Posts by Sid Celery

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Unable to download data files (Message 112109)
Posted 16 hours ago by Sid Celery
The method for Android works!

Here is a screenshot of the page where to make the adjustment:

This looked simple enough even for me to install, but...
On the page you've taken a screenshot of, how is the file saved?
I exited out of the page with no save prompt and re-entering the page removed the line. Repeatedly.

You can safely assume I'm a complete idiot - no offence will be taken

You're not stupid, it's me who didn't think of this possibility... šŸ˜…

Indeed, by closing the application directly, the line disappears. *well seen*
Just go back to the application's home page by clicking on "Advanced settings" to save, then click on "Restart" to activate. šŸ˜‰

You over-estimate me - I have blind-spots.
Ok, I did that and it seemed to stick. Good.
I tried to draw down some Rosetta tasks but none arrived - I'll let it try again of its own accord and hope things go well.
Many thanks for making this so easy after all this time - my fingers are crossed.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Apple Silicon support (Message 112108)
Posted 17 hours ago by Sid Celery
Is that still happening? I thought they corrected that.
There have been some batches that run for 8 hours, but 95%+ run for 3 hours (if they don't error out first).

I had no idea. I thought it was a one-off mistake that they corrected and assumed it didn't come back.
While I agree with you that runtimes should be set at "Not Selected", the fact this 3hr thing still happens makes me think people wanting to run default times should set it to 8hrs explicitly.
In the absence of a known reason why those tasks run for 3hrs, I'm still inclined to believe it's a silly mistake that's slipped through.
But that's just me - others can take their own view and, I repeat, I do accept that "Not Selected" should be the preferred runtime setting.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Apple Silicon support (Message 112105)
Posted 1 day ago by Sid Celery
I have a 16gb/256gb M4 Mac Mini and a 16gb 1tb M1 MBP and both of them can chew through Rosetta Beta 6.00 tasks in 3 to 4 hours on average. Even though they aren't Apple Silicon apps, they still perform extremely well!

It would definitely help if you could make this adjustment - either to "Not selected" or an explicit 8hrs, as you prefer.

My default is set to default / 8 hours and all of my v4.20 tasks are running for that time.

The majority of my tasks, however, are v6.06 beta and they, without exception, run for 3 hours - not my choice, I presume itā€™s a setting within the task.

Is that still happening? I thought they corrected that.
Yes, it is within the task for some reason. It seems like a mistake to me, but there may be a reason we're not aware of.
This is the difference between chosing "Not selected", which may change as Grant says, and selecting a specific runtime.
I select 12hrs for everything, so I'm unaware it still happens. Longer runtimes don't have any of the same issues attached as long as deadlines are still met - imo
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Unable to download data files (Message 112104)
Posted 1 day ago by Sid Celery
The method for Android works!

Here is a screenshot of the page where to make the adjustment:

This looked simple enough even for me to install, but...
On the page you've taken a screenshot of, how is the file saved?
I exited out of the page with no save prompt and re-entering the page removed the line. Repeatedly.

You can safely assume I'm a complete idiot - no offence will be taken
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Apple Silicon support (Message 112098)
Posted 2 days ago by Sid Celery
I have a 16gb/256gb M4 Mac Mini and a 16gb 1tb M1 MBP and both of them can chew through Rosetta Beta 6.00 tasks in 3 to 4 hours on average. Even though they aren't Apple Silicon apps, they still perform extremely well!

I hope you don't mind me asking, but why do you only run tasks for 3hrs?
The default is 8hrs so if you force the runtime to only be 3hrs you only do 3/8ths of the work and get 3/8ths of the credit.
You're not completing a full task in 3/8ths of the time - that's not how it works at Rosetta.
More importantly, you churn through more tasks, that then aren't available for you or anyone else to run and fresh batches of work last less long.
I see you run a lot of projects, so correcting your runtime here may impact on meeting deadlines, depending on your offline cache size.
It would definitely help if you could make this adjustment - either to "Not selected" or an explicit 8hrs, as you prefer.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Rosetta Beta 6.00 (Message 112094)
Posted 2 days ago by Sid Celery
So then I'm lucky to have a higher percentage of tasks complete successfully.

I don't think so.
I think the previous batch of 2.5m allowed parameters outside of a range it could process
And, I assume in reaction, the current batch of 2.2m hasn't produced a single error of that type for any in my team

I'm just wondering the same thing as everyone else on the forum

I've been here a long time and I'm not wondering any of these things tbh.
Sometimes they do detail capabilities of new versions to us, but it's their business far more than ours, so I don't mind if they don't. I trust them.

We're here to provide process capacity - we can either do that or not
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 112088)
Posted 4 days ago by Sid Celery
...see you Friday


I don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's gray and Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care about you
It's Friday, I'm in love

Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday, break my heart
Oh, Thursday doesn't even start
It's Friday, I'm in love

Excellent and highly appropriate
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 112086)
Posted 4 days ago by Sid Celery
What day is it today? Wednesday!
And what happens on Wednesday?

It's not even funny any more...
...see you Friday

9) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 112083)
Posted 6 days ago by Sid Celery
What day is it today? Wednesday!
And what happens on Wednesday?

It's not even funny any more...
...see you Friday
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 112080)
Posted 7 days ago by Sid Celery
I haven't completed any tasks from the new batch yet, but I just checked anyway.
I haven't had any tasks crash early in their run from anything I've downloaded in the last 40hrs.
That'll be tasks from previous batches of work in the main, but let's cross fingers that it also applies to the 2.2m batch as I estimate we lost around 25% of tasks from the previous one.
That's a lot of work and a lot of extra time we could've been running - maybe 2-3 days worth.

I've just realised it's not dependent on whether I've completed tasks from the new batch but whether I've started any.
None of the 6 new batch tasks I've started have crashed out early, so that's a positive start.

13 now and the first of the new batch wlll finish in about an hour too.
Looks like they solved those task errors
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 112073)
Posted 7 days ago by Sid Celery
I haven't completed any tasks from the new batch yet, but I just checked anyway.
I haven't had any tasks crash early in their run from anything I've downloaded in the last 40hrs.
That'll be tasks from previous batches of work in the main, but let's cross fingers that it also applies to the 2.2m batch as I estimate we lost around 25% of tasks from the previous one.
That's a lot of work and a lot of extra time we could've been running - maybe 2-3 days worth.

I've just realised it's not dependent on whether I've completed tasks from the new batch but whether I've started any.
None of the 6 new batch tasks I've started have crashed out early, so that's a positive start.
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 112072)
Posted 7 days ago by Sid Celery
YAY! I had one computer run out of Rosetta work, loaded a days worth of WCG to keep it busy. I hate to see wasted BogoMips.

Idle hands are the devil's workshop...

I've been keeping my WCG/SiDock tasks under control - letting a few come down, then setting No New tasks again while the occasional Rosetta has been sneaking through. So I've only got 3-4hrs of backup tasks to clear out before filling up with Rosetta to take their place. It came good this time.
Let's see how many I can complete before boinc-server falls over again on Wednesday...

I haven't completed any tasks from the new batch yet, but I just checked anyway.
I haven't had any tasks crash early in their run from anything I've downloaded in the last 40hrs.
That'll be tasks from previous batches of work in the main, but let's cross fingers that it also applies to the 2.2m batch as I estimate we lost around 25% of tasks from the previous one.
That's a lot of work and a lot of extra time we could've been running - maybe 2-3 days worth.
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 112069)
Posted 8 days ago by Sid Celery
YAY! I had one computer run out of Rosetta work, loaded a days worth of WCG to keep it busy. I hate to see wasted BogoMips.

Idle hands are the devil's workshop...

I've been keeping my WCG/SiDock tasks under control - letting a few come down, then setting No New tasks again while the occasional Rosetta has been sneaking through. So I've only got 3-4hrs of backup tasks to clear out before filling up with Rosetta to take their place. It came good this time.
Let's see how many I can complete before boinc-server falls over again on Wednesday...
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 112065)
Posted 8 days ago by Sid Celery
I've been sneaking a few tasks throughout the day and interleaving them with WCG and SiDock tasks, but in the last hour Rosetta has been coming through quie a lot.
Front page now shows 2.2m new tasks. Go get'em
15) Message boards : Number crunching : Unable to download data files (Message 112059)
Posted 11 days ago by Sid Celery
How could Rosetta start working after a Boinc upgrade (I'll ignore your Einstein problem for this exercise)?
A while back everyone had to upgrade BOINC, or manually update their security certificates (ca-bundle.crt) as the ones with the older BOINC versions had a certificate that was no longer valid.

Apparently Rosetta made changes at their server so it wasn't necessary- maybe that is why there are now issues occurring with their download servers?

Using older versions of BOINC
Client: security certificate expired #3789

Yup, I remember that.
What I'm going to do with that information, I don't know.
I've just reinstalled Boinc Android 8.0.2 and nothing's happened with the 2 Rosetta tasks I've got partially downloaded, so it doesn't look like the solution I'd hoped for.
Oh well. Worth a try.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Unable to download data files (Message 112057)
Posted 11 days ago by Sid Celery
I used the BOINC 7.16.20 x64 for a long time. Recently I could not download new Rosetta tasks. Then I updated the BOINC to 8.0.2 version. The Rosetta and other projects worked OK, except the Einstein@Home one. I posted to E@H forum a topic about this problem, but nobody could give a proper solution. So I reversed using the BOINC 7.16.20 version again, because you and some other people can fix the problem of ā€œno downloading Rosetta tasksā€.
I am not an IT expert so I donā€™t know where to find /etc/Hosts on Windows and how to fix it.
Could you please help me.

To edit the Hosts file, follow these steps:
Cross fingers

Following your instruction, I got the Rosetta tasks downloaded.
Thank you, Sid Celery!

Good news.
I re-checked your tasks and found something very interesting indeed.
At first I thought you'd written it here inaccurately (because you aren't an IT expert) but you were quite right.
You upgraded from Boinc 7.16.20 to 8.0.2 and your Rosetta tasks started working, which is confirmed in your results, then stopped working when you downgraded Boinc again.
How could Rosetta start working after a Boinc upgrade (I'll ignore your Einstein problem for this exercise)?
Does the hosts file get changed in Boinc upgrades?
Would the same happen if Boinc was reinstalled?
Is this a solution to the continuing problem under Android?

I've been too busy to experiment the last few days so I haven't tested this theory, but it can't do any harm to try.
Does someone else have time to test it for us?
What I'm wondering is if the admins here think they've put in a fix but it only works with a reinstallation, otherwise this edit is needed.

I've explained myself very badly, but if anyone sees what I'm getting at, please have a go.
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 112056)
Posted 11 days ago by Sid Celery
What day is it today? Third consecutive Wednesday.
Seems something scheduled...

Aaaaandddd, fourth!!

If someone wants lottery numbers, send me a PM :-P

I looked earlier and everything was fine and I thought of saying something here, until I realised it was early in the day and there was still time
I make enough of a fool of myself by accident - no need to do so on purpose as well

It's like clockwork.
boinc-process server falls over on a Wednesday
Revives on a Friday

It's almost biblical. When is Easter this year? The Gods of Rosetta have their Easter every week [/blasphemy]
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Unable to download data files (Message 112047)
Posted 12 days ago by Sid Celery
I used the BOINC 7.16.20 x64 for a long time. Recently I could not download new Rosetta tasks. Then I updated the BOINC to 8.0.2 version. The Rosetta and other projects worked OK, except the Einstein@Home one. I posted to E@H forum a topic about this problem, but nobody could give a proper solution. So I reversed using the BOINC 7.16.20 version again, because you and some other people can fix the problem of ā€œno downloading Rosetta tasksā€.
I am not an IT so I donā€™t know where to find /etc/Hosts on Windows and how to fix it.
Could you please help me.

To edit the Hosts file, follow these steps:

Open Notepad as Administrator:
Search for "Notepad" in the Windows search bar.
Instead of left-clicking it, right-click on Notepad and select "Run as administrator"
When the dialog box pops up select Yes

To open the Hosts File: In Notepad:
Go to File > Open.
Navigate to C//Windows/System32/drivers/etc which will appear empty
Change the file type filter from "Text Documents (*.txt)" to "All Files".
Select the "hosts" file and click "Open"

Edit the Hosts File:
On a fresh line at the bottom, type
Save the file

That should be it.
No need to reboot.
Return to Boinc manager, select Rosetta and click the "Update" button.
Cross fingers
19) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 112041)
Posted 13 days ago by Sid Celery
What day is it today? Third consecutive Wednesday.
Seems something scheduled...

Aaaaandddd, fourth!!

If someone wants lottery numbers, send me a PM :-P

I looked earlier and everything was fine and I thought of saying something here, until I realised it was early in the day and there was still time
I make enough of a fool of myself by accident - no need to do so on purpose as well
20) Message boards : Number crunching : Computation errors. (Message 112039)
Posted 13 days ago by Sid Celery
Yes, but asking what I asked indicates the "problem" is not with my rig.

Sorry, yes, quite right

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