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Number crunching :
Downloading WU's which don't appear as downloaded
(Message 58454)
Posted 4 Jan 2009 by jmurdoch Post: Hi, I'm downloading WU's with MFR (I think) which weigh more or less 2,4 MB each. I was quite happy to get them. But they simply don't appear as downloaded. I'm with slow Internet, up-dial or whaterver it is called. So it's just a little bit more frustrating. That's something I haven't seen before. 04/01/2009 10:28:16|rosetta@home|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work. Requesting 335530 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks 04/01/2009 10:29:26|rosetta@home|Scheduler request completed: got 11 new tasks ... 04/01/2009 10:47:24|rosetta@home|Temporarily failed download of boinc_mfr_aaat01_09_05.200_v1_3.gz: HTTP error ... 04/01/2009 10:50:02|rosetta@home|[error] MD5 check failed for boinc_mfr_aaat01_03_05.200_v1_3.gz 04/01/2009 10:50:02|rosetta@home|[error] expected 9e156df4c561be65533ceb64059254ab, got a500261b0525281e82d9c3166980820c 04/01/2009 10:50:02|rosetta@home|[error] Checksum or signature error for boinc_mfr_aaat01_03_05.200_v1_3.gz 04/01/2009 10:51:05|rosetta@home|Fetching scheduler list 04/01/2009 10:51:27|rosetta@home|Master file download succeeded ... 04/01/2009 11:00:52|rosetta@home|Finished download of boinc_mfr_aaAT01_09_05.200_v1_3.gz 04/01/2009 11:00:52|rosetta@home|[error] Checksum or signature error for boinc_mfr_aaAT01_09_05.200_v1_3.gz 04/01/2009 11:00:58|rosetta@home|[error] Couldn't delete file projects/boinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta/boinc_mfr_aaAT01_09_05.200_v1_3.gz 04/01/2009 11:01:55||Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site 04/01/2009 11:01:55|rosetta@home|Temporarily failed download of boinc_mfr_aaat01_09_05.200_v1_3.gz: HTTP error |
Message boards :
Rosetta@home Science :
Rosetta@home Web Site Translations
(Message 40336)
Posted 4 May 2007 by jmurdoch Post: |
Message boards :
Rosetta@home Science :
Rosetta@home Web Site Translations
(Message 34652)
Posted 13 Jan 2007 by jmurdoch Post: Hi Kayros, You will find po edit at this address: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=27043 Once you have installed this program, any "po" file will be able to be edited with it. The text to be translated is at the bottom left (to be enlarged). To be translated in the same place. Then you rub out the English text. The safest way is to give a different name to your es.po file (add a number or a letter). And keep the original one as a reference. Accents in Spanish need to be written in html (é = é) Well, that isn't the most important thing for the moment. I don't know if Soan is translating from line 500 onwards (po reference). 'Technical' biological words will surely be improved by somebody else in the future (see the actual es.po file and it's vocabulary, it may help. I have sent an updated es.po file, but still not up). Hope this helps, Joanna Hi jmurdoch, |
Message boards :
Rosetta@home Science :
Rosetta@home Web Site Translations
(Message 34476)
Posted 10 Jan 2007 by jmurdoch Post: Hi, |
Message boards :
Rosetta@home Science :
Rosetta@home Web Site Translations
(Message 33090)
Posted 21 Dec 2006 by jmurdoch Post: Hello Soan, You can give it a try. The translation of Rosetta is open to everybody. As I am in more or less the three quarters, try to tranlate the last part. If you open the "po" program, there are numbers towards the right side. The text finishes at n° 575. Translate into Spanish beginning at 500 or whatever is nearer. Translate whatever you can. Leave the original intact, and work on a copy (add a number or letter to the original file name). Send your file to David Kim. His address is further down this thread. Thank you, Joanna Soan says : I don't really know how to write that type of file, but I could probably at least help with the translation of text. I'm not promising anything fantastic, because spanish is my second language, but I'm sure I could help with much of it. [/quote] |
Message boards :
Rosetta@home Science :
Rosetta@home Web Site Translations
(Message 32867)
Posted 18 Dec 2006 by jmurdoch Post: Hi, Happy to see the French version is up. Congratulations. I have begun the Spanish translation, but recognize I've got stuck in the middle (scientific language and comprehension) Is there somebody out there who would like to share the work translating Rosetta to the Spanish version? Alguien quiere colaborar en la traduccion de la pagina Rosetta al Castellano/Espanol? Gracias, Joanna |
Message boards :
Rosetta@home Science :
Rosetta@home Web Site Translations
(Message 18505)
Posted 12 Jun 2006 by jmurdoch Post: Hi, Thank you Arnaud for your en.po. I'll translate to Spanish soon, (and keep in English the "msgid") The address you sent in message 17935 will help to improve the Spanish translation Joanna |
Message boards :
Rosetta@home Science :
Rosetta@home Web Site Translations
(Message 18013)
Posted 7 Jun 2006 by jmurdoch Post: Hi, No tags, hope this is readable! Reading your messages on translating I thought I'd give it a try This is written first in English, then in Spanish. I did it this way as I'm not certain if everything must be translated or not. No accents. Who is working on the Spanish version? Who can help, correct etc... ? Is there a page somewhere ? Rosetta@home translated to Spanish - - - - - - - - - - - - - - David Kim's example : msgid "APPS_VERSION" msgstr "Current_version" msgid "VERSION_APLIC" msgstr "Version_actual" msigd "RAH_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION" msgstr "<b>Rosetta@home</b> needs your help to determine the 3-dimensional shapes" " of proteins in research that may ultimately lead to finding cures for some major human" " diseases. By running the Rosetta program on your computer while you don't need it you" " will help us speed up and extend our research in ways we couldn't possibly attempt" " without your help. You will also be helping our efforts at designing new proteins to fight" " diseases such as HIV, Malaria, Cancer, and Alzheimer's" " (See our <a href=/rosetta/rah_medical_relevance.php>Disease Related Research</a> for" " more information). " " Please <a href=/rosetta/rah_intro.php>join us</a> in our efforts!" " <b><i>Rosetta@home is not for profit.</i></b>" msigd "DESCRIPCION_DEL_PROYECTO_RAH" msgstr "<b>Rosetta@home</b> necesita de su ayuda para determinar las formas tri-dimensionales" "de las proteinas en investigacion que pueden finalmente llevar a descubrir remedios para algunas" "grandes enfermedades humanas. Haciendo trabajar el programa Rosetta en su computador mientras no" "lo este usando usted ayudara a agilizar y extender nuestra investigacion de una manera que nosotros" "no podriamos intentar sin su ayuda. Usted estara tambien ayudando nuestros esfuerzos en disenar" "nuevas proteinas para luchar contra enfermedades tales como HIV, Malaria, Cancer, y Alzheimer" "(Vea nuestro <a href=/rosetta/rah_medical_relevance.php>Disease Related Research</a> para" "mas informacion). " "Por favor <a href=/rosetta/rah_intro.php>unase a nuestros esfuerzos!" "<b><i>Rosetta@home es sin finalidad de lucro.</i></b>" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Arnaud's (AF Est Linux ARR) example : ########################################## # Language: English (International) # FileID : # Author : Rosetta users # Email : ########################################## # For more information please see: # http://boinc.berkeley.edu/translate.html ########################################## ######################################### # Front page (index.php, header.php, footer.php) ######################################### ########################################## Lengua : Castellano (Internacional) FileID : Autor : Email : ########################################## Para mas informacion por favor vea: http://boinc.berkeley.edu/translate.html ########################################## ########################################## Primera pagina (index.php, header.php, footer.php) ########################################## msgid "WHAT_IS" msgstr "What is Rosetta@home?" msgid "QUE ES" msgstr "Que es Rosetta@home?" msgid "RAH_PROJ_DESC" msgstr "<b>Rosetta@home</b> needs your help to determine the 3-dimensional shapes" " of proteins in research that may ultimately lead to finding cures for some major human" " diseases. By running the Rosetta program on your computer while you don't need it you" " will help us speed up and extend our research in ways we couldn't possibly attempt" " without your help. You will also be helping our efforts at designing new proteins to fight" " diseases such as HIV, Malaria, Cancer, and Alzheimer's" " (See our <a href=/rosetta/rah_medical_relevance.php>Disease Related Research</a> for" " more information). " " Please <a href=/rosetta/rah_intro.php>join us</a> in our efforts!" " <b><i>Rosetta@home is not for profit.</i></b>" msgid "RAH_DESCR_PROY" msgstr "<b>Rosetta@home</b> necesita de su ayuda para determinar las formas tri-dimensionales" "de las proteinas en investigacion que pueden finalmente llevar a descubrir remedios para algunas" grandes enfermedades humanas. Haciendo trabajar el programa Rosetta en su computador mientras no" "lo este usando usted ayudara a agilizar y extender nuestra investigacion de una manera que nosotros" "no podriamos intentar sin su ayuda. Usted estara tambien ayudando nuestros esfuerzos en disenar" "nuevas proteinas para luchar contra enfermedades tales como HIV, Malaria, Cancer, y Alzheimer" "(Vea nuestro <a href=/rosetta/rah_medical_relevance.php>Disease Related Research</a> para" "mas informacion). " "Por favor <a href=/rosetta/rah_intro.php>unase a nuestros esfuerzos!" "<b><i>Rosetta@home es sin finalidad de lucro.</i></b>" #Join Rosetta@home part (# Parte Unase a Rosseta@home) msgid "RAH_JOIN_TITLE" msgstr "Join Rosetta@home" msgid "TITULO_UNASE_A_RAH" msgstr "Unase a Rosetta@home" msgid "RULES" msgstr "Rules and policies" msgid "REGLAS" msgstre "Reglas y politicas" msgid "SYS_REQ" msgstr "System requirements" msgid "REQ_SIST" msgstr "Requerimientos del sistema" msgid "DOWN_INST" msgstr "Download, install, and run BOINC" msgid "DESC_INST" msgid "Descargue, instale, y haga funcionar BOINC" #... : ingrese al proyecto URL: http://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta msgid "WELCOME" msgstr "A welcome from David Baker" msgid "BIENVENIDA" msgstr "Una bienvenida de parte de David Baker" # msgid "RAH_ABOUT_ROSETTA_TITLE" msgstr "About" msgid "RAH_TITULO_SOBRE_ROSETTA" msgstr "Sobre Rosetta" msgid "TEN_REASONS" msgstr "10 reasons why users crunch Rosetta@home" msgid "DIEZ_RAZONES" msgstr "10 razones por que los utilizadores adhieren a Rosetta@home" msgid "RAH_FAQ" msgstr "Rosetta@home FAQ" msgid "RAH_FAQ" msgstr "FAQ Rosetta@home" msgid "RAH_SCIENCE_FAQ" msgstr "Rosetta@home Science FAQ" msgid "RAH__FAQ_CIENCIA" msgstr "FAQ Ciencia Rosetta@home" msgid "RAH_DISEASE" msgstr "Disease Related Research" msgid "RAH_ENFERMEDADES" msgstr "Investigaciones relacionadas a enfermedades" msgid "RESEARCH_OVERVIEW" msgstr "Research Overview" msgid "VISION GENERAL" msgstr "Vision General sobre la investigacion" msgid "RAH_NEWS_ART" msgstr "News & Articles about Rosetta" msgid "NOTICIAS_ART_RAH" msgstr "Noticias y Articulos sobre Rosetta" msgid "RAH_JOURNAL" msgstr "David Baker's Rosetta@home Journal" msgid "DIARIO_RAH" msgstr "El Diario de David Baker sobre Rosetta@home" msgid "TECH_NEWS" msgstr "Technical news" msgid "NOTIC_TECN" msgstr "Noticias Tecnicas" # Returning participants part msgid "RAH_RETURN_PART_TITLE" msgstr "Returning participants" msgid "RAH_TITULO_PARTE_RETORNO" msgstr "Retorno de participantes" msgid "YOUR_ACCOUNT" msgstr "Your account" msgid "SU_CUENTA" msgstr "Su_cuenta" msgid "TEAMS" msgstr "Teams" msgid "EQUIPOS" msgstr "Equipos" msgid "APPS" msgstr "Applications" msgid "APS" msgstr "Aplicaciones" msgid "SERVER_STATUS" msgstr "Server status" msgid "STATUS_SERVIDOR" ( "ESTADO_SERVIDOR") msgstr "Status_del_servidor" ( "Estado_del_servidor") msgid "ADD_ONS" msgstr "Add-ons" msgid "COMPL" msgstr "Complementarios" # Community part msgid "RAH_COMMUNITY_TITLE" msgstr "Community" msgid "RAH_TITULO_COMUNIDAD" msgstr "Comunidad" msgid "MSG_BOARDS" msgstr "Message boards" msgid "MESA_MENSAJES" msgstr "Mesa_de_Mensajes" msgid "Q_AND_A" msgstr "Questions and answers" msgid "P_Y_R" msgstr "Preguntas_y_Respuestas" msgid "RAH_PART_PROF" msgstr "Participant profiles" msgid "RAH_PERF_PART" msgstr "Perfiles_de_participantes" msgid "IMAGES" msgstr "Images" msgid "IMAGENES" msgstr "Imagenes" msgid "LANGUAGE_SELECT" msgstr "Languages" msgid "SEL_LENGUA" msgstr "Seleccion_Lengua" # Statistics part Parte Estadisticas msgid "RAH_STATS_TITLE" msgstr "Statistics" msgid "RAH_TITULO_ESTADISTICAS" msgstr "Estadisticas" msgid "TOP_PART" msgstr "Top participants" msgid "TOP_PART" msgstr "Los_participantes_Top" msgid "TOP_COMP" msgstr "Top computers" msgid "COMP_TOP" msgstr "Computadores_Top" msgid "TOP_TEAMS" msgstr "Top teams" msgid "EQUIPOS_TOP" msgstr "Equipos_Top" msgid "TOP_PREDICTIONS" msgstr "Top predictions" msgid "PREDICCIONES_TOP" msgstr "Predicciones_Top" Joanna |
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