Posts by Pilgrim57

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 86907)
Posted 31 Jul 2017 by Pilgrim57
WU 838793241
Restarted project after a 3 week lull and despite having set Wus to run for 10 hours BOINC show 4hours run time and this hasn't updated, after more than 10 WUs, and so too many downloaded to meet deadline.
I paused this unit after 7 hours to start another to finish both in time. Upon restating PC this morning it reset the WU as only running for 7 minutes!
This is why I aborted it. I am not running it for anothe 10 hours for same credit.
Please note I will abandon project if this keeps happening and it is about time that you fixed the problem that either no work is sent until I run out or too many are sent so that it occupies 100% of CPU time when the project is only suposed to use 15% of 2 cores. In part the problem is that WU won't be sent while other projects are running and by suspending them to get more too many are sent.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : minirosetta 2.16 (Message 68177)
Posted 23 Oct 2010 by Pilgrim57
For over a week now I have had a lot of errors with work units getting computer error after just starting, half way through or just before completion
see task id 373614961,373614960,373614958, 372516143, 372515901. 370066639
371496237, 371496257.

I have altered the run time from 6 hours to 4 & now the default 3.
My PC is overclocked but it seems these errors have started with 2.16.

Any help appreciated.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Minirosetta v1.32 bug thread (Message 55276)
Posted 25 Aug 2008 by Pilgrim57
I am getting this reported in 1.32 finished WUs
"needs psipred_ss2 to run filters" also only get about 2/3 to 3/4 of claimed credit for all mini rosetta WUs!

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