Posts by carl.h

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Team Points STOLEN!!!!! Over 6 Million Points! (Message 54347)
Posted 9 Jul 2008 by Profile carl.h
I did apply to be reinstated as far as creating another new Teddies team, I will ask the members

I`m very annoyed because we had team members still crunching here who appear to have been kicked off the team by this Barbar.

They were the quiet don`t look at the forum type guys and probably still don`t know they now have no team.

This is an appalling situation where a loophole has been used and hopefully this will now be shut.

Barbar was ruthless in kicking very dimutive figures off the team, denying the Teddies their righfull points in the project.

I hope this is rectified quickly and the fraud that barbar committted is dealt with by means of punitive action against both him and his team. The unfortunate thing is that this type of action by Eastern Europeans is prevalent in Europe in real life, Barbar has damaged his Country and it`s reputation as a whole bringing shame upon it. I hope the good people of his Country will forgive him, I doubt the Teddies will.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Team Points STOLEN!!!!! Over 6 Million Points! (Message 54271)
Posted 8 Jul 2008 by Profile carl.h
about whether team members still exist

I think therefore I am, at least I think I am.....;-)

If we didn`t exist there`s a whole lot of people out there who argued with ephereal beings. Course it could be a Ghost in the machine ! ;-)
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Keep getting unrecoverable error (Message 28912)
Posted 4 Oct 2006 by Profile carl.h
Too much overclock ????
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Closed to all, but those with stinky feet (Message 28890)
Posted 4 Oct 2006 by Profile carl.h
Yes here in the UK we have "Fish and chip" shops as opposed to fish and fries shops but this does not mean a nice piece of Cod fillet and a packet of Salt and Vinegar.

This type of meal in Essex is somewhat obligatorarily washed down with a diet coke to ease your conscience about all the fats and calories, that`s if young. The older person sticking to the more traditional " nice cuppa tea" !
5) Message boards : Number crunching : NT4 without HT v Linux/HT. (Message 28799)
Posted 1 Oct 2006 by Profile carl.h
Adrian believe me I was running Northwoods for a long time, they are NOT the same as Prescotts and run better/faster single threaded.

There was/is a vast amount of difference between the two.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : NT4 without HT v Linux/HT. (Message 28796)
Posted 1 Oct 2006 by Profile carl.h
Adrian if it were a P4 800FSB Northwood it runs better without HT but Prescotts run better with HT on Windows boxes. I believe the difference to be 10-20% in favour of HT on Prescotts !

You will gain performance with a linux OS because of less background apps etc., but the main agent has been utilized for Windows XP which is the average main OS. The linux boy`s are more likely to find an optimisation sooner rather than later !

BTW I have seen of late that most Macs now are returning far less than Windows with the new credit scoring !
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Closed to all, but those with stinky feet (Message 28765)
Posted 30 Sep 2006 by Profile carl.h
It's been once mentioned, no explanation given, that's not my definition of "clearly stated".

Twice ( edit nay thrice), once with technical statement from I believe David Kim and once from David Baker clearly stating " There will be no backdating".

From D.Bakers thread in Science
Second, To answer a question which came up on the boards--we will NOT be backdating credit totals. The new system will go into place early next week, adding on to the current totals.

From David Kim

(His capitals not mine)

Ethan too

You're free to hypothesize how things could be done, but please remember this is no longer an issue, it's been decided, and the only thing that will do anything to past scores would be a meteor hitting Seattle :)

I state impossible for those two reasons. I am prepared to believe David Kim and David Baker. If you do not there are connotations to that stance.

DCDC I have no beef with general discussion as such about the issue, it never ends as that though.

Regards your grey areas !

My issue with optimised clients was that they increased the grey area. What's the difference between using an optimised client that increases my score by 3x, or editing the xml to increase the benchmark 3x. What about 4x? If an optimised client was released that gave 80x by, for example, using the GPU, would that be fair? Only those that have a fast video card get the high scores though. Rosetta doesn't use the GPU but it doesn't use the SSE3 that the optimised clients base their scores on either.

The problem was caused,this is a big part of why most Teddies left, by the project Devs not being in control and stating outright what was or was not allowed. It is not upto members to judge, we do not make the rules, although I know Saenger loves democracy, this isn`t one. The people management was an issue I don`t think the project was prepared for. A clear statement was needed at the beginning of the was fudged as were other things imho.

Regardless of the decision there should have been a clear ruling from above.

The same with threads like this, they can be put to bed but there is no leadership here imho. Maybe you could say D.Baker and D.Kim have already ended it with their above statements.

So it rumbles on and on, people come and look at the Rosetta project and think I aint joining that, it`s a load of wally`s arguing about stuff from last year.

P.S. Fluffy Chicken thanks for that...for a moment there I thought I was going to be a yurpean ! phew ! LOL
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Closed to all, but those with stinky feet (Message 28756)
Posted 30 Sep 2006 by Profile carl.h
So the same can be said for Political decisions.

Catch 22. I tell you what, you don`t bring in politics , I won`t bring in law.

I don't care about what was once stated. If it's revealed that it was unfair, and if this can be changed retroactive, imho it has to be done asap for fairness sake.

It has been clearly stated that it is impossible, which part of impossible does not translate into German ? ;-)
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Closed to all, but those with stinky feet (Message 28754)
Posted 30 Sep 2006 by Profile carl.h
LOL Tony. But possibly true...
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Closed to all, but those with stinky feet (Message 28752)
Posted 30 Sep 2006 by Profile carl.h
As long as you call the want of fairness whining, I will definitely call the want for the stay of non-work-related credits whining.

Your point is disagreement with law (political/technical decision).

Jose`s point is political discussion in favour of existing law.

The law cannot possibly be changed now for whatever reason, it is written in stone. Any disagreement with it is a waste of time, therefore baseless whinging. If you are unhappy with a law that is not feasible to change what can I say to you ?

11) Message boards : Number crunching : Closed to all, but those with stinky feet (Message 28750)
Posted 30 Sep 2006 by Profile carl.h
I have no other evidence as the word of d.Kim in Ralph (which is Rosetta as well) that he thought it's possible, and a bit later he said afair that the data were now gone. It may have been a coincidence, it may have been a decision after a thorough data sifting that's it not possible, I simply don't know, and from the timing I deduct that it's been a political decision.

So you think project Devs are lying in stating the data is gone then ?

They have changed this now, so I'm happy for the future, but the past still sits there and nags at my confidence.

The past is just that. As you would ask others to let go of past things I ask you.

Regarding whining:
I don't know another term as well for the insisting of imho unfair high granted credits in relation to normal crunchers, and doing so in bold, red, oversized letters. Your insistence that the want for fairness is whining doesn't come over positive here as well.
And fair is imho only one thing: same work = same credits.

When a decision has been made whether political or technical it is law. Attempting to carry on discussing it ad infinitum in disagreement is simply whining or whinging. If a goal is allowed by the ref, even if TV evidence finds it wasn`t over the line ;-), it still stands end of.
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Closed to all, but those with stinky feet (Message 28746)
Posted 30 Sep 2006 by Profile carl.h
So what you are saying is that YOU are not happy with the project management ?

Simple yes or no.

"It's not going to happen" was a political, not a technical decision.

You are 100% sure of this in your evidence ?
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Closed to all, but those with stinky feet (Message 28744)
Posted 30 Sep 2006 by Profile carl.h
O.k. Saenger most of your post was useful, save the last few words that were unnecessary.

I don`t disagree with a levelling scheme, not that my opinion counts for much I`ve left.

The Devs said because of technical reasons this was NOT going to happen, I didn`t say that nor Jose. It may have been too much work, they may have thought it hassle, whatever. It is beyond what IS going to happen. Calling them liars in saying they are just giving in to whomever is very disrespectful.

Jose has agreed with a zeroing, I haven`t heard you disagree infact I think you recently ignored it since Jose said it.

In my opinion the fairest way would be to zero and restart with an archive of old scores.( Howether there are drawbacks)

Those who WANTED a recalculation were TOLD quite a while ago by the DEVS it wasn`t going to happen.

Now as far as I can see, everyone is in agreement the new system is fairer. The Ref has ruled out certain play but there is one option left open. Now if you agree to that option you will be sitting in the same seat as Jose are you going to let personal animosity get in your way ?

Now I take a lot of stick because I have no respect for authority but in all honesty I don`t whinge when my post`s are deleted. The Devs made a decision regards backdating, long before Jose took up the cause, in your wisdom you are whining about the Devs decision not Jose`s. This show`s little respect for them imho.

If you think the Devs are wrong and not bowing to your wishes you have the same door I went through. The decision is yours.


The project as far as I`m aware has implemented a hierachy that is to say....

If you have a complaint or idea, get your team captain (or yourself) to take it to the mods through email. The mods will assess and pass it upward through the chain as in all organisations.
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Closed to all, but those with stinky feet (Message 28742)
Posted 30 Sep 2006 by Profile carl.h
To your North is a wall...

To your South is a wall...

To your West is a Wall...

To your East is a door marked "EXIT"...It is blocked by three or four people

I see this is still popular !

Here's my position:
The whine and slander spouted by those that claimed more then normal for work done made the project let this vocal minority win and let fairness lose.

I would like this explained please Saenger. Who won what ? Are you talking of the Seti users whose cross project optimisation contaminated all projects ? When did the Devs give something to someone ? I missed that !

The statement fairness has lost ! Does that mean the new credit system is not fair ? OMG !


Round and round the Mulberry bush on a cold and frosty morning...;-)

BTW Written lies are "Libel" not slander! Nope I haven`t a clue in German, you`re better than me in that aspect !
15) Message boards : Number crunching : Closed to all, but those with stinky feet (Message 28718)
Posted 29 Sep 2006 by Profile carl.h
As I remember it when I first entered the discussion on credits there was this strange bloke calling for an end to all cheating by coming away from Boinc altogether, starting afresh. I thought him a little over the top but he got me to look at the whole system and I saw all the flaws that were within Boinc and it`s accreditation system.....

That strange bloke was Jose and he put a lot of effort into sorting out the inflamed scoring !

Now all some of you have done is continuously knock him and his team to the point all reasoning was lost.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Closed to all, but those with stinky feet (Message 28717)
Posted 29 Sep 2006 by Profile carl.h
O.k. my turn... to play...

You have again avoided an answer: Where is the line to be crossed?

double as normal? triple? 10 times? 100 times?

Either even 1000 times is "legal" as you prefer to say as well, or the 5.5 is claiming too much. Nothing was explicitly verboten, so following your legalistic argumentation it's allowed or even encouraged. Why do you consider this ones as something else?

The answer is.....

It wasn`t for you or I to say ! We were not the judges although some thought they had the right to judge !

You had the right to report to the devs that which you thought unfair, they decided not you !
Jose did and I know others did too, but then it seemed you all wanted to be Ronaldo ....... and shout at the ref to book him and send him off !
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Closed to all, but those with stinky feet (Message 28713)
Posted 29 Sep 2006 by Profile carl.h
I still know the answer.....Please Sir ;-)
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Closed to all, but those with stinky feet (Message 28711)
Posted 29 Sep 2006 by Profile carl.h
Biggles said something here but...., bloomin alzheimers starting early I guess

Ahhh but it does look around see how many cross project participants there are Biggles.

I am an alcoholic.....I haven`t drank (to any degree) in 20 years.

Of course it mattered you linked to the client, advertising it is giving your stamp of approval, imho.

If I say you really shouldn`t do this, OTHER PEOPLE (if you`re found out) will call you a cheat and then link to`s a nudge nudge kinda thing !

C`mon Biggles I give you more credit than that. It was a stupid thing to do, the battle of optimised doesn`t just start and end here it`s going on in other projects too....All under the Boinc flag.

The new credit system started in August, 306 days ago you were calling cheat and running 5.5 at least have some spunk man !
19) Message boards : Number crunching : Closed to all, but those with stinky feet (Message 28707)
Posted 29 Sep 2006 by Profile carl.h
Please Sir, please, please.....I know this one please can I answer ?

Boinc ...Said Zeberdee.......Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Off Topic, carl.h.....You will be moderated, delete, delete, delete said the Cybermen !
20) Message boards : Number crunching : Closed to all, but those with stinky feet (Message 28646)
Posted 29 Sep 2006 by Profile carl.h
Biggles what I posted was indeed correct in my opinion. If you go back through your post`s you continually lambast optimised users and specifically XS. Yet fail to say this actually started with Seti users who were at fault of skewing the Boinc points initially. Once they were skewed it was unchangeable, the fact that others came MUCH later and skewed them some more makes no difference. No one can actually state with any great certainty, without a total rehash back to ?, who cheated, when and how much or even the fact it was cheating because it was not declared illegal. The fact of the matter is that Boinc devs and project devs NEVER stated it illegal so therefore, as you wrote in one or two of your post`s, it wasn`t cheating. The fact that from time to time you altered this position to suit is what comes across as hypocrisy.

There have been a lot of people here calling foul and lambasting one particular team because they stood up and were honest, a lot of these people were part of the original cause of the skewing of points.

The biggest problem is that everybody seems so set in their ways and never change their views in light of new information.

No the biggest problem is people changing their view to suit their own argument and then changing it back to suit a different forum. Your own seeming witch hunt against XS when you were just as guilty is hypocritical to say the least, many others were just as bad.

During September XS called for opti`s to be taken off all members machines, how many of you teams did similar ? Biggles you posted a bloomin link to 5.5 in September. I know what you posted but it`s like saying I don`t think alcohol is good but there`s free beer round the corner !

Now if this is just a personal argument between you and I over your hypocrisy or not , may I suggest we take it elsewhere before it blows up into old argument once again. There is a real hatred in DC now between some teams that is not far from violence.

Failing that I will settle that someone neutral who I respect decide if you were actually hypocritical or not. I don`t expect you`ll like being judged but you are quick to judge others.

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