Posts by baditude_df

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Minirosetta v1.54 Compute Errors (Message 59962)
Posted 4 Mar 2009 by Profile baditude_df
I started running Rosetta this morning on a 64bit Vista machine and all seems to be working well. It's been working well on other projects too. Here is what I'm running:

Core i7 920 CPU
Asus P6T6 WS Revolution motherboard
6Gb DDR3 Triple Channel RAM
Vista Home Premium SP1 64bit

64bit BOINC 6.6.7

As I said, no problems yet and a number of WU's have completed already.

I've been running Rosetta on an i7 920 overclocked to 4GHz and on a 64bit version of Vista and Windows7 for months without problem. Today all of my WU's bombed. I'm leaning towards RAM issues since Prime Small ffts pass for hours, but blend fails after a few minutes. I'll see what memtest has to say.
2) Questions and Answers : Windows : Problems with Screensaver not freeing ressources (Message 57090)
Posted 20 Nov 2008 by Profile baditude_df
I also just started having this problem today. I have tried Boinc 6.2.19 and 6.4.1 and I am running Vista x64.

Using default settings for the last few months, If I move my mouse, the process suspends. Under the message tab you see "Suspending Computation - user is active"
Now though, My CPU load stays at 100% unless I physically close BIONC Manager. Has there been some sort of change I am not aware of? This seems a very odd thing to just happen out of nowhere.

Thank you.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Rosetta Mini with new score terms 1.02 (Message 56685)
Posted 3 Nov 2008 by Profile baditude_df
I'm in exactly the same boat as the two above. All WUs with the exception of 1.34 and 5.98 crash out. Now I have the message that my quota of 60 results per day is reached.

I am running Vista x64 with 4GB of DDR3 and a Q6600 @ 3.0GHz.

Is there a fix? If not, I think I'll just shut my machine off and save power until there is.

Thank you

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