Application details for host 3738288

Rosetta Mini 3.78 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed 144
Max tasks per day 497
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 0
Average processing rate 2.71 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 3.48 days
Rosetta Mini 3.78 windows_intelx86
Number of tasks completed 95
Max tasks per day 491
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 0
Average processing rate 2.68 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 2.52 days
Rosetta 4.07 windows_intelx86
Number of tasks completed 188
Max tasks per day 474
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 0
Average processing rate 2.77 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 4.16 days
Rosetta 4.07 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed 160
Max tasks per day 498
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 0
Average processing rate 2.76 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 3.31 days
Rosetta 4.15 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed 0
Max tasks per day 492
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 0
Average turnaround time 3.00 days
Rosetta 4.20 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed 10389
Max tasks per day 698
Number of tasks today 10
Consecutive valid tasks 198
Average processing rate 2.78 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 1.18 days
Rosetta 4.21 windows_intelx86
Number of tasks completed 1
Max tasks per day 501
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 1
Average processing rate 2.78 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 0.34 days
rosetta python projects 1.03 windows_x86_64 (vbox64)
Number of tasks completed 75
Max tasks per day 499
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 0
Average processing rate 2.78 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 1.93 days
Rosetta Beta 6.00 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed 56
Max tasks per day 556
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 56
Average processing rate 2.78 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 1.44 days
Rosetta Beta 6.02 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed 102
Max tasks per day 602
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 102
Average processing rate 2.78 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 0.87 days
Rosetta Beta 6.03 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed 293
Max tasks per day 749
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 249
Average processing rate 2.78 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 1.07 days
Rosetta Beta 6.04 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed 6784
Max tasks per day 647
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 149
Average processing rate 2.78 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 0.75 days
Rosetta Beta 6.06 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed 750
Max tasks per day 547
Number of tasks today 10
Consecutive valid tasks 48
Average processing rate 2.78 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 0.67 days
Show active versions

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