Posts by zibou

1) Questions and Answers : Web site : Won't finish in time - Computer on 99.8% of time, BOINC on 100.0% of that (Message 63771)
Posted 21 Oct 2009 by zibou
If you are running other projects, BOINC is planning your upcoming time to work on them for a while instead.

There are also oddities in current BOINC client's work planning. What BOINC version is your client?

I have the same problem. BOINC version is 6.6.36
rosetta is riunning with 50% share (other project is climate prediction) on 4-core server.

everything was working just yesterday. the error apeared at about 2AM UTC today.

the exect error message is
20/10/2009 06:20:04 rosetta@home Message from server: (won't finish in time) Computer on 99.6% of time, BOINC on 100.0% of that

The Boinc versions 6.6.? introduced some scheduling issues that have been addressed in the 6.10.? series. You can either go back to a version prior to that, the 6.4.5 version is where the GPU crunching first came online so if that is something you do don't go back prior to that. And the newest 6.10.15, a test version that you can see if you click on the All Versions link on the download Boinc page, seems to work fine. Version 5.10.? is the oldest version of Boinc I have seen that is still returning units and getting credit for them. To see a list of, and download, all the current Boinc versions go here

I had the same problem with BOINC 6.6.36. I installed 6.6.38, and the problem is fixed, for me.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Minirosetta 1.98 (Message 63759)
Posted 19 Oct 2009 by zibou
I have two different behaviour with the 1.98:

- On Windows XP, units fail after 5 minutes, calculation error.

- On Windows 2000, units run for 9 hours (my patience was over, normally 3), the percentage completed is still at 0%, and the time remaining does not move from the initial value. It does not let other projects with any time to run. Restarting Boinc manager resets the clock to zero, and it starts all over again with the same behaviour. I had to suspend the project until further fix.

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