

Team info
Description Miami4Cure is open to all South Florida residents and anyone interested in being part of the group world. You don't even need to be part of the 305 or the Sunshine State to help. Miami4Cure is a melting pot of people from all over the world so by working together we can help find a cure. The team combines efforts across different platforms in support of Rosetta@home running BOINC and in support of a cure in the older Folding At Home (FAH) team #234249, Miami4Cure. You don't need to join a team to help find a cure but working together makes it a bit more fun and helps encourage others to joint in to help.
Created 5 Aug 2018
Total credit 7,908,947
Recent average credit 3,650
Cross-project stats
Country United States
Type None
Founder Jorge
New members in last day 0
Total members 7 (view)
Active members 2 (view)
Members with credit 7 (view)

©2024 University of Washington

Generated 13 Jun 2024, 14:54:03 UTC