Grutte Pier [Wa Oars]~MAB The Frisian

User ID 9875
Rosetta@home member since 6 Nov 2005
Country Netherlands
Total credit 497,588
Recent average credit 0.09
Computers View

Projects in which Grutte Pier [Wa Oars]~MAB The Frisian is participating

Click for user page
Total creditAverage creditSince
Rosetta@home 497,588 0 6 Nov 2005
PrimeGrid 55,390,993 0 13 Apr 2010
SETI@home 2,020,801 0 14 Nov 2010
GPUGRID 5,132,858 0 8 Jan 2012
Cosmology@Home 152,040 0 11 Mar 2013
Enigma@Home 79,124 0 19 Mar 2013
MilkyWay@home 2,788,359 0 30 Dec 2011
RNA World 3,118 0 1 May 2012
Asteroids@home 338,640 0 19 Mar 2013
Team Dutch Power Cows
Message boards 87 posts

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Generated 26 Jul 2024, 23:51:02 UTC