Posts by uniquecp

1) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Team Starfire World BOINC! (Message 39562)
Posted 18 Apr 2007 by uniquecp
Are you looking for a team with active members? Forums that aren't one dimensional? Live chat or IRC which people actually use? A truly international team of diverse individuals working toward common goals? Then check out Team Starfire World BOINC.

We are a young team of experienced distributed computing members with ties going back over 6 years. Stop in and say hi at our irc channel, irc://, or join through our chat client.

We'd be happy to have you join our Rosetta@home team as we grow.

Stop in and see what we're all about.

As a member of this small but fun team interested in the science and DC in general
all I can say is

If like fun and computers, IRC chat and all of BOINC drop in and check it out

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