificial...")
ASmith ("I am a project manager for a voice recognition software company. We install, train, and...")
Anechka ("Hey. :) My name is Anna. I learned about the BOINC project through CNN, thought it was a...")
admontecillo ("Hi, I'm from the Philippines, 21, a University instructor at the University of the...")
Anthony Cosgrove ("from: Alpharetta, GA. age: 27 occupation: Windows admin for CedarCrestone hobbies:...")
Anna ("A student who's running around the world trying to find herself.")
Allan ("Well, I read the article on CNN about your site and since my computer is on most of the...")
ahshang ("Hey,everyone I am Taro Wu, from China--the people's republic of China,an engineer in CTI(...")
Art ("Art Bates DOB 7/6/1923 Retired Optical Instrument designer- MS Physics 1965 Used...")

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