Posts by llangg

1) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Moderators Contact Point (Explanations, Assistance etc) Post here! (Message 88488)
Posted 17 Mar 2018 by llangg

my team and I are developing an innovative approach to web-based distributed computing that is up to 6 times faster than JavaScript through using Emscripten, WebAssembly and ASM.JS

We would love to collaborate with Rosetta@home and could even handle converting the code to the needs of our platform.
However I can not find any contact to the researchers.
If anyone can help me, here or via, that would be great!

with kind regards
2) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : How can we bring more users to the Rosetta project? (Message 88487)
Posted 17 Mar 2018 by llangg

my team and I are developing an innovative approach to web-based distributed computing that is up to 6 times faster than JavaScript through using Emscripten, WebAssembly and ASM.JS

We would love to collaborate with Rosetta@home and could even handle converting the code to the needs of our platform.
However I can not find any contact to the researchers.
If anyone can help me, here or via, that would be great!

with kind regards

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