Posts by FredJVerster

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Mini Rosetta Version 3.41. (Message 74308)
Posted 14 Nov 2012 by FredJVerster
Sincere apology for all the Zdock errors. The jobs failed due to one missing file in some of the zip files. I have downsized/withdrawn all the WUs. Sorry for the irresponsible submissions. Thanks for your contribution of WUs. It won't happen again.

I have MiniRosettas 3.43 that show no progress after 4 hours???
Aborted already 1, no change should I Abort all of them?
They kind of fail with no CPU-use?
2) Message boards : Number crunching : About ready to REMOVE Rosetta@home (Message 71656)
Posted 28 Nov 2011 by FredJVerster
Thanks for the useful posts, Modsense.

Just looked in TaskManager and Minirosetta uses 712MByte (D)RAM
per task. By far the most, compaired to Einstein@Home, Malaria Control, SETI@Home
LHC@home, GPUGrid, Docking@home, Milkyway, etc. CPDN, uses a lot of memory, too.

Using a fast 8 GByte SD card as ReadyBoost*, can/will help, as I noticed the high memory use, inmediatly.
*(Only on VISTA and WIN 7).
Kind of new around here ;-)

I think that's a good point - Readyboost isn't a replacement for RAM but benefits reads even if you have loads of RAM (and no SSD). If you don't have loads of RAM then it can really improve system responsiveness, as long as the flash device is reasonably quick on reads.

If you do use Readyboost then a few points to note:
Win7 can use multiple devices for RB
Enable write caching on any readyboost devices to improve the write speeds (but then you should eject them from the system tray menu if you want to unplug them).
For 4GB+ you need to format the device as exfat.
I believe USB3 devices tend to give the best bang for buck for readyboost (even on USB2 sockets USB3 drives tend to have quicker response times etc) - good article on Anandtech.

Thanks for your reply, I'm using a 8 GByte SD card(fastest-series), formatted as NTFS. Also noticed, another Device can be added.
It now uses 7.8GByte and HDD'(s) are quiet, no SSD, yet.
And it's possible to have multiple browser-pages 'open' whithout hick-ups, also make a screendump open PAINT and store it.
This INTEL DP67BG Mobo, also has USB 3.0 and eSATA. Copying, while BOINC is running, is a show-stopper, though!

3) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 71654)
Posted 28 Nov 2011 by FredJVerster

Like i said there's no work, nothing to do with Boinc manager.

Someone needs to kick the server.

Database status
State Approximate #results
Ready to send__3

You're probably right, I've 3 (pauzed) WU's and a crazy high memory usage, 6.2GByte RAM in use, 8 GByte installed.(DDR3-1600)
This host, also crunching Einstein, LHC and MalariaControl. HT= ON.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : About ready to REMOVE Rosetta@home (Message 71645)
Posted 27 Nov 2011 by FredJVerster
Thanks for the useful posts, Modsense.

Just looked in TaskManager and Minirosetta uses 712MByte (D)RAM
per task. By far the most, compaired to Einstein@Home, Malaria Control, SETI@Home
LHC@home, GPUGrid, Docking@home, Milkyway, etc. CPDN, uses a lot of memory, too.

Using a fast 8 GByte SD card as ReadyBoost*, can/will help, as I noticed the high memory use, inmediatly.
*(Only on VISTA and WIN 7).
Kind of new around here ;-)

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