Posts by Laurenu2

1) Message boards : Number crunching : A Challenge (Message 25088)
Posted 27 Aug 2006 by Laurenu2
This to David Baker
It seems you have a No Win situation here
#1 you can not take away the points given in the past for the members that used opt. clients because is was said it was said by your staff that it was not against Rosetta's rules to do so
#2 If you do not reduce the past points the other 1/2 will feel they have been cheated. And will be mad at Rosetta for saying it was OK to use the opt. clients
So you (Rosetta) are in a No win situation here
Here is one thing you might consider to end this mater
#1 End Rosetta close the points

#2 Start Rosetta 2 with a new secure client that is run on the new point system and lets all start all over again

This post was from the call of carl.h for "O.k. guys...Positive input only. That means no tearing the other guys post.

2) Message boards : Number crunching : Is this for real??? (Message 18890)
Posted 18 Jun 2006 by Laurenu2
Man I am so sorely tempted to recruit you for my team :) and so would any team.
:) :)

Do It! At least for the Million Point Day!

seems like your a Day late and 2500 points short
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Is this for real??? (Message 18760)
Posted 16 Jun 2006 by Laurenu2
Thanks Mod9 that helped a little I think
Computer code always make my eyes go Cross eyed
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Is this for real??? (Message 18753)
Posted 16 Jun 2006 by Laurenu2
I find it hard to believe that Rosetta or Boinc can make the point system in place now a fair and even field, way to Manny clients, OS's, and type CPUs , conch's, And Hyper Overclocking to deal with.

Back to my original Question about RAC How can a member get a Rac that is

8X his total points

I might be slow but I am having trouble understanding how the RAC is formulated

I know it is not of any real value here. But I do like to understand how things work
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Is this for real??? (Message 18729)
Posted 15 Jun 2006 by Laurenu2

Typically it's getting 65 credit per 6,500 second WU (and obviously will be processing two at a time, hence 1 credit per 50 seconds.

Which would result in 36 credits per hour per CPU.
My FX-60 gets 357 credits for a 24 hour work unit: 15 credits per hour per CPU.

Just a wild stab in the dark: You are using some optimized clients for other projects and therefor run a calibrating BOINC application and forgot to turn off calibration for Rosetta?

cu, Jochen

Can I ask how old your FX-60 system IS ?
Do you use the system at all? Do you have any firewall, anti Virus running?
Do you use that FX-60 for anything except crunching Rosetta?

This computer is brand new and has both cores working ONLY Rose
The OS is NEW with no programs loaded except Rosetta and There is no I/O like sound, mouse/KB to rob cycles
And yes I do have them OC But Look At there OUTPUT 100jobs per week
That machine is 2 weeks old and did 200+ jobs
your FX60 has been working for 6 months and has only done 21 jobs
With a record like that I can see why your grumpy with High RAC's
You might want to do some general maintenance defrag. spy ware blow out all the cooling, reset the CPU with new paste.
But if you look at all the finished jobs I did I am sure you will see I do run faster cleaner PC then most just by the number of jobs I complete compared to other members with the same PC in the same time frame
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Is this for real??? (Message 18709)
Posted 15 Jun 2006 by Laurenu2
@Laurenu2: You are one of those, having a BOINC version 5.5.0 with far too high benchmark results. What kind of BOINC client are you using? Why are the benchmarks that high?

Can you tell me what computer node are you referring to that is to high.
I even get lost in my network 70+ nodes Please give computer name not computer ID #
I have been restocking with new AMD X2's, are these the ones your talking about
If you look at the Top participants My first listing is about 20+ pages down
and the people in front of my first listing are using lesser computers then I.
So I would guess I am not getting that much more points for the work done

But as I said to the system Lords it would be best to make it all even for the same work done

7) Message boards : Number crunching : Is this for real??? (Message 18685)
Posted 15 Jun 2006 by Laurenu2
Can some one tell me how someone with only has 3,822.20 points get a RAC of 30,128.86??

6 PF2002 30,128.86 3,822.20 Netherlands 3 Jan 2006 15:17:02 UTC

I have 66+ PC's running 24/7 and upload 2X's his over all total every 6 HR's and my RAC is 31,650.90 Thats only 1500 more then his

Is this guy cheating by changing the numbers on his end

Do you have his computer ID? If so please contact me at or contact BOK. Do so ASAP, please

No his Computers are hidden from the public
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Is this for real??? (Message 18684)
Posted 15 Jun 2006 by Laurenu2
A lot of the first time posters are showing strange results like that, Lauren2.

Credit: 4
RAC: 250
single or double digit Credit, and RAC in the 3 digit range. Is RAC being calculated differently with Boinc 5.4.9 or Rosetta's .22 release?

This is not 250 BUT 30,128 His RAC is 8X his points And if you look all his points are way over 30 days old. So I am not sure 5.4.9 was inplay then

If this is let passed by the system Lords as OK I want my RAC boosted to 19,490,032 RAC score

I think the system lords here need to look into ways to make the point system that is more fair and even to all. If not people will see the unbalance and walk a way

Thats my 2 cents
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Is this for real??? (Message 18651)
Posted 14 Jun 2006 by Laurenu2
Can some one tell me how someone with only has 3,822.20 points get a RAC of 30,128.86??

6 PF2002 30,128.86 3,822.20 Netherlands 3 Jan 2006 15:17:02 UTC

I have 66+ PC's running 24/7 and upload 2X's his over all total every 6 HR's and my RAC is 31,650.90 Thats only 1500 more then his

Is this guy cheating by changing the numbers on his end
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Report Problems with Rosetta Version 5.16 I (Message 16812)
Posted 22 May 2006 by Laurenu2
Hi Laurenu2... can you post the results page for one of your nodes that has this problem? Thanks!

I just looked through the pages for four or five of the nodes that are under your userid -- they all have had perfect success rates for
the last three days! We're not aware of any bad WU's being sent out on rosetta@home, and have been checking that the error rates are low. Obviously,
we need to know ASAP if there are any bad WUs. (There was a bad batch last week on ralph, but it was a small batch, and has been purged from the system.)

A lot of my nodes are without work due to reaching there WU quotas Rosetta should check there system and purge the BAD WU's they just sent out

Yes that is the same problem I have 60 to 70 PC's make Way way to many node pages to scan through
look here
There was another but it is lost in what I call my network

On this node
I found it locked up due to Rosetta eating up all the memory and about 500 MB of a swap file had to kill Rose through Task man rebooted and it started eating memory again about 400 meg on just under 3 min I had to abort that WU and then it worked fine again.
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Report Problems with Rosetta Version 5.16 I (Message 16797)
Posted 21 May 2006 by Laurenu2
This ist not really a bug, but it is bugging me:

The new work units seem to have only very few "saving points"

Which means, you put half an hour or even an hour of crunching in, shut down the computer for some reason and when you get back to runching, you have to start over again..

I had this happen at least three times, so I wonder if there is any possibility to put more save spots in the WUs for the crunchers who are not running 24/7 ???

Greets Thor[Free-DC]

I to have seen this happen you reboot a pc that have a hour+ loged on it and it starts over at 00:00 you the check points are not working on all WU's

And Mod 9 then you are the lucky one that do not get these Errors But just becuse you do not get them does not meen we are not getting them
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Report Problems with Rosetta Version 5.16 I (Message 16783)
Posted 21 May 2006 by Laurenu2
A lot of my nodes are without work due to reaching there WU quotas Rosetta should check there system and purge the BAD WU's they just sent out
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Report stuck & aborted 5.01 WU here please - III (Message 14360)
Posted 22 Apr 2006 by Laurenu2
Ok here is a Small list of all the LONG Runners I Abortd Today
I am sure it toped over 200 Hrs
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Report stuck & aborted 5.01 WU here please - III (Message 14303)
Posted 21 Apr 2006 by Laurenu2
I have 4 long runners running here Norm run time is 2 Hrs +/-

4/21/2006 2:01:44 AM|rosetta@home|Starting result FACONTACTS_RECENTER_NOFILTERS_1bgf__448_895_1 using rosetta version 501 1.52% @6hr

4/20/2006 11:29:01 PM|rosetta@home|Starting result FACONTACTS_RECENTER_NOFILTERS_1r69__448_100_1 using rosetta version 501 2.44% @9.2hr

4/21/2006 2:49:55 AM|rosetta@home|Starting result HBLR_1.0_1hz6_420_4593_1 using rosetta version 501 3.68% @ 6.1 hr

4/21/2006 2:33:19 AM|rosetta@home|Starting result HBLR_1.0_1mky_420_5056_1 using rosetta version 501==4.11% @ 6.7hr

I am going to work I will check on them again later today to see what is up with them

Well back after 7 Hr and they are all still running all up 0.05% at this rate it will take over 200 Hrs to complete I am Aborting all with about 12 to 15 Hrs

I will try to post a link later after the UL
15) Message boards : Number crunching : Report stuck & aborted 5.01 WU here please - III (Message 14264)
Posted 21 Apr 2006 by Laurenu2
I have 4 long runners running here Norm run time is 2 Hrs +/-

4/21/2006 2:01:44 AM|rosetta@home|Starting result FACONTACTS_RECENTER_NOFILTERS_1bgf__448_895_1 using rosetta version 501 1.52% @6hr

4/20/2006 11:29:01 PM|rosetta@home|Starting result FACONTACTS_RECENTER_NOFILTERS_1r69__448_100_1 using rosetta version 501 2.44% @9.2hr

4/21/2006 2:49:55 AM|rosetta@home|Starting result HBLR_1.0_1hz6_420_4593_1 using rosetta version 501 3.68% @ 6.1 hr

4/21/2006 2:33:19 AM|rosetta@home|Starting result HBLR_1.0_1mky_420_5056_1 using rosetta version 501==4.11% @ 6.7hr

I am going to work I will check on them again later today to see what is up with them
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Report stuck & aborted WU here please - II (Message 14224)
Posted 21 Apr 2006 by Laurenu2
Thank you Rhiju
For listening to our needs and taking steeps to fix or improve a vary frustrating problem.
If any my words were at all harsh Pleases forgive me. It was not my intent
I just want to get my point across And words do not come easily to me

I have checked all my nodes and not one is on 1.4 So I guess the bad ones are at a end.
Again Thank You

17) Message boards : Number crunching : Report stuck & aborted WU here please - II (Message 14193)
Posted 20 Apr 2006 by Laurenu2
It'd still be nice to have WUs that are only causing problems with say.. the Windows clients, only be sent out to the Linux/Darwin users, instead of requiring 3 failures on Windows clients before they're shelved.

And if Boinc/Rosetta sends any data back and forth during the network connections that could be piggybacked.. (when we're looking to see if we need new work, returning a finished WU, or checking to see if there's a Rosetta update), so that the file would be left on the machine until the next connection to the server - it would be nice to have a list of problem WUs sent out that should be nuked..

Although, between the mentioned changes, and hopefully better pre-testing on Ralph, we can hope that the problem would not crop up any more.. :)

Or even a user slected option for the client to report back to the servers every 3 to 6 Hrs Could give them a lot of alpha info to see what works better and hot any upgrades are working
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Report stuck & aborted WU here please - II (Message 14172)
Posted 20 Apr 2006 by Laurenu2
Snake Doctor
I am sorry If I am a little slower then most people here like you. I have my problems I will not go into right now
But if you think Me trying to explain a Bug that I found (endless loop) is Bashing And posting the long letter below I think you are the one doing the bashing at me WHY
It may be true that I am a little frustrated And perhaps it my show through but I was not basing I worked hard for Hrs trying to find that WU and learn how to find the info they wanted and I did post it Is that Bashing NO

AGAIN my point here is the Rosetta system need to have in place a method to remove bad work on servers and clients To think this will not happen again is unwise

30 point hahaha I make over 17,000 points a day do you really think I am concerned with a Meir 30 points You need to get a reality check

I am quite sure I have had around 1200 Hrs of CPU time stuck on these all the wasted time is what concerns me

19) Message boards : Number crunching : Report stuck & aborted WU here please - II (Message 14154)
Posted 20 Apr 2006 by Laurenu2
[quoteAs a personal asside I might point out that the usefulness of your posting is directly related to the information you provide concerning the problem. Could you at least provide a link to the result ID so the problem can be examined?[/color][/b]

Ok after spending the last 1.5 Hrs looking I found it
Note the time sent and the time sent back over 104 that meens this job was on it's 3rd loop 48 + 48 + 7 Now look at the granted points 8.25156419314919
for for a job that ran for 104 Hrs
Now you can see why I was saying your Auto abort and your granting due credit is not working And the Real need to find a way to purge BAD WU's from the Rosetta Servers and the members clients.
It is unfaire for Rosetta to make us members pay the bills to purge the system of your Bad WU's
Result ID 17079919
Name FA_RLXpt_hom002_1ptq__361_380_3
Workunit 11796498
Created 12 Apr 2006 9:46:52 UTC
Sent 12 Apr 2006 11:29:20 UTC
Received 16 Apr 2006 19:13:28 UTC
Server state Over
Outcome Client error
Client state Computing
Exit status -197 (0xffffff3b)
Computer ID 178772
Report deadline 26 Apr 2006 11:29:20 UTC
CPU time 1716.296875
stderr out <core_client_version>5.2.13</core_client_version>
<message>aborted via GUI RPC
# random seed: 2485491
# random seed: 2485491
# random seed: 2485491
# random seed: 2485491


Validate state Invalid
Claimed credit 8.25156419314919
Granted credit 8.25156419314919
application version 4.98

20) Message boards : Number crunching : Report stuck & aborted WU here please - II (Message 14146)
Posted 19 Apr 2006 by Laurenu2

You obviously missed the post from "Rhiju" where he said in part-

"...The result is reported to us as a large amount of "claimed credit"; we are going through on a weekly basis and granting credit for these jobs that caused big problems and returned "invalid" results. The results and your posting are still useful to us -- in this case, the postings on this work unit helped us track down a pretty esoteric bug in Rosetta. Let me know what the result number is -- if its not flagged to get credit, I can see why."

The full text of the post is Here.
As a personal asside I might point out that the usefulness of your posting is directly related to the information you provide concerning the problem. Could you at least provide a link to the result ID so the problem can be examined?

I have seen the above post But You obviously missed the post from me where I said the auto abort at 48Hrs is not working

"...Well David I let this one FA_RLXpt_hom002_1ptq__361_380_3 run through 48 HR it did not self abort as you said it would and send it self in IT JUST RESTARTED and it most likely was the 3rd time it restarted. That is 142 Hrs of wasted CPU time ."

I think I aborted it at 7.5Hrs But I was watching all the way through 48 Hrs
And then the clock went to 00:00 So I know for a fact that it Had at least 55 Hrs that I know of and it might have done the loop 5 X But you only grant credit for the 7.5 Hrs recorded after the loop reset
So Not only is the 48 Hrs auto abort not working the way you want it to the granting of credit not working the way it should either

And also this post where I said

"... I'm sorry I can not, I looked for it but could not find it. For me your system for tracking WU is hard to use for me It might work OK for me if I had only a few nodes working this. But I have over 50 nodes working this project, jobs get lost with so many pages of WU's It might help if you put in page numbers 1 to 10 20 30 40 50 instead of Just NEXT PAGE

If you want to tell me how to get the info you want I will try to retrieve it for you . Is there a file in my Boinc folder that I can open to get this Info
I looked through hundreds of pages of returned WU And that was only 3 days worth (VARRY HARD to work with for a power user)
I still do not know how all the other posters are getting and posting the links they are

So you tell me what you want me to do, or to retreave from my network Just remember I am NOT in the IT feild so please be kind

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