Posts by sparkler99

1) Message boards : Number crunching : When will cuda support be ready ? (Message 70324)
Posted 12 May 2011 by sparkler99
amd would be screwed as there would be nothing going for them nvidia have decent drivers that are widely supported amd drivers until recently suffered from driver resets and 99% bug and apparently messed up opencl when using multiple cards in the 11.4 update that and the fact that there recent processors are suffered from problems eg phenom and phenom II especially with the 4 core processors with a faulty 3rd core
2) Message boards : Number crunching : When will cuda support be ready ? (Message 70322)
Posted 12 May 2011 by sparkler99
I personally could care less about using a graphics card for... graphics.

Personally, I only care about its ability to crunch for science, as a gp-gpu.

I don't know the answer for certain, but suspect it is "No.": Can "ATI's leading card" handle double precision floating point as well as Fermi?

Still couldn't beat ATI's leading card. Although, I don't know whether it's easier to code for an Nvidia video card or an ATI one.

Actually the ATI/AMD leading cards of the last years, the HD 5970 the last years and now the HD 6990 can run rings around the best nVidia card when it comes to double precision.

The GTX 295, nVidia's leading card of days gone by, could do 1788 GFlops single precision against a very meagre 149 GFlop double precision.
The GTX 590, nVidia's present leading card, does 2486 GFlops singkle precision against a still meagre 311 GFLop double precision.
The Quadro 6000 -nVidia's less-limited leading professional card- gives 1030 Gflops single precision, but deliveres a modest 515 GFLop double precision.

The HD 5970 deliveres 4640 GFlop single precision and does 928 GFlop double precision.
The HD 6990 deliveres 5099 GFlop single precision and does 1275 GFlop double precision.

I do know the answer for certain, knowing it is "YES": Can "ATI's leading card" handle double precision floating point as well as Fermi?

wrong the hd5970/6990 will only deliver 928/1275 GFLOP's double precision in a lab amd's cards also have buggy drivers the only good thing goes for amd is the fact that nvidia cripples there consumer cards if they didn't amd would be screwed
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Compute error (Message 69983)
Posted 6 Apr 2011 by sparkler99
this guy's pc ranked 3rd on top hosts wu's/day has been knocked down to just 30/day due to this and it doesn't seem like anyone knows there's a problem as the new on the from page hasn't been updated
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Compute error (Message 69978)
Posted 5 Apr 2011 by sparkler99
well ive got another error after detaching/reattaching project and redownloading project files so that doesn't help
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Compute error (Message 69968)
Posted 5 Apr 2011 by sparkler99
alots of people are getting them if you look at the wu's on your account page you should see the other people failing the wu as well ive had 10 so far fail and only 3 good units that don't contain cs_frags.9mers.gz
6) Message boards : Number crunching : minirosetta 2.17 (Message 69966)
Posted 4 Apr 2011 by sparkler99

both with can't open cs_frags.9mers.gz file has correct ownership and im on ubuntu so no antivirus interfering
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Compute error (Message 69965)
Posted 4 Apr 2011 by sparkler99
im getting them too client can't open cs_frags.9mers.gz

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