Posts by Tom Philippart

1) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : Target CPU run time (Message 70183)
Posted 30 Apr 2011 by Tom Philippart
is it still relevant today?

I remember in 2006/2007 there were some discussions about the optimal time.

What is the project's preferred setting?

My computers run 24/7 so there's no personal preference involved.
2) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : CASP9 (Message 66067)
Posted 11 May 2010 by Tom Philippart
hmmm 3 days doesn't seem a lot given the long deadlines of this project.

In this case: @Bakerteam: what's your prefered WU runtime?

I think the goal is to have as many predictions as possible in this time frame...
3) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : CASP9 (Message 66030)
Posted 8 May 2010 by Tom Philippart
Hello, 2 basic questions:

1. are our casp deadlines the "human" or "server" deadlines?

2. where can I find out which target I'm running? I remember on the last CASP challenges, the target name was in cluded in the WU name in this format tXXX_rest_of_the_WU_name. Right now I see a WU with casp9 in the name on my computer, but it says t000...
4) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : DISCUSSION of Rosetta@home Journal (4) (Message 65908)
Posted 30 Apr 2010 by Tom Philippart
what are those three teams rosetta/bakerlab is working with?

The project list only lists the university of washington at one time.

5) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : CASP9 (Message 65907)
Posted 30 Apr 2010 by Tom Philippart

We will be utilizing BOINC heavily during the next 4 months, as you can see we already have nearly 4 million workunits lined up.
We have been very busy getting everything ready in time!


Those 4 million WUs are no CASP WUs???

It says the first targets will be released on may 3rd...
6) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : DISCUSSION of Rosetta@home Journal (4) (Message 62160)
Posted 10 Jul 2009 by Tom Philippart
Do you plan to mention the users who found the best predictions in your blog again and maybe in the papers and articles as you did some time ago?

May I also ask for a short WU description by someone of the Baker team? It would be interesting to know if WU xyz is crunching a flu target you posted about or if it is an application benchmark run, ...

Thanks :)

an update of the "top preditctions" page would be nice too :)
7) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : DISCUSSION of Rosetta@home Journal (4) (Message 62150)
Posted 9 Jul 2009 by Tom Philippart
Do you plan to mention the users who found the best predictions in your blog again and maybe in the papers and articles as you did some time ago?

May I also ask for a short WU description by someone of the Baker team? It would be interesting to know if WU xyz is crunching a flu target you posted about or if it is an application benchmark run, ...

Thanks :)
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Server error: can't attach shared memory (Message 60498)
Posted 5 Apr 2009 by Tom Philippart
i re-attached, now it works
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Server error: can't attach shared memory (Message 60497)
Posted 5 Apr 2009 by Tom Philippart
Message from server: Server error: can't attach shared memory

I can't get any tasks from rosetta, other projects work
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Server error: can't attach shared memory (Message 60489)
Posted 4 Apr 2009 by Tom Philippart
4/4/2009 1:18:54 PM rosetta@home Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
4/4/2009 1:18:54 PM rosetta@home Requesting new tasks
4/4/2009 1:18:59 PM rosetta@home Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
4/4/2009 1:18:59 PM rosetta@home Message from server: Server error: can't attach shared memory

11) Message boards : Number crunching : teraFLOPS estimate? (Message 53738)
Posted 17 Jun 2008 by Tom Philippart
Everybody now supports POEM@Home during the CASP race. Many crunchers moved (temporarily?) to this project as I predicted last month in the "CASP8" thread in the science section...
POEM went from 7Tflops to over 35Tflops!

I suppose a number of them will still come back for July after this race.
12) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : Non CASP8 Work Units (Message 53414)
Posted 28 May 2008 by Tom Philippart
you should always let them run, they ensure that there's work during a casp shortage and if you abort them, it will only delay the system, they have to be crunched by somebody!
13) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : DISCUSSION of Rosetta@home Journal (3) (Message 53199)
Posted 20 May 2008 by Tom Philippart
Do all CASP targets have the mention Txxx (x=number of target) in the WU name? Or are the recent hxxx (x=number of target) CASP targets too?


CASP 7 had a mention about CASP in the graphics, it would be cool if this would come back or the wu name would include the mention "casp".
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Major problem with credit (Message 53076)
Posted 15 May 2008 by Tom Philippart
Any news on this problem? Are they lost?

You're credits are surely lost, since the system is moving on and you only get as much credit as the results are worth scientifically (within the boinc stock crediting range).

This sadly happens in some cases, it could be due to the WU, a bug in the software or a problem occured on your computer (like too frequent rebooting, memory/harddrive errors, ...)

15) Message boards : Number crunching : Increase TFLOPS during CASP 8 by utilizing RALPH (Message 53060)
Posted 14 May 2008 by Tom Philippart
Ralph is only the rosetta alpha project, it is only meant to test new applications and WUs, no actual science is done on that project.
16) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : CASP 8 (Message 53003)
Posted 12 May 2008 by Tom Philippart
Are all of the CASP targets being crunched with the new mini or will my old (but reliable!)ppc mac get to join the fun?


minirosetta will be used!
17) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : CASP 8 (Message 52930)
Posted 9 May 2008 by Tom Philippart
Thank you very much for your reply! I see other threads (number crunching section) got answers too, thanks so much for taking time to adress the vulenteers.

Now that I finally understand the problem behind, I'll be happy to support rosetta during CASP with some additional computers and I'm in the process of organizing a TeAm AnandTech Rosette CASP team race!
18) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : Graphics back in Minirosetta 1.15 (Message 52894)
Posted 7 May 2008 by Tom Philippart
wow these new graphics even work on boinc v.6, great work!

EDIT: but no protein is displayed in version 1.19
19) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : CASP 8 (Message 52892)
Posted 7 May 2008 by Tom Philippart
Let's not start a fight, let me just point out a few points:

I'm talking about a "bad" public image that slowly begins to spread in the DC community, others wouldn't even know what POEM is.

I've been reading these message boards every day since 2006 and I really noticed a slowdown in communication from the team (not Dr Baker).

CASP7 was a fun time, we knew what WUs were CASP WUs and the project team announced the major and minor events from the start to the end. If you don't visit these message boards regularly and only visit the startpage for the news you would barely know that rosetta participates in CASP. I remember people saying something like "einstein can wait for his thesis to be proven, CASP and mankind cannot".

So far I've only seen approximate answers from crunchers concerning the XBOX, SSE issue and nobody was really sure, there hasn't been a statement from the project team in any thread.

I really appreciated it, when somebody from the team recently posted the "help me explain the science behind rosetta" and I actively contributed to it.

Yes, I've read the papers and compared them to the F@H papers. I clearly noticed the difference and I fully support rosetta on that end.

In summary:
The DC image has become a bit worse through the fact that the most urging questions (like what are we crunching and which disease/research field is currently targeted, the thread is rarely ever updated, I check a protein data base to see what I'm crunching) noted above. Furthermore the optimization and platform questions even get worse through the fact that there is no statement on these forums. F@H now supports PS3s, GPUs and people only see a game being born on this end.

I still like the project, but I fear and that's why this is intended to be a warning, that the lack of communication in this domain could harm rosetta (from a contributor count point of view)
20) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : CASP 8 (Message 52880)
Posted 6 May 2008 by Tom Philippart
May 05, 2008
The minirosetta application has been updated to version 1.19. This version introduces several bugfixes for our CASP8 abinitio and template-based modeling protocols. We'll be testing small batches of workunits this evening and tomorrow morning. For details, see this thread, and please report bugs in this thread.

Thanks for reading my post ;)

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