Posts by MarcioCavalcanti

1) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Is there a Rosetta@Home API? (Message 103097)
Posted 3 Nov 2021 by MarcioCavalcanti
Thanks for the reply. I'll take a look around there as well! Hopefully I can find at least some open source project with similarities.
2) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Is there a Rosetta@Home API? (Message 103094)
Posted 3 Nov 2021 by MarcioCavalcanti
Hello there (gen. Kenobi)!
I need to set up a bot to fetch credits informations from some individuals in a team here on R@H and then reward points in a "game" based proportionally on how many credits each participant scored on their Rosetta@Home activities.
I had just downloaded BeautifulSoup when it occurred that Rosetta@Home might have an API which would make my life way easier.
So is there an API? I searched atound but couldn't find any.
Here's hoping I was just bad at researching and it actually exists! :)

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