Posts by Ghost Plane

1) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Let's write a story (Message 32770)
Posted 16 Dec 2006 by Profile Ghost Plane
Captain Hook, a noted child predator, is side tracked by the egg nog.
2) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Let's write a story (Message 31969)
Posted 2 Dec 2006 by Profile Ghost Plane
Instead, the evul overlord continues on his path to vurld domination, sending out evul minions bearing opal lasers and others with pockets full of opals to construct improvised opal devices.
3) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Let's write a story (Message 31950)
Posted 2 Dec 2006 by Profile Ghost Plane
Alas, the superduper galactic hero has signed onto the dole and can't be bothered leaving the telly.
4) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Let's write a story (Message 31854)
Posted 30 Nov 2006 by Profile Ghost Plane
But the New Yuck Al Wazeera media get in the way as they rush to cover the event and gain advertising revenue for THEIR evul overlords, leaving time for our evul overlord to bung opals into his evul opal lasers...
5) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Let's write a story (Message 31724)
Posted 27 Nov 2006 by Profile Ghost Plane
Meanwhile, back on the island, the volcano rumbles as the Evul Overlord readies the first laser for the opals.
6) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Let's write a story (Message 29991)
Posted 25 Oct 2006 by Profile Ghost Plane
I quickly removed my thumb from the Rewind button. "I meant to do that. Really."
7) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Let's write a story (Message 29936)
Posted 24 Oct 2006 by Profile Ghost Plane
The Meesians scream in terror and run about waving copies of "The New York Times". The evil minions begin marching in the direction of the Ancient Mines of Fluffball. "Must...find...opals."
8) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Let's write a story (Message 29878)
Posted 23 Oct 2006 by Profile Ghost Plane
Now we have evul minions where with to acquire the world's emeralds! If only we can keep them from playing in the volcano...
9) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Let's write a story (Message 29768)
Posted 21 Oct 2006 by Profile Ghost Plane
Bertwick mops up the spilled lime jelly from evul master's fumbling attempts to create an emerald death ray and hands him the working model Bertwick had waiting.
10) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Let's write a story (Message 29669)
Posted 20 Oct 2006 by Profile Ghost Plane
"Oops. I did not mean to do zat."
11) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Let's write a story (Message 29647)
Posted 19 Oct 2006 by Profile Ghost Plane
"Is the opal lazer ready for testing?"
12) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Let's write a story (Message 29640)
Posted 19 Oct 2006 by Profile Ghost Plane
"Now ve can capture ze vurld's opal supply."
13) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Ghost Plane's G-String (Message 10538)
Posted 7 Feb 2006 by Profile Ghost Plane
Moving over to the DC Zone where I've a thread called "The Construction Zone". It's a more user friendly format and ALL my fellow posters are welcome since it is neutral ground amongst all the DC projects. Hope to see your friendly faces over there. Just not enough scope for wordplay here.
14) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Ghost Plane's G-String (Message 10399)
Posted 3 Feb 2006 by Profile Ghost Plane
Thanks. Think I'd better shut down for weather!!
15) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Ghost Plane's G-String (Message 10397)
Posted 3 Feb 2006 by Profile Ghost Plane
Just saw today's daily cruncher. What the heck is a bedouin hillbilly and where do I get one? <grin>
16) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Ghost Plane's G-String (Message 10396)
Posted 3 Feb 2006 by Profile Ghost Plane
Puss is already 3 feet long but not happy about nasty teeth and claws. She's made a truce with the 5 foot snake beneath the pool deck and they hunt opposite sides. <grin>
17) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Find-a-Drug Refugees (Message 10394)
Posted 3 Feb 2006 by Profile Ghost Plane
<Whistles back>
Glad to know you're not AWOL.
18) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Ghost Plane's G-String (Message 10393)
Posted 3 Feb 2006 by Profile Ghost Plane
Puss wants to know if they taste as good as the chameleons around here? <grin>
19) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Find-a-Drug Refugees (Message 10388)
Posted 3 Feb 2006 by Profile Ghost Plane
Got a watered down version of the G string here, but mostly I blab on the DC Zone, Rosetta-Boinc forum and the FADBeens PanGlobal HQ. Howdy, Harder! <waves frantically>
20) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Ghost Plane's G-String (Message 10387)
Posted 3 Feb 2006 by Profile Ghost Plane
Thanks, carl. This being a nice frame house with a pool and a view, thought I'd try to stay somewhat upscale. And we don't need cages for the tarantulas here. They come in quite nicely on their own with the bananas. LOL 'Sides, if it's not a local family, the 3 inch cockroaches are usually threat enough. <evil grin>

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