Posts by vowelmarauder

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 93105)
Posted 2 Apr 2020 by vowelmarauder
I just noticed that my tasks are taking almost twice as long as the ETA says. The time is either standing still with 1-2 seconds either way or counting *up*... I don't think I've tinkered with any settings and boinc is using all its cores fully. Is this normal? What's going on?

Sure enough all the new tasks are running like this as well (~16 hours) and I saw others report the same?

they're all "conducting_fiber_XXXX_fold_and_dock_XXX"

As suggested above, is this a different batch and nothing to worry about?

edit: thank you for the explanation 🙏🏻
I will reply only here so others can see your post
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 92985)
Posted 1 Apr 2020 by vowelmarauder
I just noticed that my tasks are taking almost twice as long as the ETA says. The time is either standing still with 1-2 seconds either way or counting *up*... I don't think I've tinkered with any settings and boinc is using all its cores fully. Is this normal? What's going on?

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