Posts by HW&JC

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 79830)
Posted 1 Apr 2016 by HW&JC
It seems that uploads are stalled -- multiple systems for me.

New database I saw was 270Mb in size. Expect every single person is downloading it over the last day or so. It should ease down shortly. Except the server is currently down for maintenance at this precise moment
2) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : CASP 10 (Message 73103)
Posted 18 May 2012 by HW&JC
FYI: Something going very wrong with these CASP10 jobs

Task rb_05_16_31351_62365__round2_t000__0_C1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_50188_1160_0 did not checkpoint at all and only completed due to the watchdog cutting in
BOINC:: CPU time: 25596.7s, 14400s + 10800s[2012- 5-18 19:45:20:] :: BOINC
WARNING! cannot get file size for default.out.gz: could not open file.
Output exists: default.out.gz Size: -1
InternalDecoyCount: 0 (GZ)

Task rb_05_16_31351_62365__round2_t000__0_C2_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_50188_1074_0 is still in progress but doing exactly the same. Currently at 5hours 58m of processor time (not wall-clock) into a preferred runtime of just 3 hours.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 71697)
Posted 1 Dec 2011 by HW&JC
New tasks came down about 30 minutes ago. Hopefully the first of many. See front page & server status pages
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems with web site (Message 67926)
Posted 1 Oct 2010 by HW&JC
All my uploads went through 30 minutes ago, I've already sneaked 3 tasks down and there's a message on the front page.

I hope they fixed it good. The servers are going to take one helluva hammering now! ;)
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems with web site (Message 67421)
Posted 28 Aug 2010 by HW&JC
Keep trying. There are an extra 100,000 WUs in progress compared to yesterday, but they're all getting swallowed up as soon as they're issued. They're coming through in fits and starts. Seems like you have to be lucky to get a turn first.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : no work units (Message 67381)
Posted 26 Aug 2010 by HW&JC
Failed humour on my part. Sorry.

I'm running another project as back-up but I much prefer Rosetta. It looks like there are many tasks but the make_work server is the problem. Someone give it a kick. Quick.
7) Message boards : Number crunching : no work units (Message 67362)
Posted 26 Aug 2010 by HW&JC
Just be aware that when you change the target runtime like that, that it effects all of the tasks that you have on-board at the time you update to the project and your machine gets that setting. So you want to be sure you don't have a big cache full of tasks, otherwise you will end up with too much work to finish before the deadlines...

What are the chances of that at the moment?! Tending rapidly to zero right now.
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Catching falling knives. My RAC has been dropping unexplainably. (Message 63307)
Posted 12 Sep 2009 by HW&JC
Will you have to pay tax on your bonus payment?

Inevitably, but I've got it all in a high interest bearing account at the moment.

Ooh, the excitement...
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Catching falling knives. My RAC has been dropping unexplainably. (Message 63270)
Posted 11 Sep 2009 by HW&JC
Has their been some hanky-panky with the way RAC is calculated? To favor users of one O/S, over another?

I have it on good quthority that it's aimed at reducing your RAC in particular. Nice to see it working.

Unfortunately I haven't had anything awarded for 2 days and more either, but it's a price I'm willing to pay if it affects you.

PS: I'm joking of course. It's all money in the bank and just give you a mega payout when it's all sorted out.
10) Message boards : Number crunching : not able to upload (Message 62637)
Posted 30 Jul 2009 by HW&JC
Same here on two specific jobs. One from last night (1.87) and one from this morning (1.88). Several other WUs have gone through successfuly in that time. I have no idea why these are being left behind.
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Not getting any new tasks (Message 62598)
Posted 29 Jul 2009 by HW&JC
What I'm really asking is if the problem has been resolved or if it's possible we could see continuing issues at unexpected times. Things still don't seem quite right, even now.

Either you're a fortune teller or a curse. Servers disabled.

Hopefully it's to put in a more permanent fix.
12) Message boards : Number crunching : No Work Available to Process (Message 61695)
Posted 11 Jun 2009 by HW&JC
I crunched everything while the server was out. Everything uploaded now, but not fully credited yet (must be overloaded of course).

I have had 3 WUs come down, so work's trickling out, but I bet everyone's asking for everything all at once. It'll work its way through, I'm sure.
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems with Minirosetta Version 1.67 (Message 61343)
Posted 23 May 2009 by HW&JC
1.67 is also still triggering Kaspersky Internet Security's detection, (and being automatically moved into the Untrusted apps category, it cannot be loaded by BOINC and just exits with 0 status constantly).

My sympathies. Same for Norton Internet Security 2009 as posted by me at

As I said there, is there no way of getting both Symantec and Kaspersky on board with Mini Rosetta to whitelist it?

How many people are running away from Rosetta because all the WUs abort? Maybe we'll never know :(
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems with Minirosetta Version 1.67 (Message 61205)
Posted 15 May 2009 by HW&JC
In case anyone was wondering, Norton Internet Security 2009 rejects MiniRosetta as a suspect application again. Solution same as before.

Is there any way to get Symantec on board either by submitting the application to them or getting them to whitelist the suspect signature or to sign the application so that is passes through for every new version automatically?

I wonder what happens to those people who don't babysit the application when a new version comes out. Do they sit idle until Rosetta Beta WUs get issued?
15) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems with Minirosetta Version 1.64/1.65 (Message 60958)
Posted 2 May 2009 by HW&JC
Ditto for NIS2009 with MiniRosetta 1.65
Go to "Security History" and select the "Resolved Security Risks" option from the drop down. Click "More Details" and chose to "Restore Risk" and ensure that the MiniRosetta executable isn't rejected again. Not sure where the option went to report the false positive to Symantec, but it sorts you out.

I think the way to report the false positive is to chose the report option first, then restore risk. I did it wrong again but I'll remember next time.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems with Minirosetta Version 1.64/1.65 (Message 60942)
Posted 1 May 2009 by HW&JC
For those who run Norton Internet Security 2009 it would be wise to check the new executable hasn't been quarantined in the way previous versions have, as reported here. That message shows how to restore the file from quarantine and report it to Symantec as a false positive.

Yup, it does it again:

01/05/2009 19:33:03 rosetta@home Task ARF1_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-17-S3-24--ARF1-_11731_60_0 exited with zero status but no 'finished' file
01/05/2009 19:33:03 rosetta@home If this happens repeatedly you may need to reset the project.
01/05/2009 19:33:03 rosetta@home Task DvR115G_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-22-S3-21--DvR115G-_11729_82_0 exited with zero status but no 'finished' file
01/05/2009 19:33:03 rosetta@home If this happens repeatedly you may need to reset the project.
01/05/2009 19:33:21 rosetta@home [error] Process creation failed: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2)
01/05/2009 19:33:22 rosetta@home [error] Process creation failed: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2)
01/05/2009 19:33:22 rosetta@home [error] Process creation failed: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2)
01/05/2009 19:33:23 rosetta@home [error] Process creation failed: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2)
01/05/2009 19:33:24 rosetta@home [error] Process creation failed: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2)
01/05/2009 19:33:24 rosetta@home Computation for task ARF1_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-17-S3-24--ARF1-_11731_60_0 finished
01/05/2009 19:33:24 rosetta@home Output file ARF1_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-17-S3-24--ARF1-_11731_60_0_0 for task ARF1_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-17-S3-24--ARF1-_11731_60_0 absent
01/05/2009 19:33:24 rosetta@home Computation for task DvR115G_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-22-S3-21--DvR115G-_11729_82_0 finished
01/05/2009 19:33:24 rosetta@home Output file DvR115G_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-22-S3-21--DvR115G-_11729_82_0_0 for task DvR115G_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-22-S3-21--DvR115G-_11729_82_0 absent
01/05/2009 19:33:32 rosetta@home Starting DvR115G_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-23-S3-19--DvR115G-_11729_82_0
01/05/2009 19:33:32 rosetta@home Starting abinitio_norelax_homfrag__plus_native_1hoeA__SAVE_ALL_OUT_11263_2937_0
01/05/2009 19:33:32 rosetta@home Started download of minirosetta_1.64_windows_intelx86.exe
01/05/2009 19:33:32 rosetta@home Computation for task DvR115G_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-23-S3-19--DvR115G-_11729_82_0 finished
01/05/2009 19:33:32 rosetta@home Output file DvR115G_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-23-S3-19--DvR115G-_11729_82_0_0 for task DvR115G_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-23-S3-19--DvR115G-_11729_82_0 absent
01/05/2009 19:33:32 rosetta@home Computation for task abinitio_norelax_homfrag__plus_native_1hoeA__SAVE_ALL_OUT_11263_2937_0 finished
01/05/2009 19:33:32 rosetta@home Output file abinitio_norelax_homfrag__plus_native_1hoeA__SAVE_ALL_OUT_11263_2937_0_0 for task abinitio_norelax_homfrag__plus_native_1hoeA__SAVE_ALL_OUT_11263_2937_0 absent
01/05/2009 19:33:32 rosetta@home Starting ARF1_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-29-S3-20--ARF1-_11731_60_0
01/05/2009 19:33:32 rosetta@home Starting ARF1_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-29-S3-18--ARF1-_11731_60_0
01/05/2009 19:33:32 rosetta@home Starting ER553_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-6-S3-27--ER553-_11730_82_0
01/05/2009 19:33:32 rosetta@home Starting ARF1_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-21-S3-28--ARF1-_11731_62_0
01/05/2009 19:33:32 rosetta@home Starting ARF1_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-7-S3-12--ARF1-_11731_66_0
01/05/2009 19:33:32 rosetta@home Starting ER553_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-8-S3-12--ER553-_11730_69_0
01/05/2009 19:33:33 rosetta@home Computation for task ARF1_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-29-S3-20--ARF1-_11731_60_0 finished
01/05/2009 19:33:33 rosetta@home Output file ARF1_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-29-S3-20--ARF1-_11731_60_0_0 for task ARF1_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-29-S3-20--ARF1-_11731_60_0 absent
01/05/2009 19:33:33 rosetta@home Computation for task ARF1_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-29-S3-18--ARF1-_11731_60_0 finished
01/05/2009 19:33:33 rosetta@home Output file ARF1_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-29-S3-18--ARF1-_11731_60_0_0 for task ARF1_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-29-S3-18--ARF1-_11731_60_0 absent
01/05/2009 19:33:33 rosetta@home Computation for task ER553_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-6-S3-27--ER553-_11730_82_0 finished
01/05/2009 19:33:33 rosetta@home Output file ER553_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-6-S3-27--ER553-_11730_82_0_0 for task ER553_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-6-S3-27--ER553-_11730_82_0 absent
01/05/2009 19:33:33 rosetta@home Computation for task ARF1_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-21-S3-28--ARF1-_11731_62_0 finished
01/05/2009 19:33:33 rosetta@home Output file ARF1_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-21-S3-28--ARF1-_11731_62_0_0 for task ARF1_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-21-S3-28--ARF1-_11731_62_0 absent
01/05/2009 19:33:33 rosetta@home Computation for task ARF1_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-7-S3-12--ARF1-_11731_66_0 finished
01/05/2009 19:33:33 rosetta@home Output file ARF1_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-7-S3-12--ARF1-_11731_66_0_0 for task ARF1_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-7-S3-12--ARF1-_11731_66_0 absent
01/05/2009 19:33:33 rosetta@home Computation for task ER553_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-8-S3-12--ER553-_11730_69_0 finished
01/05/2009 19:33:33 rosetta@home Output file ER553_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-8-S3-12--ER553-_11730_69_0_0 for task ER553_BOINC_ABINITIO_RDC_TEST_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST-S25-8-S3-12--ER553-_11730_69_0 absent

Go to "Security History" and select the "Resolved Security Risks" option from the drop down. Click "More Details" and chose to "Restore Risk" and ensure that the MiniRosetta executable isn't rejected again. Not sure where the option went to report the false positive to Symantec, but it sorts you out.

Strange, because a lot of 1.64 tasks went through ok before it rejected all the tasks at once. Click my name on this message to see my reported results - but also note that I have a lot of computer problems anyway, so there are always a lot of errors. My fault rather than Rosetta's in those cases.
17) Message boards : Number crunching : No Work Units (Message 58373)
Posted 2 Jan 2009 by HW&JC
rah_make_work1 srv3 Running
rah_make_work2 srv4 Not running

So, one server working, but the download of 5.98 WUs is failing here:

My tasks

Server state___Outcome______Client state
Over_________Client error____Downloading Task 218306566 WU 198903309 + several others

02/01/2009 18:44:51|rosetta@home|[error] MD5 check failed for boinc_mfr_aaat01_03_05.200_v1_3.gz
02/01/2009 18:44:51|rosetta@home|[error] expected 9e156df4c561be65533ceb64059254ab, got a500261b0525281e82d9c3166980820c
02/01/2009 18:44:51|rosetta@home|[error] Checksum or signature error for boinc_mfr_aaat01_03_05.200_v1_3.gz

02/01/2009 18:45:35|rosetta@home|[error] MD5 check failed for boinc_mfr_aaAT01_09_05.200_v1_3.gz
02/01/2009 18:45:35|rosetta@home|[error] expected 01275336f54af3e7ff7d41ae314e4f73, got 7cbad1935a58db3fe90e367e4d2f7daf
02/01/2009 18:45:35|rosetta@home|[error] Checksum or signature error for boinc_mfr_aaAT01_09_05.200_v1_3.gz
+ several similar
18) Message boards : Number crunching : NIS 2009 does not like some work units (Message 57872)
Posted 14 Dec 2008 by HW&JC
Norton Internet Security 2009 has started to detect, via it's Sonar advanced detection system,certain Rosetta work units as 'High Security Risks' and is automatically deleting them.
Is this a Norton or Rosetta problem?

Running XP fully up to date.

Same here on XP with NIS 2009. Click on "More Details" in the Quarantine and you have the option to "Restore Risk". I tried doing that and it seemed the file was already back in place in the right directory anyway. Restoring the risk sets up an automatic exclusion to prevent it getting quarantined again.

Report it to Symantec using that More Details link in NIS - sounds like a False Positive they ought to know about.

Also, for what it's worth, the claim that Norton Firewall adds 20,000 registry entries is a straight lie. On my machine under XP with NIS 2009 the total for everything mentioning Symantec or Norton is 500 entries. Anyone claiming 20,000 has to be scaremongering - a lot of it about. Lots of people like to do that who've never even used Norton or did so several years ago.

It's all down to it being a pay product. AVG was great until people had to pay for it. Now it's slated. Avast was always ridiculed next to AVG when they were both free. Now it's brilliant. Until it becomes a pay product as well and people will say they never liked it.
19) Message boards : Number crunching : No Work Units (Message 57143)
Posted 21 Nov 2008 by HW&JC
And again...

Server Status as of 21 Nov 2008 18:20:41 UTC
[ Scheduler running ] Queued: 0
20) Message boards : Number crunching : Rosetta Mini with new score terms 1.02 (Message 56558)
Posted 31 Oct 2008 by HW&JC
Everything crashing out with seconds.


Joke's over. Pull the lot please.

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