Posts by nikolce

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 99792)
Posted 27 Nov 2020 by Profile nikolce
Thanks for bringing the errors to my attention. Apparently from that point on it has been returning nothing but errors. I caught it today since my RAC dropped a little.

As recommended I killed the tasks and it started to drop on the next tasks within minutes.

I restarted the PC and tested the CPU and memory with Prime95 on smallest and large FFTs for 15 minutes each ( I know it's should be longer), with no errors. Meanwhile the PC was not showing any signs of instability. I've resumed the project and the tasks are doing fine for almost an hour now. I'll keep a close eye in the next couple of days. I thought I'll have to retire the old bugger.

Thank you!
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 99785)
Posted 27 Nov 2020 by Profile nikolce
Hi all,

Can someone tell me if I should abort the below tasks? It's a bit annoying to find your CPU crunching nothing for two days.

Thank you!

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