World of Warcraft Nerds of the Pac Northwest

Team info
Description Rosetta@home is running whenever possible, usually running in the background and generating results using all spare computing power, unless of course, you're play WoW with your guild. Joining is BOP, no tabbard yet and no guild bank for you to gank! If you don't fit this, you can still join.
Created 18 Feb 2008
Total credit 23,897,707
Recent average credit 6,827
Cross-project stats SETIBZH
Country United States
Type Local/regional
Founder Dajen
New members in last day 0
Total members 33 (view)
Active members 2 (view)
Members with credit 29 (view)

©2024 University of Washington

Generated 27 Jul 2024, 0:14:11 UTC