Posts by Mr P Hucker

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 108725)
Posted 25 Nov 2023 by Mr P Hucker
sometimes while stuck at the desk for hours (at this time of year) I realise "oops its got dark" and have to switch a light on .
I've wired the lightswitch to under my desk, so I can shut off the lights to stop my parrots squawking while I'm trying to concentrate or watch Piratebay, I mean TV.

I have no problem with a bright monitor and a dark room, our eyes adjust automatically.

Eh , What , Alien tecknology :-)
Me still in age of steampunk :-)
I misread that(!)
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 108724)
Posted 25 Nov 2023 by Mr P Hucker
I was more thinking about something like OLED or LCD with background light, which adjusts itself to what's needed.
Some actually change the brightness in different parts of the screen.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 108723)
Posted 25 Nov 2023 by Mr P Hucker
Like the "Aug2001 vintage 17" CRT monitor" I have just sold on ebay for £80 (and it is sitting on the floor here to be packed)
They have to be VERY well packed , Royal Snail =Parcel Force , costs about £15 to anywhere in UK
And then buy two 17" led monitors from ebay for £30 (used IT recycling , tested working with 90 day warranty)
so in the end I get about £25 and two monitors that take up a lot less shelf space , use less electric and no scan beam radiation

Mad int it :-)
Dunno why people go for old shit. I sold a 1980s photographic enlarger (to make poster prints from negatives - I guess you can still buy film?!?) for £350 to an Australian. That was 25kg and needed a lot of packaging!
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 108722)
Posted 25 Nov 2023 by Mr P Hucker
On some types of screens, yes.
OLED? My phone has that, I guess more modern TV/monitors than I have also use it, although if they're plugged in who cares how much power they use?

And it's a lot better for the eyes, some people even use add-ons like DarkReader to have all pages dark. Some pages are automatically light or dark, depanding on your OS or browser settings.
Who says it's better for the eyes? I shouldn't think your eyes care.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 108721)
Posted 25 Nov 2023 by Mr P Hucker
I find it sad. I have received no climate prediction work in ages.
I do, but only by having 15 hosts with Windows and Linux. There's supposed to be a huge Linux set of tasks soon, with multithreading! They said Autumn....
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 108690)
Posted 14 Nov 2023 by Mr P Hucker
Rosetta 4.2 work units are not completing within the allocated time. Preferences set to max (1day12hrs) but the WU's only run at about 3% per hour on my Win10Pro machine.
Well obviously, 1 hour is about 3% of 1 day 12 hours. They're doing exactly as you told them.

I cannot afford 24/7 power and only run system when solar panels working (about 10 hrs per day atm).
There's a thing called batteries people usually add to solar systems. What do you do at night, light candles?

Can admin please arrange additional time please??
Why set it to 1.5 days if you don't have it on that much?
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 108689)
Posted 14 Nov 2023 by Mr P Hucker
Two spaces and nothing else deletes it. No idea why.
8) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Children’s Respite Home closed by Network Rail’s Heartless Action (Message 108680)
Posted 9 Nov 2023 by Mr P Hucker
Sorry for the off topic post, but I stayed at this campsite/B&B/kid's charity and would hate to see it closed down. Network Rail never paid them the £250K damage they caused by making a flood by blocking a stream. Now they're doing this. It seems Network Rail operate above the law.

Please sign and share.
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Ralph test spotted (Message 108675)
Posted 4 Nov 2023 by Mr P Hucker
Yes, because it wouldn't fix the problem I reported, crashing work units. You're just grumbling they won't work on your antique computer.
Have you read my first message?
It's the old app with the old problems
I disagree, the old app had no problems. Therefore these are new problems.

P.S. SSDs are slow, get NVMEs.
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Ralph test spotted (Message 108673)
Posted 4 Nov 2023 by Mr P Hucker
And I'm free to point out your request is absurd.
So, you opened a thread complaining wus errors on your pcs and it'a absurd to request better/bugfixed code (multiattached disk is only one possible features)?
Are you serious?
Yes, because it wouldn't fix the problem I reported, crashing work units. You're just grumbling they won't work on your antique computer.
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Ralph test spotted (Message 108671)
Posted 2 Nov 2023 by Mr P Hucker
Resources would be the equivalent of our CPU time, which we allow them to use.
That's the difference between democracy and regime.
I'm free to donate my cpu time. And I'm free to ask better apps on my pc.
And I'm free to point out your request is absurd. Do you seriously still have rust spinners for system drives? I only use those for backups, and mass video storage (security camera and TV).
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Ralph test spotted (Message 108670)
Posted 2 Nov 2023 by Mr P Hucker
It's not a problem for IPD
IPD can mean 79 different things, pick one:
C'mon, you are here since 2006 and you don't know the Istitute for Protein Design?
I cannot remember every acronym in my life. At my work they even had two acronyms the same letters for totally different things! Caused a bit of confusion when the two met.

The main part of the cosecode is closed, up to now
No reason for it to be closed.
You have to speak with RosettaCommons team..
I think I'd have better luck talking to a brick wall.
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Ralph test spotted (Message 108665)
Posted 2 Nov 2023 by Mr P Hucker
Developers cost money.
It's not a problem for IPD
IPD can mean 79 different things, pick one:

Nobody funds science.
Team of Alphafold does not agree
Sometimes you get lucky, I used to work in a university, funding is like a lottery.

They could also ask for volunteer programmers, many projects do.
The main part of the cosecode is closed, up to now
No reason for it to be closed.
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Ralph test spotted (Message 108664)
Posted 2 Nov 2023 by Mr P Hucker
As I said, that kinda space is nothing nowadays. Why waste effort designing something to save what there's plenty of?

Good question. It is like one very big nation invaded another one with a lot of space avaiable inside...
It's the resources not the space they want, the big nation has loads of room. Resources would be the equivalent of our CPU time, which we allow them to use.
15) Message boards : Number crunching : Ralph test spotted (Message 108661)
Posted 2 Nov 2023 by Mr P Hucker
A`Superhost` was considered some time ago ,
page "Last modified 13 years ago"
An excellent idea, I've asked why it's not been implemented over at Github where the Boinc programmers hang out:
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Ralph test spotted (Message 108660)
Posted 2 Nov 2023 by Mr P Hucker
I believe the idea is a Squid thing like LHC crunchers use to download tasks to a single pc then send them out to multiple pc's....
I believe the idea is to have Rosetta@Home developers that fix code bugs and solve problems.
And, maybe, introduce features that help the volunteers.
Developers cost money. Nobody funds science. They could ask for donations, many projects do. They could also ask for volunteer programmers, many projects do.
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Ralph test spotted (Message 108659)
Posted 2 Nov 2023 by Mr P Hucker
Not really necessary, don't we all have large SSDs?
Great idea, waste space it's good!!
As I said, that kinda space is nothing nowadays. Why waste effort designing something to save what there's plenty of?

Becoming serious again, it's also a question of performance/optimization/etc
It takes a second to read that much data off an NVME. Nothing compared to the processing time of several hours.
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Ralph test spotted (Message 108658)
Posted 2 Nov 2023 by Mr P Hucker
I believe the idea is a Squid thing like LHC crunchers use to download tasks to a single pc then send them out to multiple pc's and then return them from the original pc that downloaded them thereby bypassing one of the security features built into Boinc that is that the pc that downloads a task must be the one that returns it back to the project.
Squid doesn't do that, it just caches. PC 1 downloads a task, involving a GB disk image. Squid keeps that on the main PC. PC 2 downloads a different task, needing the same GB disk image, but squid already has it, so hands it to PC 2. It's just an internet cache, nothing specific for Boinc.

And anyway it's impossible to make it work, it's a badly ported piece of shit with no GUI from Linux. I had it running for about 2 months (after a lot of hassle), then it suddenly decided to stop working, just kept crashing. No amount of reinstalling, uninstalling, wiping every part of it, would make it go again. I tried it on another PC, wouldn't work there either. So LHC gets everything downloaded 120 times for my 120 cores across 10 computers.

What LHC should be doing is at least caching the image on each PC. I think they're doing that here. On one PC only, the first task downloads a GB of data, then another task downloads the same GB again?!? Only Stephanie (Stefan) (Computerzrmelsmelrle) could think up something that monumentally stupid.
19) Message boards : Number crunching : Ralph test spotted (Message 108653)
Posted 1 Nov 2023 by Mr P Hucker
Not really necessary, don't we all have large SSDs?
20) Message boards : Number crunching : Ralph test spotted (Message 108651)
Posted 1 Nov 2023 by Mr P Hucker
What is multi-attach disk boinc feature?

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