Team search results

The following teams match one or more of your search criteria. To join a team, click its name to go to the team page, then click Join this team.

Team nameDescriptionAverage creditTypeCountry

BOINC.Italy: l'Italia nel calcolo distribuito. Entra anche tu a far parte della piu' grande community italiana. image

BOINC.Italy e' l'alleanza di team ed utenti italiani creata allo scopo di unire le forze di tanti volontari, per diffondere il calcolo distribuito e portare sempre piu' in alto la nostra bandiera nelle classifiche mondiali. Un gruppo dove tutti possono confluire e riconoscersi. Qualsiasi team e utente puo' entrare a far parte di questa squadra impegnata nella continua acquisizione di informazioni sui progetti e nella divulgazione del calcolo distribuito come risorsa sempre piu' importante per la scienza.

Visitate il nostro portale all'indirizzo ed entrate a far parte della grande community italiana dedicata a BOINC.

Sul portale troverete informazioni e news sul team, su tutto quello che riguarda BOINC e sui vari progetti seguiti. Inoltre ci sono le statistiche, la chat ed il forum dove potrete trovare aiuto e divertirvi con gli altri membri del team!

E se partecipate gia' ad altre community online o fate gia' parte di un team unitevi a noi con la vostra squadra e supportate BOINC.Italy: con i gruppi interni manterrete la vostra identita' di team ma, attraverso una community unita, aumenteremo il peso dell'Italia nella comunita' scientifica internazionale.

Invitiamo tutti gli italiani ad unirsi a questa grande iniziativa e partecipare attivamente al team tramite il nostro portale.

Per qualsiasi informazione e richiesta vi invitiamo a scrivere nel nostro forum.

Che cosa state aspettando a supportare BOINC.Italy?

Insieme, con il vostro aiuto, possiamo fare ancora di piu'! image

203,693.58 National Italy


BOINC@Taiwan (台灣)
Taiwan, Formosa (福爾摩沙), a beautiful country in East Asia. We are proud to be part of Rosetta project and hope that more and more people will join us!

Till today, there are total 381 members in this team! We would like to encourage people who are in "Taiwan-related" team join this one! Thanks a lot! Best wishes~

Please visit for more information :D

117,702.97 National Taiwan


Australians that want to participate in BOINC and give a definite Aussie Presence. Australians world wide are welcome and encouraged to join the #1 Aussie Alliance. As the song goes: Come on Aussie come on, come on.

BOINC@AUSTRALIA has a team in all the active BOINC projects.

161,384.86 None Australia

BOINC@Poland jest najstarszym polskim zespołem zrzeszającym największe grupę w Polsce. Od 2004 roku jako jedyny zespół w Polsce umożliwia wspieranie wszystkich projektów BOINC. BOINC@Poland stworzył również własne projekty BOINC i jako jedyny polski zespół znajduje się w pierwszej dziesiątce zespołów na świecie.
</br> Jeżeli dołączyłeś do projektu Rosetta@home</b> i będziesz potrzebował więcej informacji na jego temat albo BOINC lub innych projektów, znajdziesz je na Wiki BOINC@Poland. Jeżeli będziesz chciał możesz również odwiedzić nasze forum, na którym codziennie użytkownicy zadają pytania, odpowiadają na nie i wymienią się pomysłami jak lepiej zmieniać świat za pomocą platformy BOINC. Dla wielu członków B@P wspieranie nauki za pomocą platformy BOINC to największe hobby. Dołącz do nas, postaramy się jak najsympatyczniej Cię przywitać.
</br> B@P na image image</br></br></br> image

102,529.53 National Poland Research Team Italy

78,840.20 None Italy


Our Team forum

Updated 21st Sept 2023:
Special Note: Some projects rely on donations as many do not receive state or corporate grants and without funds, the project can close...and all their good work, might end up doing nothing. So, please consider making a donation, no matter how small, to help your favourite project to allow it to continue with its research.

110,235.74 National United Kingdom
BOINC@the Netherlands

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body>

Wij zijn het BOINC@the Netherlands team.

BOINC@the Netherlands verwelkomt iedereen in ons team.

Sluit u bij ons team aan en klim in de statistieken, bezoek ons forum waar we onze gezamenlijke passie delen.

Wij heten u van harte welkom op ons forum Bezoek ons forum hier

Als u voor meerdere projecten crunched, is het meestal noodzakelijk om ons team op elk afzonderlijk BOINC project waar u aan deelneemt aan te melden.

We are the BOINC@the Netherlands users team at the Netherlands.

BOINC@the Netherlands welcomes anybody to join our team across the BOINC range of projects.

Be aware that it is necessary to join our team on each individual BOINC project you are participating in.



</body> </html>

16,395.53 National Netherlands

Denmarks premier team!

10,229.06 None Denmark

Slovak national team involved in Rosetta@home project

23,374.74 None Slovakia

Join us !!! Send a private message to actual team founder or admin ! The real founder disappers. So we are busy to take over. He builded a wide team, very big and great idea. But to mange it, we need to take all project, one by one !!! The team for Belgians and their friends, who love participate on research and the smell of glowing red cpu's in the morning.

Help build the BOINC.BE image

22,638.73 National Belgium

This is the team formed from "mixi", the most major SNS in Japan.

44,482.40 None Japan

はじめまして。BOINC@TOYKOは日本ランキング5位になれました。 Rosetta@home では、 2022/5/29 現在約52名の方々と共に解析しております。 コロナウイルスや痘ウイルスの新種をやっつけるためにも、これからも活動し続けたいです。 よろしければ、一緒に活動しませんか。小さな組織ではありますが、所属お待ちしております。 分散コンピューティングプロジェクト BOINC@TOKYO日本チーム

22,547.74 Local/regional Japan


Bienvenido a CANAL@Boinc, el primer equipo de boinc hispano.

Toda la ayuda que necesites, todas las dudas que tengas, todas las preguntas que siempre quisiste hacer, podras hacerlo en el foro sobre Computacion Distribuida en español mas participativo y ameno de la red. Unete a nosotros y aporta tu granito de arena por la ciencia con el mejor equipo de habla hispana.

Tenemos un grupo en Telegram donde podrás resolver todas tus dudas, estar en contacto con los compañeros y recibir las últimas noticias:

46,170.46 None Spain

Welcome to the Official National BOINC team of New Zealand! NZ.BOINC was founded on the intent to create a standardized team for New Zealand, together, we have already achieved this in less than 6 months. We have and are a vibrant, active, group of crunchers, and we are among the top 2 teams in New Zealand for all of BOINC!

We also have our own exclusive, member write & read only SETI@home message board, so join us and chat whenever you want.

If you have any connection with New Zealand, please feel free to join us at anytime! And we look forward to seeing you crunch for NZ.BOINC!

17,471.67 National New Zealand
The Scottish Boinc Team

Welcome to The Scottish Boinc Team (established in 1999 as Scotland's Seti), one of the oldest and most successful BOINC teams crunching today. After joining the team on this project, head over to our Team Forum and join us. TSBT Team Forum .

We crunch for all current BOINC projects and are always at the forefront of adding new projects that start up within BOINC. Our aim is to use our spare or dedicated computing power to advance human knowledge while enjoying some friendly competition amongst ourselves and with other teams. If you want to be part of a lively, friendly team, please come join us, everyone is welcome.

Join the TSBT Team Forum. Take part in shaping your teams future, chat with other members, get help and advice or help others. We participate in all BOINCstats Team challenges and hold competitions both within our own team and with other rival teams. We maintain a very informative, user and newbie friendly, forum with our own team statistics, team and individual milestones, BOINC project and hardware information across all supported platforms and lots of help. Join us, you will be assured of a very warm welcome and it's easy to do.

Come along and visit our website. TSBT Team Website

Guests can read certain parts of the forum without registration. Registered members will be able to immediately post and be granted access to additional areas of the forum. Active TSBT members can gain access to the private team areas by request. Full instructions on joining are available along with the forum rules on the website. News updates from all active projects are also part of the forum along with other features in development.

39,275.82 National United Kingdom

Team from Ukraine

54,025.08 None Ukraine

B.C. BOINC is an ever-growing team dedicated to BOINC enthusiasts from or living in the Province of British Columbia, Canada. Whether you're a current resident, a former resident, or just want to visit, you are welcome to join us.

Join the team on this project here, or visit our Join Team Page to join the team on multiple projects at once. As a BOINC-Wide Team, we can be found crunching for almost every BOINC project, adding new ones as they come online all the time.

Our forum is open to everyone, including all BOINC Crunchers at large (but with some added perks for team members!).

Come and join one of the largest Canadian Provincial teams: B.C. BOINC!


17,002.50 Local/regional Canada

12,687.60 Local/regional Germany
Team England (Boinc)

Welcome to Team England (Boinc), a well-established and leading UK team.

Our current goal is to break into the Top 100 teams overall, so any processing power you can dedicate to our cause will be greatly appreciated.

We are always on the lookout for new members, so why not come and join us, and help us crack the top 100!!

20,088.24 National United Kingdom
BOINC Synergy

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ BOINC enthusiasts from around the world


✔️ Members from over 80 countries

62,941.81 None International

BOINC team USA for Citizens, Friends and Patriots of the United States of America

Our Mission: Advance science and have fun one CPU cycle at a time!


One of the long-standing traditions of distributed computing projects is the formation of teams. Not just a tradition, a little healthy competition encourages active participation, to the general gain of the project.

BOINC team USA was created to show we have American pride and that good ol' American know-how is still a reality. If you're a patriotic American, this is the team to join. Embrace our motto of "United we stand". If you're not an American, you're still welcome! This has always been a country with open arms.

Visit our team forums. Reading is free without registration. Team members can register and will be granted access to additional private areas after verification of team membership - please use your BOINC alias to help us verify your team status.

Follow us on Twitter @BOINCUSA!

Check out our project list page here.

Click here for our #coronavirus #COVID19 project page!



289,830.95 National United States
Dutch Power Cows

De 'Dutch Power Cows' is actief in talloze projecten en bestaat al sinds 1998.

Inmiddels zijn we uitgegroeid tot het grootste en meest succesvolle DC-team van Nederland.

Ben je nog geen lid? Kies dan voor gezelligheid en sluit je bij ons aan!

Op ons forum is altijd wel iemand te vinden die je verder kan helpen. Maar je kan ook terecht op twitter of facebook.

122,532.26 National Netherlands

Die MEDIA DATABASE ist neben Rosetta@Home bei folgenden weiteren Projekten aktiv:

GPUGrid - PrimeGrid - Einstein@Home - Amicable Numbers - MilkyWay@Home - Universe@Home - WCG - Climate Prediction - Asteroids@Home - NumberFields - LHC@Home - NFS@Home - DENIS@Home - TN-Grid - SETI@Home - Cosmology@Home

248,319.92 None Germany
L'Alliance Francophone


283,913.23 None International


South Hills Lincoln (Mercury) Pittsburgh Pa. USA - SHLM on facebook

We run Rosetta@home and other distributed computing projects to put our cpu resources to good use, helping to advance science one cpu clock cycle at a time. If you would like to help, please join us.

Team current projects

  • GPUGrid ------------------------------------- since - 06 Sep 2010
  • Rosetta@home --------------------------- since - 25 Dec 2005
  • World Community Grid ---------------- since - 17 Sep 2009
  • Einstein@home -------------------------- since - 08 Nov 2004
  • TN-Grid -------------------------------------- since - 12 Dec 2022
  • DENIS@home ------------------------------ since - 04 Feb 2023
  • Folding@home ---------------------------- since - 11 Feb 2018
Team retired projects
  • Seti@home -------------------------------- since - 14 May 1999
  • POEM@home ------------------------------ since - 11 Apr 2015
  • Predictor@home ------------------------- since - 11 Aug 2004

129,385.97 Company United States

Folding@Home, a distributed computing project for disease research, allows you to "donate" your unused computing power to the researchers looking for Covid-19 (Coronavirus) therapies or cures.
Similar to a new online puzzle game that crowdsources users' attempts to design a protein that could block the spread of COVID-19, this effort attempts to alleviate the massive computing strain that goes into modeling such solutions.

Foldit Game

Formula BOINC
FormulaBOINC (FB) is a competition for BOINC teams. It is based on the principle of the Formula 1 championship. Starting in 2017, the competition is composed of 2 groups of events:
- Marathons: each project is considered as a "Grand-Prix". The 10 best teams on each project get a fixed number of FB points.
- Sprints: 20 events of 3-days throughout the year, according to the schedule of the Formula 1 championship. Each sprint will involve only one project. The chosen project will only be known 24 hours before the start of the sprint. The top 10 teams on each sprint are given a fixed number of FB points.

Formula BOINC

281,238.05 National Canada

GridCoin is a new peer-to-peer internet based cryptocurrency that aims to provide real benefits to humanity by compensating the coin miners for participating in BOINC projects that may lead to advances in medicine, biology, mathematics, science, climatology, and astrophysics by concentrating a large percentage of the computational power towards BOINC research - instead of generating unnecessary heat and wasted power for the proof of work algorithms required to keep the coin network running. It is estimated that bitcoin is using approximately 23,312 megawatt hours per day (see electric consumption at (24 hour stats)) of electric for block solving algorithms. The aim of the gridcoin project is to shift the computational power primarily to Boinc projects while the mining operations become a second priority - so as the network is scaled up, boinc utilization is scaled up in tandem. The coin miners will be rewarded with a small token subsidy if they fail to mine boinc shares, but a much larger subsidy when mining with boinc. This digital cryptocurrency allows instant peer to peer transactions, worldwide payments and very low processing fees. The source code is open source and allows everyone to take part in the success of the currency. Gridcoin is based on the Bitcoin protocol but differs from Bitcoin in that it can be efficiently mined with consumer-grade hardware, therefore is not as likely to be replaced by specialized ASIC mining chips in the future. Gridcoin provides faster transaction confirmations (2.5 minutes on average) and uses memory intensive scrypt-based proof-of-work algorithms to verify transactions.

3,690,799.87 Computer type International


... .. -.-. .. - ..- .-. .- -.. .- ... - .-. .- ..-..


and it works! April 25. 2012 we climbed up to #1 in TC in Boinc
This little Quality-team did the "impossible"!
Join our Family and help us reach new stars. ;-)

.. ..-. -.-- --- ..- -.. .- .-. . - --- -.. .-. . .- --

* Sic itur ad Astra * This is the Way to the Stars * The Universal Star-Team in Boinc! ;-)

It`s all about reaching out, further than ever before - By
courage and dreams.
No matter what we want to achieve, the first step is to allow ourself to dream.
Without dreams, we dont know where we want to go, what we want to reach, where
the goal is. The dream itself gives the direction, but it also contains the joy
of anticipation for what there may be ahead of us..

When we work to come closer to our goals, we should always remember that feeling,
and let that be the way we move.. With stars in our eyes,
and joy in our hearts ;-))

Its an universal truth. Not bounded by any country, not business- or work related,
or special knowledge or interest-related. No matter who we are, where we are, what
we are, what we are good at and are interested in - We are all a part of the Universe -
- and we are all reaching for our Stars.

Let`s make sure we never stop believing its possible! ;-)

This world needs Dreamers, this world needs Act-ers,
but more than anything this world needs Dreamers who Act!

- AriZonaMoon* -


Only as high as I reach can I grow,
Only as far as I seek can I go,
Only as deep as I look can I see,
Only as much as I dream can I be.

Team Forum:


134,130.89 None International

Welcome to Team SETI.USA!

Our Motto: Together we will accomplish something amazing!

On March 24, 2005, Team SETI.USA was created to consolidate U.S. users and become the #1 SETI Team in the world. This goal was achieved within 24 months of inception thanks to the extraordinary efforts of our dedicated members.

Today, SETI.USA no longer has members just from the U.S. but has become an international team with members from Denmark, Germany, Portugal, and the United Kingdom just to name a few.

We are a group of BOINC enthusiasts who work together to keep a dedicated presence at all BOINC projects, engage in friendly competitions, and offer advice, knowledge, and friendship.

Whether you are a casual cruncher in it for the scientific endeavor or a hard core enthusiast who collects badges, or somewhere in between, we have something for everyone; from fun monthly challenges to the annual strategic competition of the Pentathlon.

Visit Our Home Page and join our community! You'll find a wealth of information within our forum. If you need support setting up BOINC or joining our team, we have a friendly, active Message Board where our members are waiting to help.

Also, join us in our weekly evening of chat! Every Monday night at 8 PM CST. (2:00AM Tuesday UTC)
(server/channel info: irc://freenode/team_seti.usa)


206,650.61 None International
Czech National Team


Co vse v nasem tymu naleznete? Chcete-li nas podporit, pripojte se k nasemu tymu ve vsech BOINC projektech, ktere pocitate.



What will you find in our team? If you'd like to give us your support, please join our team in all BOINC projects you crunch.

278,157.81 None Czech Republic
The Knights Who Say Ni!

The BOINC loony magnet. Stop by our forums or chat with us on IRC and we shall say Ni! to you.


89,800.69 None International

SETI.Germany ist das groesste deutsche Team beim wissenschaftlichen Projekt SETI@home, der Suche nach ausserirdischer Intelligenz, durchgefuehrt an der Universitaet von Kalifornien, Berkeley.
Auch weiterhin liegt ein Schwerpunkt in diesem Projekt, unter dem sich unser Team in SETIclassic-Zeiten formierte und seine Teambezeichnung fand.

Neben SETI@home ist unser Team nun auch bei vielen anderen Projekten des Public Distributed Computing (Oeffentliches Verteiltes Rechnen) unter dem Namen SETI.Germany vertreten. Die Themen der Projekte reichen von Astrophysik, Molekularbiologie, Chemie, Mathematik, Medizin, Rendering, Verschluesselung und angewandter Informatik bis zum aktuellen Projekt hier Rosetta@home.

Auf unserer Webseite bieten wir weiterfuehrende Informationen zu diesen Projekten u.a. in einem grossen Forensystem. Das Angebot fuer unsere Mitglieder und Gaeste umfasst ausserdem eine Chatfunktion, ein eigenes Wiki, ausfuehrliche Statistiken zu den meisten Projekten mit SETI.Germany-Beteiligung und mehr...

Folge uns bei Twitter oder schau auf unserer Facebook-Seite vorbei.

In diesen Projekten ist SETI.Germany aktiv:


Seid herzlich WILLKOMMEN - tretet unserem Team doch bei - Feel free to JOIN US!

276,664.49 None Germany
Team China

Welcome all from China mainland, TaiWan, HongKong, Macau. </br></br> Welcome all Chinese all over the world. </br></br> Welcome all BOINC users! </br></br></br> 欢迎所有 BOINC 用户加入 Team China 团队 (团队签名图片)!

323,382.79 None China


92,504.53 None Korea, South

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