Posts by Roland Hughes

1) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Rosetta Hypervisor fail (Message 103568)
Posted 27 Nov 2021 by Roland Hughes

Brand new Debian 11 install. Running actual Oracle Virtualbox. Cosmology has this same problem. I have three brand new installs on my BOINC machines. Debian 11, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, and the latest Solus. Only on Debian does this problem exist. For Cosmology I had to hack app_config.xml in the project directory to make it have the following.


The same problem appears to be happening with Rosetta and Debian 11. Basically the "fail" is being caused by the communication with VirtualBox demanding all 4 CPU. It can never get all 4.

It appears you have the same developer, or they both cut & pasted code from the same place without knowing what it was actually doing. Can someone please provide the proper app_config.xml to make this problem go away?[/img]

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