Members of University of California, Berkeley

NameTotal creditRecent average creditCountry
1) GKS 684,440 4,160.62 United States
2) Profile hedera 5,271,993 461.76 United States
3) Chose 138,175 411.29 None
4) heidi 4,672 29.40 United States
5) Profile mmenzi 1,004,427 0.44 Spain
6) Andrew Sun 11,383 0.10 United States
7) Sean M. McMahon 436,664 0.10 United States
8) MARIO STAIANO 15,458 0.10 United States
9) Inc 1,115 0.10 None
10) Daniel 3,103 0.10 United States
11) GM 9,750 0.10 United States
12) Gentle_Giant 5,247 0.10 United States
13) Jamie Stankiewiz 104,997 0.10 United States
14) ckintana 79,463 0.10 United States
15) sam goldeen 89,429 0.10 United States
16) Profile pfile 3,435,713 0.10 United States
17) Hoggrim 1,622,958 0.10 United States
18) yoshi 979 0.09 Belgium
19) Daniel 586 0.09 United States
20) Jared 946 0.09 United States
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