Posts by Kelowna Insta-Print

1) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Personal Milestones (Message 67424)
Posted 29 Aug 2010 by Profile Kelowna Insta-Print
It took more than a few computers crunching almost non-stop since late 2005 but today I finally hit the 10 million mark! Hopefully the next 10 million credits will come a little faster:)
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Scheduler only requesting new work for GPU (Message 62220)
Posted 14 Jul 2009 by Profile Kelowna Insta-Print
After a couple of hours the scheduler started to request WU's for the CPU; hopefully this means that the issue has permanently corrected itself. If the problem reoccurs I'll post again.

Happy crunching:)
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Scheduler only requesting new work for GPU (Message 62214)
Posted 14 Jul 2009 by Profile Kelowna Insta-Print
I recently attached a new core i7 machine to Rosetta and thus far I've only managed to download 1 WU, in spite of setting my preferances to 8 CPU cores. When I hit "update" in the BOINC manager the Scheduler only requests work for the GPU. Any suggestions? I'm running BOINC 6.6.36 on WinXP 64.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Intel i7 CPU (Message 57269)
Posted 27 Nov 2008 by Profile Kelowna Insta-Print
Here's one;
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Intel Mac (Message 49516)
Posted 9 Dec 2007 by Profile Kelowna Insta-Print
I've been running rosie on a Mac Pro 2.66 xeon machine booted to win xp for over 6 months without a single problem.

Crunch away:)
6) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Oh Canada? (Message 47694)
Posted 13 Oct 2007 by Profile Kelowna Insta-Print
Congratulations to our team member Lunja who passed the 1 Million mark this week!
7) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Oh Canada? (Message 44386)
Posted 27 Jul 2007 by Profile Kelowna Insta-Print
Thanks Buffalo Bill, it's nice to be part of the million credit club. It took 19 months of crunching 24/7, but I finally made it:) I'm hoping that with the computers I've added over the last several weeks it will only take about 4.5 months to get to 2 million.

BTW, it's good to see that the team is soon to reach the 500 member mark.

8) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Oh Canada? (Message 19614)
Posted 1 Jul 2006 by Profile Kelowna Insta-Print
Happy Canada Day everyone! What’s everybody doing to mark the occasion? It’s pretty hot here in the Okanagan, so I think a day at the beach is in order, followed by some fireworks in the evening.

Oh, and of course, crunch a few proteins too…

9) Message boards : Number crunching : Report Problems With BOINC SERVER UPGRADE (Message 18470)
Posted 11 Jun 2006 by Profile Kelowna Insta-Print
I have a number of computers with less than 512Megs of ram, and since the upgrade I have been getting a number of error messages on those computers like this:

6/10/2006 5:30:21 PM|rosetta@home|Message from server: Your computer has only 266780672 bytes of memory; workunit requires 233219328 more bytes

The work units download and complete without any problems, but the computers then stop communicating with the server. So the results are never sent in for credit and the computers stop requesting work.

I realize that the minimum requirement is 512megs, but these computers have been crunching without any problems for 6 months. Are you now forcing computers to have 512megs before allowing them to take part in the project?
10) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Oh Canada? (Message 18345)
Posted 10 Jun 2006 by Profile Kelowna Insta-Print
Hi Randy,
That's okay. For the sake of disclosure, it should be noted that I don't like disco. What's in a name...

11) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Oh Canada? (Message 17878)
Posted 7 Jun 2006 by Profile Kelowna Insta-Print
Ya, we seem to be having this epic three way battle between you, myself, and rbaker [could that be Rob Baker from The Tragically Hip:)]

Nice to see all these new team members. It would seem that the AP artical is having a positive effect, even thought (I believe) the artical didn't get any national coverage here. Did anyone see it in any Canadian papers?

12) Message boards : Number crunching : Major User and Host increase!? (Message 17874)
Posted 7 Jun 2006 by Profile Kelowna Insta-Print
Welcome to Rosetta and Team Canada, Montana!
Happy crunching,
13) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Oh Canada? (Message 17039)
Posted 25 May 2006 by Profile Kelowna Insta-Print
All right, we hit 5 million credits tonight!

Anyone know what happened to Rog? He returned to the team a few weeks ago and brought some serious crunching power with him. Now he seems to have disappeared. Rog, your country needs you back!

14) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Oh Canada? (Message 13152)
Posted 7 Apr 2006 by Profile Kelowna Insta-Print
15) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : How can we bring more users to the Rosetta project? (Message 12473)
Posted 21 Mar 2006 by Profile Kelowna Insta-Print

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