Posts by aperience

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 104360)
Posted 21 Jan 2022 by aperience
Since these Robetta jobs aren't run at Rosetta@home, it doesn't make sense that they would get queued at Rosetta@home.
They seem to be directly sent from Robetta to the Baker Lab cluster and to the HHMI's Janelia Research Campus.

My bet is the 2.6 million tasks on the Rosetta@home queue are all Pythons.
So how come there are so many usernames, it certainly looks like Boinc.

That's not users related to us. That's the person who submitted the protein.
Again...if its Robetta, its not us. That's all there is to it.

I'll have to dig around some more.
I have always known from other sources that Robetta server supplied Rosetta servers.
That Robetta was where everything is stored.
That may not be the case, but it's something that will take some digging around.
The group is not that transparent on how their setup works.

Hi, regular Boinc user here, first time posting.

I don't know why, but I've never had issues with python projects tasks. I haven't done anything special apart from downloading VirtualBox alongside Boinc. I assume many people did, unless there's some controversy around VirtualBox that I'm unaware of.
I've seen that I can't have more than 2 python tasks at a time, whatever the reason is, but it's not a limitation for me, as I mostly run tasks for Numberfields@home.

I'm just posting to tell you that users like me exist, although we may be rare (I assume I'm not the only one). I'm not saying that there aren't users related to the running team among the ~1000 users running python tasks right now, I can just tell that I'm not one of them and that it's possible to run python tasks through Boinc and VB. I guess I'm just lucky it works on my laptop.
I can give you more info if you want but I haven't really followed the discussion and I'm not an expert with computers, so try to give instructions if you want technical details.

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