Posts by Olivier

1) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : What is a flexible backbone protein? (Message 19841)
Posted 6 Jul 2006 by Olivier
Bonjour Olivier,

Merci pour tes questions et pour traduire notre site en francais! Je pense que tu comprend le biochimie bein mieux que je comprend francais (excuse ma mauvaise grammaire et ortho, svp), mais quand meme j'aimerais bien lire ton site de web en francais, quand tu a fini faire la traduction.

Bonjour, et merci. Malheureusement, je pense que tu comprends mieux le français que moi la biochimie! Mon truc c'est plutôt la physique nucléaire, et encore, comme je suis ingénieur, le temps où je faisais de la physique nucléaire pure est... très loin... mais toutes les réponses apportées très gentiment ici avec beaucoup de patience m'aident beaucoup. Merci! Je ne sais pas trop quelle sera l'adresse du site final, mais j'essaierai de le poster, si jamais notre travail est utilisé.

Thanks Christoph for taking time and effort to explain things so well! I'm well behind, and there's not much left to explain, nonetheless, I thought I'd chime in to add a little more detail to the discussion of amino acids, residues, sequence and structure.

Yes, thanks again Christoph, and thanks Vanita, that helped me some more. I'm going to try that paper you pointed me to.
2) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : What is a flexible backbone protein? (Message 19596)
Posted 30 Jun 2006 by Olivier
Thank you so much Christoph, I'm going to take a look at all that. I'm sorry if this info can be found somewhere else on the site, I haven't had much time to check it out, between that translation, real work, kids, etc... (not necessarily in the right order!) :-) Don't hesitate to point me to a link if you don't have time to answer all my questions! Thanks a lot again.

3) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : What is a flexible backbone protein? (Message 19574)
Posted 30 Jun 2006 by Olivier
OK, I have a few more questions...

So the backbone of a protein is pretty much its main chain (or sequence) of amino-acids molecules ? I’m not sure I understand correctly the difference between the sequence and the structure: the sequence is the order of the amino-acids molecules within the protein (for a given structure), and the structure is the amino-acids’ 3D spatial configuration? If it’s not too much bother for you, could you give a simple example of the flexible backbone protein design process?

What are the residues of the sequences of a protein then? Are there really side chains, or are all chains equally important for the structure?

What is protein folding exactly ?

I woner about this sentence: « We used the physical model described above and a modification of our rotamer search-based computational design strategy to generate novel DNase-inhibitor protein pairs predicted to interact tightly with one another but not with the wild-type proteins »; what does the wild-type in that case mean? Proteins not of the type designed here?
4) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : What is a flexible backbone protein? (Message 19477)
Posted 29 Jun 2006 by Olivier

Hi Olivier,

welcome aboard!

Yes, that sentence gave me the creeps as well. It was hard to translate it before I read some web pages on the topic (which are rare).

Hey, thanks! That helps me a lot, I'll work on that tomorrow.
5) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : What is a flexible backbone protein? (Message 19437)
Posted 28 Jun 2006 by Olivier
Hi, my name is Olivier and I'm translating part of the website in French. I'm running into difficulties, not being a specialist in proteins :) ... could someone give me a quick (if possible) explanation of what a flexible backbone protein is? Is it, as the name suggests, a protein whose structure can freely change? Here is the part of the sentence I'm currently working on:

"... second, many problems of current interest, such as flexible backbone protein design and protein-protein docking with backbone flexibility, involve a combination of the different optimization methods..."

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

6) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : Rosetta@home Web Site Translations (Message 19329)
Posted 26 Jun 2006 by Olivier
Hello, I'd be available to help with the French translation if needed. Feel free to email me.


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