Posts by nsandersen

1) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Kings Distributed Systems - Alpha Registration (Message 88111)
Posted 19 Jan 2018 by nsandersen
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Deadlines too short (Message 87483)
Posted 10 Oct 2017 by nsandersen
Ah, forgot to mention, no change in R@H preferences, it sounds like I probably just managed to get a lot of the "mini" 3-day tasks with 3.5h initial runtime estimates making it think it can process a lot more than it can.

3) Message boards : Number crunching : Deadlines too short (Message 87482)
Posted 10 Oct 2017 by nsandersen
OK, I mostly saw 3 day ones lately, usually with actual runtimes close to 7.5h. But just as we are posting it has now picked up some 7-day ones.
The estimated runtimes have now reached 3:50-3:55 rather than 3:30, so I guess it will get there eventually.

Thank you.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Deadlines too short (Message 87471)
Posted 9 Oct 2017 by nsandersen
I'll bump this, seeing that I get Rosetta units with deadlines of 3 days between download and completion.

And they consistently take almost twice as long to run as estimated.. (I guess the calculation time estimate from the BOINC CPU benchmarks is not up to date)?

The CPU is an i7, nothing exotic.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : 0xc000000005 (Message 1871)
Posted 28 Oct 2005 by nsandersen
Are we talking about "Wargames" here :) ?
6) Message boards : Number crunching : 0xc000000005 (Message 1852)
Posted 27 Oct 2005 by nsandersen
If you can, try the new 5+ client.

Tried that (with some assorted associated problems - now solved). After aborting the last of the WUs failing under BOINC 4.19 it seems to work - it has now completed 3 in a row.

Thank you!
7) Message boards : Number crunching : 0xc000000005 (Message 1785)
Posted 26 Oct 2005 by nsandersen
Maybe related..?

I run BOINC 4.19 and Rosetta 4.78 under Windows 2000 on an old dual Pentium 4 Xeon.

I get computation errors immediately when BOINC starts most Rosetta WUs (in fact I think only one or two ever ran OK) - currently it keeps trying and failing with the same WU. Resetting/updating the project mostly results in the same problem, just with a different WU.

Edit: It now tries a different WU - a new one approx every minute.

More specifically the unrecoverable error is "Incorrect function. (0x1) - exit code 1 (0x1))"

I also run climateprediction, which seems to be a disk space hog - don't know if that's related.

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