Posts by kb7rzf

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems with Rosetta version 5.98 (Message 54185)
Posted 5 Jul 2008 by Profile kb7rzf
The 2nd result on this work unit also got the same error.

Well, had 1 compute error since I started crunching again here. The wu is FRA_t453_CASP8_HYBRID_MANUAL_1_IGNORE_THE_RESTt451_1_axmin1_0001_4163_1226

The info from the STDERR OUT:

stderr out

# cpu_run_time_pref: 21600
# random seed: 2143013
DONE :: 1 starting structures 20322.7 cpu seconds
This process generated 7 decoys from 7 attempts
0 starting pdbs were skipped

BOINC :: Watchdog shutting down...
BOINC :: BOINC support services shutting down...



2) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems with Rosetta version 5.98 (Message 54164)
Posted 4 Jul 2008 by Profile kb7rzf
Well, had 1 compute error since I started crunching again here. The wu is FRA_t453_CASP8_HYBRID_MANUAL_1_IGNORE_THE_RESTt451_1_axmin1_0001_4163_1226

The info from the STDERR OUT:

stderr out

# cpu_run_time_pref: 21600
# random seed: 2143013
DONE :: 1 starting structures 20322.7 cpu seconds
This process generated 7 decoys from 7 attempts
0 starting pdbs were skipped

BOINC :: Watchdog shutting down...
BOINC :: BOINC support services shutting down...


3) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems with Rosetta version 5.76 (Message 44974)
Posted 14 Aug 2007 by Profile kb7rzf
Dunno if it matters, but running it, it says Rosetta Beta 5.76 LOL
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Report Problems with Rosetta Version 5.07 (Message 15521)
Posted 4 May 2006 by Profile kb7rzf
Got this error on This WU, and here's the info:

Result ID 18984230
Workunit 15712387
Created 3 May 2006 0:08:00 UTC
Sent 3 May 2006 4:07:40 UTC
Received 4 May 2006 16:13:06 UTC
Server state Over
Outcome Client error
Client state Computing
Exit status 1 (0x1)
Computer ID 12719
Report deadline 17 May 2006 4:07:40 UTC
CPU time 8127.546875
stderr out <core_client_version>5.4.2</core_client_version>
<message>Incorrect function. (0x1) - exit code 1 (0x1)
# random seed: 1065667
# cpu_run_time_pref: 14400
# cpu_run_time_pref: 14400
# cpu_run_time_pref: 14400
ERROR:: Exit at: line:293


Validate state Invalid
Claimed credit 15.0702212672248
Granted credit 0
application version 5.07


5) Message boards : Number crunching : Who is the official tech here (Message 9498)
Posted 21 Jan 2006 by Profile kb7rzf
A lot of good debating back and forth. Myself, I am all for people who want to just run one project. Its their computer, its their right, and if Rosetta is what interests them, then go for it. I crunch for the sake of the projects. I am currently attached to 7, not just because I can, because they all have some form of interesting stuff that I would like to do. Some work units take less than an hour (right now SIMAP is doing that), and others are taking 40+ hours (SETI BETA). Way I see it, is if you wanna do just 1 project, do it. Just because a problem has been brought up 20 times before doesn't mean it isn't a problem now, nor will it be later on. Computers are like us, they make mistakes, they break down, they don't work. Simple fact of life.

Happy crunching to all! :-)

6) Message boards : Number crunching : A few Questions From A New Participant (Message 8977)
Posted 14 Jan 2006 by Profile kb7rzf
Hi Roland, welcome to Rosetta!

I was looking at your results page, and noticed you have quite a few Client Errors. I don't know if you shut your computer off periodically (like overnight) or not, but one common problem was that you need to go into your account page, go to general preferences, and make sure to edit it to change "Leave applications in memory while preempted" to yes. This will affect other projects if you are attached to others as well. There was also discussion about having a minimum of 512mb of RAM for this project too, however others have said they did it with less.

Just some suggestions to help you along. Once again, welcome to Rosetta!

7) Message boards : Number crunching : Report stuck & aborted WU here please (Message 8823)
Posted 12 Jan 2006 by Profile kb7rzf
Got one that errored out.

1/11/2006 4:18:28 PM|rosetta@home|Unrecoverable error for result NO_SIM_ANNEAL_BARCODE_30_1r69_240_504_0 ( - exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005))


Heres the info on the WU:

stderr out <core_client_version>5.2.13</core_client_version>
<message> - exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005)
No heartbeat from core client for 31 sec - exiting

Reason: Access Violation (0xc0000005) at address 0x7C911E58 read attempt to address 0xBF005BE0



Validate state Invalid
Claimed credit 16.5597049633772
Granted credit 0
application version 4.81


8) Message boards : Number crunching : Please abort WUs with (Message 8196)
Posted 2 Jan 2006 by Profile kb7rzf
and i'd like to ask, what about WU from NEW_SOFT_CENTROID_PACKING_2reb_225 series? after 9 hours there is still 1%!!!! full name of the workunit is NEW_SOFT_CENTROID_PACKING_2reb_225_3842

I have a WU called NEW_SOFT_CENTROID_PACKING_2reb_225_4338_0, its ran for 29 minutes, and is at 10% done. But then my computer switched to crunch more SETI WU's, so I dunno if its a bad WU or not yet. Will keep an eye on it and see if anything strange happens.

9) Message boards : Number crunching : Please abort WUs with (Message 8192)
Posted 2 Jan 2006 by Profile kb7rzf
I also just got an error for result MORE_FRAGS_1di2_222_4350_0

stderr out <core_client_version>5.2.13</core_client_version>
<message> - exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005)
No heartbeat from core client for 31 sec - exiting

Reason: Access Violation (0xc0000005) at address 0x7C911E58 read attempt to address 0xBE02E900


Heres the link to the WU


Heres the message from my messages tab.

1/2/2006 9:08:32 AM|rosetta@home|Resuming result MORE_FRAGS_1di2_222_4350_0 using rosetta version 481
1/2/2006 9:08:32 AM|SETI@home|Pausing result 03no03aa.21211.32001.292318.1.183_3 (left in memory)
1/2/2006 9:29:12 AM|rosetta@home|Unrecoverable error for result MORE_FRAGS_1di2_222_4350_0 ( - exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005))
1/2/2006 9:29:13 AM|SETI@home|Result 03no03aa.21211.32001.292318.1.183_3 exited with zero status but no 'finished' file
1/2/2006 9:29:13 AM|SETI@home|If this happens repeatedly you may need to reset the project.
1/2/2006 9:29:13 AM||request_reschedule_cpus: process exited
1/2/2006 9:29:13 AM|rosetta@home|Computation for result MORE_FRAGS_1di2_222_4350_0 finished
10) Message boards : Number crunching : No work from project with 89,369 queued (Message 2114)
Posted 3 Nov 2005 by Profile kb7rzf
Was able to upload a WU just fine about 5pm PST, my computer has not requested any more work yet from Rosetta. But, as I said in my last post, i still have plenty of WU's for rosetta, since my machine doesn't crunch them that fast, and I also have other projects that take their fair share. Way I look at it, is it gets fixed when it gets fixed. The "big guys" know whats wrong, as David has already said, and when its fixed, I'm more than certain he will let us all know, or you will start getting more WU's. Pretty simple there I think. :-) Happy crunching.

11) Message boards : Number crunching : No work from project with 89,369 queued (Message 2084)
Posted 2 Nov 2005 by Profile kb7rzf
This is what I'm getting:

"11/2/2005 11:12:43 AM|rosetta@home|Message from server: Project is temporarily shut down for maintenance
11/2/2005 11:12:43 AM|rosetta@home|Project is down"

I still got plenty of WU's, so I'm not worried, and got Seti and Seti Beta to crunch too, so no big deal here. :-)

12) Message boards : Number crunching : Loads and loads of computing errors today (Message 1732)
Posted 25 Oct 2005 by Profile kb7rzf
Since I started with this project on Oct 15th, I have only had 2 WU's that errored, all others have been just fine. I'm running a Dell Dimension computer, with an Intel Celeron 2.6GHZ, 512mb Ram, WinXP Home, BOINC 5.2.2, and I have my preferences set to leave the project in memory. Dunno how helpful that info is but there ya have it. :-)

13) Message boards : Number crunching : Loads and loads of computing errors today (Message 1629)
Posted 22 Oct 2005 by Profile kb7rzf
I've done 2 of these WU's that have been talked about, and so far no problem, running 5.2.2, both WU's finished between 45 minutes and an hours worth of time. And did not error out. My computer is an Intel Celeron 2.6ghz with 512mb ram on WinXP home.

14) Message boards : Number crunching : Increased to 512MB as recommended memory requirement (Message 1477)
Posted 18 Oct 2005 by Profile kb7rzf

I am aware of this problem and have been looking into it. I actually ran into this myself on my laptop running a 1acf_abrelax WU, which allowed me to look closely at the issue and try to debug.....but when I tried to run it again with the same random number seed on the same computer, it continued on past where it was stuck on the previous run so it looks like it may not an issue with the rosetta application but possibly with the boinc client. I'll keep looking into it.

I am now running one of these WU's as well, it paused @ 1%, 8.33% now at 16.67%, and still sitting there. Tried the exiting of BOINC and rebooting and still stuck. Just posting for info. Thanks

[edit] Now paused at 25%.[/edit]
15) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Where are the BOINC regulars...8) (Message 1272)
Posted 11 Oct 2005 by Profile kb7rzf
I'm present and accounted for. Joined up about 3 days ago, dropping Einstein for this. So far only 1 WU with an error, but uploaded plenty of others. Good to see many familiar faces around here. :-)
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Computational Error (Message 1103)
Posted 8 Oct 2005 by Profile kb7rzf
10/7/2005 8:51:28 PM|rosetta@home|Pausing result 1cfyA_abrelax_16893_0 (removed from memory)
10/7/2005 8:51:30 PM|rosetta@home|Unrecoverable error for result 1cfyA_abrelax_16893_0 ( - exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005))
10/7/2005 8:51:31 PM||request_reschedule_cpus: process exited
10/7/2005 8:51:31 PM|rosetta@home|Deferring communication with project for 1 minutes and 0 seconds
10/7/2005 8:51:31 PM|rosetta@home|Computation for result 1cfyA_abrelax_16893_0 finished

I had one error come up with mine, and as Solblekt said, it did it after 80% was done. I currently have 1 WU that is not going any higher with this project, and its sitting at 83.33%, with the time to complete slowly going up now, and the percentage not moving.


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