Posts by laurelin

21) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : Rosetta video/outreach project (Message 15852)
Posted 10 May 2006 by laurelin
Also, I am kind of researching how other people have approached short documentary-style promo videos. It's tricky because it's a cross between a documentary, a commercial, and a movie trailer. If anyone has seen anything like this on the web can you post a link here? I just want some general reference material.

22) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : Rosetta video/outreach project (Message 15851)
Posted 10 May 2006 by laurelin

Have you considered making a "RosettaRobot Science Fair" video? This would explain all the various functions that proteins have, both in normal body functions, and in disease and virus cells. As well as how the few existing treatments work at the cellular level, and why science doesn't presently have the answers needed to design the proteins to treat most diseases yet. It would THEN explain the computational approach to discovering protein configurations, and maybe you then incorporate the other videos you are working on: showing the transciption, interviewing the team, and showing how to install Rosetta.

Hi! Sorry, haven't looked at this board in a while, busy working on animations and video editing...

The Laboratory Robot Science Fair is something that I worked on for my primary "job" as independant contractor for an NIH SEPA educational outreach project. All the characters and stuff belong to the NIH and this non-profit in Pittsburgh. So, can't use them! Pretty much 1/2 of my ideas over the last 4-5 yrs don't belong to me :)

Don't worry though, the Rosetta video is looking excellent. David Baker et al don't look as bad as they think they do, and we'll do as many retakes as we need so everyone is happy.
23) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : Rosetta video/outreach project (Message 13077)
Posted 5 Apr 2006 by laurelin
I was going to do a kind of segue animation between translation and the protein folding section that gave a quick overview of amino acids, their properties, and peptide bond formation... basically I would zoom into the ribosome (or have a box highlighting that site on the ribosome and then fade the ribosome out to show the amino acids and tRNAs more) to see this happening up close. I was planning on the protein folding segment having more to do with the interactions on the atomic level, degrees of freedom and bond rotation etc. What is there now is a placeholder.

As far as splicing stills into the footage of the Rosetta team, good idea... I was thinking of having several different video formats available-- like, you could view the 4 seperate items on the website but also there will be a kind of documentary-style overview of the project that will have the first 3 items edited together- for general publicity, a trailer of sorts.

Anyway, feet1st- thank you for the interview questions, they are great! I'll compile a list of them as well as an outline of what will be included in the narration. I want to make a simple narration that will augment the 1st animation but I also want to make it so that the animation can be viewed and understood without sound. Still workin on that...

24) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : Rosetta video/outreach project (Message 13014)
Posted 3 Apr 2006 by laurelin
Hi, thanks!

I really like the idea of using a 10-12 yr old for the installation tutorial, we'll see if that is possible.

Did you mean that the video takes forever to download? It should be streaming and start playing pretty much immediately. I can make a smaller version and put up a link so you can right click and download that way if people want.

I'm trying to put together a draft narration as well as what topics should be covered in the interviews with the Rosetta team. I should have something to show in a day or two.

Yeah, so, basically that is the idea behind the animations, to give people a sense of the biological context of the project. My philosophy is, seeing is understanding. This takes care of the problem of jargon-laden explanations. The final animation will probably have some simple text labels (like DNA will be labeled and the ribosome will be labeled) and then a simple guiding narration. Then, in the interview section, we can have some of the standard analogies that explain Rosetta and possibly more in depth scientific explanation of the project.

I'll update soon.

25) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : Rosetta video/outreach project (Message 12598)
Posted 24 Mar 2006 by laurelin
Hi Everyone

My background is in biology and 3D animation/art, and my work generally combines the two-- mostly I have worked on biology educational outreach projects.

I have been communicating with David Baker over the last couple of weeks about the possibility of producing a series of animations and video footage that would bring more users to the project as well as explain the science behind Rosetta to new users. These videos would be on the website and could also be used for general publicity such as news spots, promo dvds, educational resource for schools, etc.

We would like to flesh out our concepts for this project with help from the users on this board.

Basically we were thinking of four major animations or videos

1. The biology of protein folding and the protein folding problem, with narration.

2. Footage of the Rosetta Team explaining the science behind Rosetta

3. An animated diagram of the boinc screensaver graphics explaining all of the different aspects

4. An explanatory video on how to actually install Rosetta

I have been working on an animation that is a contextual intro to the biology behind the project-- basically, the central dogma of biology. I'll probably use it in some form in the first animation; the science of protein folding. There are 4 parts to it, the last two of which are extremely rough. The final animation I am envisioning will be much more streamlined and directed (probably less emphasis on transcription/translation and definitely more in depth on protein folding- the actual protein folding section is just a placeholder). The animation details DNA->RNA (transcription) RNA-->protein (translation) and then the protein folding placeholder + experimental rosetta animation.

Intro to Folding Animation

I think that generally it would be useful to hear what you all think the major topics are that should be addressed in the Baker Lab video footage. Basically, help us come up with a set of interview questions and general concepts that would be useful to new users and other laypersons. Also, we could use some help with developing simple installation instructions that could possibly be turned into a video. I know that there are other threads similar to this one, but I'd like to kind of refocus the conversation to this one option for expanding usership.

Any input would be appreciated!

I'll expand upon this thread as well as my ideas progress. Let me know if you want clarification on anything.

-Laura Gonzalez

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