Posts by Trog Dog

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Lots of 'Exit Status 127' client errors from old 300MHz 128MB RAM machine (Message 43452)
Posted 9 Jul 2007 by Profile Trog Dog

Ah-hah! Thanks for the info and instructions, but when I run ldd on BOINC/projects/boinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta/rosetta_5.68_i686-pc-linux-gnu, I get "not a dynamic executable" as the output.

Looking at your results you occassionally complete one or two wu's, then you have a string of errors, and the errors have changed from 193 to 127.

It could be that your box is flaky, or maybe the small amount of memory is causing the command not found error. Is this box stable on any other project, and how big is the swap partition? Also what distro are you running?
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Linux, which one? (Message 43281)
Posted 5 Jul 2007 by Profile Trog Dog
As Katherine said grab yourself some Live CDs and see which one you like and that it recognises and works with all your hardware. Then check out its help pages and forums. If each of the above passes muster then install it to your harddrive - welcome to the club :)
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Lots of 'Exit Status 127' client errors from old 300MHz 128MB RAM machine (Message 43280)
Posted 5 Jul 2007 by Profile Trog Dog
I'm getting nothing but client errors (127) from one of my machines. The machine that's having problems is 300MHz, 128MB RAM. My other (better) machines do not have this problem. I'm using the Linux version of BOINC/Rosetta. What does an exit status of 127 mean? How can I fix this?

Here's an example result page:
And the computer page:

G'day jmegner

127 errors are missing file/library errors. From a terminal CD into your Rossetta project directory and run ldd on the rosetta executable. Check the output for missing libraries. You'll then need to track down your distros packages that contain these libraries and install them. If you need this explained further just yell :)

4) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Word link 9 (Message 42096)
Posted 12 Jun 2007 by Profile Trog Dog
5) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Last one to post here wins! #2 (Message 42058)
Posted 11 Jun 2007 by Profile Trog Dog
I think the penguin is trying hard not to grin inanely :)
6) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Word link 9 (Message 41977)
Posted 9 Jun 2007 by Profile Trog Dog

phone home
7) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : FREE TIBET/TIBET LIBRE (Message 41894)
Posted 6 Jun 2007 by Profile Trog Dog
Hi Trog,

Hey, Modsense made a correction to my statement which I was unaware of.
So enjoy your time on here and sorry for jumping on you so quick.

Cheers Greg :)
8) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : FREE TIBET/TIBET LIBRE (Message 41845)
Posted 5 Jun 2007 by Profile Trog Dog
No probs Eric, you're welcome.
9) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : FREE TIBET/TIBET LIBRE (Message 41822)
Posted 4 Jun 2007 by Profile Trog Dog
I have to admit, I don't know much about the culture in Tibet. The only thing I know is that China took over that area(I think it was during WW2).

So tell me more about the people there. I'm curious. What are they like?

Team FREE TIBET/TIBET LIBRE takes part in several projects. The objective of this team is quite simply to make known the current situation in TIBET, and to avoid letting these people, this culture be forgotten.

All people sensitive to this cause are welcomed.

G'day Eric

If you-tube is your thing then you might start with this video although I'd recommend getting Cry of the Snow Lion from your local video store.

Otherwise, the following websites are a good source of information
10) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : FREE TIBET/TIBET LIBRE (Message 41821)
Posted 4 Jun 2007 by Profile Trog Dog
do us a favor and post this to this thread as that is where team advertisements belong.

Team FREE TIBET/TIBET LIBRE takes part in several projects. The objective of this team is quite simply to make known the current situation in TIBET, and to avoid letting these people, this culture be forgotten.

All people sensitive to this cause are welcomed.

Apologies greg be, I didn't notice the stickied thread - now that you pointed it out I don't know how I did manage to miss it, I do my best to check for a recruiting thread but in this case I missed it.

Sorry for offending you.
11) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : FREE TIBET/TIBET LIBRE (Message 41753)
Posted 2 Jun 2007 by Profile Trog Dog
Team FREE TIBET/TIBET LIBRE takes part in several projects. The objective of this team is quite simply to make known the current situation in TIBET, and to avoid letting these people, this culture be forgotten.

All people sensitive to this cause are welcomed.
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Rosetta on 64 bit Linux (Message 40243)
Posted 2 May 2007 by Profile Trog Dog
I just added linux and windows 64bit platforms to ralph. The apps are copies of the 32bit versions. If you have a 64bit boinc client, please join the ralph test project if you haven't already.

Sweet - my 3 64bit boxes now have their first RALPH wus
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Rosetta on 64 bit Linux (Message 40217)
Posted 2 May 2007 by Profile Trog Dog
I know this is an older Thread but if someone is still searching for a way to crunch rosetta with 64 bit Linux, like I was searching...

I wrote a little HowTo in the BOINC Synergy Forum.
You can find it here:

Not to detract from Stefans efforts, but given the frequency that the Rosetta app's can change sometimes - is it really too much trouble for the dev's to recognise the 64bit platform and send out the 32bit app?
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Claimed/granted credit (Message 39857)
Posted 25 Apr 2007 by Profile Trog Dog
Rosetta just got closer to being "top of the pack" - Einstein has further reduced it's granted credits for the next series of wu's.
15) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems with Rosetta version 5.45 (Message 36413)
Posted 10 Feb 2007 by Profile Trog Dog
Hi all.

I've been looking at this project for a while and finally got a machine new & big enough to run it.

I just installed boinc and rosetta. It has downloaded three items to crunch, but each one "finishes" right away with s status of "Computation error".

I'm running Fedora Core 6 on an HP Media Center m7060n. Both KDE and GNOME are installed. I get the feeling that something in my computing environment isn't up-to-snuff....

A cut-&-paste from the client terminal

2007-02-05 11:50:53 [rosetta@home] Unrecoverable error for result 1bq9A_BOINC_ABRELAX_NE WRELAXFLAGS_frags83__1521_8771_0 (process exited with code 127 (0x7f))
2007-02-05 11:50:53 [rosetta@home] Unrecoverable error for result 1bq9A_BOINC_ABRELAX_NE WRELAXFLAGS_frags83__1521_8771_0 (process exited with code 127 (0x7f))

Pointers to where I can RTFM to get going are welcome.


G'day Eric

The 127 error code is a file not found code which normally means a missing library or dependency. It could also mean that the rosetta app does not have executable bit set. From a terminal window run the ldd command on the rosetta app and then on boincmgr and note what packages/libraries that you are missing.

ldd /full/path/to/rosetta_5.43_i686-pc-linux-gnu


ldd /full/path/to/boincmgr

substituting the correct path for /full/path/to/
16) Message boards : Number crunching : hostname gentoo problems, can't attach (Message 35525)
Posted 25 Jan 2007 by Profile Trog Dog
To fix the gethostbyname error follow the steps here .
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Updated Projects List For BOINCView (Message 33994)
Posted 3 Jan 2007 by Profile Trog Dog
When you use BOINCView to attach your hosts to a project - it brings up a list of projects to make the attaching process easier. Unfortunately, it was only current at the time when BOINCView was released.

Thanks to Webmaster Yoda, you can download and install an updated list of projects to attach to.

The list is available as a zip file at

Instructions on its use can be found here .

18) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems with Rosetta version 5.43 (Message 33817)
Posted 31 Dec 2006 by Profile Trog Dog
Here's another one. So far the common link is 5.7.5 - I'll revert these boxes back to 5.4.11 and see if the errors follow.
19) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems with Rosetta version 5.43 (Message 33737)
Posted 30 Dec 2006 by Profile Trog Dog
Spoke too soon, here's another one. Different box, though and different wu.
20) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems with Rosetta version 5.43 (Message 33664)
Posted 29 Dec 2006 by Profile Trog Dog
Problem with this wu

First in a while for Rosetta, normally they happen on RALPH

Next 20

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