Computer 2511903

Computer information
Owner Alessio Susi
Created 25 Mar 2016, 10:12:22 UTC
Total credit 1,759
Average credit 0.09
Cross project credit Free-DC
CPU type ARM
AArch64 Processor rev 3 (aarch64)
Number of processors 8
Operating System Android
3.10.61-g0e661cf-dirty (Android 5.0)
Memory 2792.37 MB
Measured floating point speed 1996.7 million ops/sec
Measured integer speed 4699.51 million ops/sec
Average upload rate 45.22 KB/sec
Average download rate 1480.97 KB/sec
Average turnaround time 0.16 days
Application details Show
Tasks 0
Number of times client has contacted server 28
Last contact 27 May 2016

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