Posts by Avi

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Linux Hibernate crashes rosetta? (Message 67443)
Posted 29 Aug 2010 by Avi
AVI - it appears that Ubuntu with the kernel version you specified has a bug with hibernation - jobs are not always properly restored when the system is restarted.

Check out:

Indeed, when I first installed, hibernate rarely worked at all. I upgraded to 2.6.34 and it generally hibernates (but sometimes sleeps / locks instead, weird, but nothing crashes.
Rosetta is the only application that I see negative consequences with the reboot.
When these WUs finish maybe I'll "risk it" and see if it always happens again.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Linux Hibernate crashes rosetta? (Message 67439)
Posted 29 Aug 2010 by Avi
I'm not sure I'm explaining it.
It seems from the few times I hibernated, that the rosetta process always dies when it resumes.
I'm not talking about a power failure, but a controlled system hibernate.
I hadn't noticed wuprop or freehal crashing, and with checkpoints in rosetta, a complete crash is very much unexpected.

Was this just a coincidence? Or is rosetta uniquely unable to manage through a hibernate process?
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Linux Hibernate crashes rosetta? (Message 67425)
Posted 29 Aug 2010 by Avi
I'm running rosetta on my ubuntu linux laptop, and it seems the rosetta threads crash with "compute error" when I hibernate. If I manually pause them, it seems to be fine. Is this a known bug? Any plans to fix it?

4) Message boards : Number crunching : How's the new credit system shaping up? (Message 25451)
Posted 29 Aug 2006 by Avi
Can you tell from just this data if a certain architechture is "better" with a certain type of WU? i.e. it gets signifigantly more credit that expected (as opposed to the opposite, amd/intel or different generation), w/o it being a bug :P

@AVI, I only have these puters, so No, I can't make any determination based upon data from my own puters. I could if I chose to, to go back through my list of active posters and manually get data that way, but that's alot of work, I'm not quite up to yet.

Hmm. Im very good at parsing pages with PHP/reg-exp. Is This data available on viewable pages? I can write smthing to gather it for you and dump to excel if you know how to analyze it. Email me: kLdd 16 gmail if you are interested.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : How's the new credit system shaping up? (Message 25435)
Posted 29 Aug 2006 by Avi
Can you tell from just this data if a certain architechture is "better" with a certain type of WU? i.e. it gets signifigantly more credit that expected (as opposed to the opposite, amd/intel or different generation), w/o it being a bug :P
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Power usage.. fun with a watt meter (Message 24893)
Posted 25 Aug 2006 by Avi
Was still running near 60C and after a few hrs, the keyboard was getting hot so I got the Lantec Lapcool 3 for $20 after tax and shipping (got it in 25hrs or so) and with the laptop fan on high & the cooler, it seems to have dropped all temperatues - CPU, GPU, Memory, Chipset, & HD by 8-12C on each component!!
The keyboard barely has a hint of heat, and the lapcool is quieter than the laptop's fan on high. Now the only reason to shut the laptop when Im not going anywhere would be power, which is quite small compared to the desktop machine :)
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Power usage.. fun with a watt meter (Message 24477)
Posted 24 Aug 2006 by Avi
I set the "enforce fan settings" to 10ms and it seems to be fixed :)
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Power usage.. fun with a watt meter (Message 24365)
Posted 23 Aug 2006 by Avi
Normally it was running silent. The "stopping" is reverting the normal dell maximum (unless it hits 80C maybe?)

Theres an intake on the bottom, and an out on the side... Im point a flashlight through the grill but I can't see anything.
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Power usage.. fun with a watt meter (Message 24358)
Posted 23 Aug 2006 by Avi
I set the temp control to fan of 63 (all above 49C). I disabled the CPU temp control, and only clicked the "enable forcing to highest.."
Its currenty 60C and its still happening. Im not so concerned for the CPU, but the HD starts to heat up, and after an 2hrs or so, the left of the keyboard (and bottom, right.. the hard drive i think) gets quite hot.
Its only like 6weeks old, so im hoping its not any problem with the heatsink seating...

The normal way to run is to use CPU temperature control. If the fans cycle on and off with both settings (enable forcing and temp control) when the temperatue settings are set low, then exit 18kfanGUI. Keep crunching and let the processor run on the Dell settings. When the fan comes on, does it cycle? If yes, then get support from Dell If not, the problem is 18kfanGUI on your computer (although it is on the compatibility list). As the last resort to make 18fanGUI work, I would remove the program in Add or Remove programs, download it again, install, and setup again using their User Manual If the problem continues, you can get better help than I can offer on their forum.

The fan runs w/o the program, but only on low.. I could never HEAR it running before I used this program, even when the programs told me the CPU was >70C
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Power usage.. fun with a watt meter (Message 24327)
Posted 23 Aug 2006 by Avi
I've never run speed switch. I would remove it and see if there is a difference.

I turned off autostart on it and rebooted. Its still happening. Any other ideas? :s
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Power usage.. fun with a watt meter (Message 24321)
Posted 23 Aug 2006 by Avi
I set the temp control to fan of 63 (all above 49C). I disabled the CPU temp control, and only clicked the "enable forcing to highest.."
Its currenty 60C and its still happening. Im not so concerned for the CPU, but the HD starts to heat up, and after an 2hrs or so, the left of the keyboard (and bottom, right.. the hard drive i think) gets quite hot.
Its only like 6weeks old, so im hoping its not any problem with the heatsink seating...
I have speed switch installed also, could it be conflicting?

I just don't get what would be telling it "oh slow down" ?
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Power usage.. fun with a watt meter (Message 24313)
Posted 22 Aug 2006 by Avi
What I figured, but it doesn't look like it. at 134F now, and still going on and off.

I hate these wacking extra-wide posts!

Well, two pics is twice the work. And its been 60 minutes so I can't change it to a link :(
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Power usage.. fun with a watt meter (Message 24272)
Posted 22 Aug 2006 by Avi
What I figured, but it doesn't look like it. at 134F now, and still going on and off.

14) Message boards : Number crunching : Power usage.. fun with a watt meter (Message 24239)
Posted 22 Aug 2006 by Avi
Fan speed droppping, err there should be an option somwhere (yes I know there are lots of options)

Hmm, I can see it reports it drops to "low" speed randomly. Its for .2 seconds, then goes back. Its set to "enable forcing to high speed" so its disabled all the other options. its happened right now at ~147F and the prefs for the CPU are at 140 and 158 or so, so that doesn't sound like it should affect it. It used to be once every 20 seconds, right now its every 5 seconds or so. Can someone figure this out please?
15) Message boards : Number crunching : New Crediting system: questions (Message 24165)
Posted 21 Aug 2006 by Avi
On the other hand, if you're part of a team that is running multiple projects - you might see if someone on a more Altivec optimized project has systems that would work better here - and trade. Fold for them on the Altivec optimized project, and have them fold for you here on Rosetta.

This relates to the whole idea of finding out what runs best on each computer - different algorithms in rosetta, or (sorry!) even different DC programs on boinc. It really would be a shame if the processors/architechture in some pc's let it do certain projects faster than others (compared to a baseline of some sort) and we didn't capitalize, atleast in rosetta, by feeding it atleast 50% of the time the ones that are "optimized" for that type of computer! (other 50%, or less, can be testing / running other things that may be urgent)
16) Message boards : Number crunching : New Crediting system: questions (Message 24161)
Posted 21 Aug 2006 by Avi
The Rosetta app has always run fine before but the method for calculating credits is very flawed and I will not believe that these processors are in anyway one third the speed as the athlon.

I definitely understand your feelings, but if I compare my numbers with those of a Power Mac 11,2 then my machine crunches around 2,5 times that of the mac per core.

WU time decoys time/decoy
Power Mac 11,2: t322 13340 s 3 4450 s
X23800@2.2 GHz: t322 41500 s 12 1800 s

I can do the same for quite a number of other WUs for the same machine and it turns out the same. It is as Ananas said, it is a question of optimizing the science-app code for a specific processor architecture. So the system itself is not flawed, but it turns out that "counting real work done" is bad for some machines which I sure do not think is done intentionally but just a matter of cold numbers.

If its counting the "real work" then its not "bad" or a flaw, then it shows that the rosetta app needs to be "fixed" to work at the correct speeds on a mac, depending on how widespread this is.
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Simple boinc installer (Message 24136)
Posted 21 Aug 2006 by Avi
Hi. i would love to be able to give a link toa friend to a download which makes them signup under my team, defaults to rosetta, and the prefs I specify (always run, leave in memory.. etc)
Maybe I could create 2 or so profiles depending on what the person tells me.
But then again, it might be better for me to MAKE their account for them, so the only good thing would be an auto-attach to rosetta.
18) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : Lowest Energy (Message 24132)
Posted 21 Aug 2006 by Avi
G'day Avi and welcome to Rosetta@Home.

I don't understand the
"Accepted" shows the most recently accepted move.
"Low Energy" shows the lowest energy shape seen in the current trajectory.

"accepted move" means a lower energy than the current lowest?
"trajectory" is the whole WU or decoy?

Have a read of this first so what I have writen makes sence.

You have asked some pretty hard questions here, so I'll answer them as best I can:

"Accepted" shows the most recently accepted move. Yes
"Low Energy" shows the lowest energy shape seen in the current trajectory. Yes.
"accepted move" means a lower energy than the current lowest? Not necessarily, to use Dr DB analogy you may have to climb a hill to find out if the valley on the other side is lower than the valley that you are in.
"trajectory" is the whole WU or decoy? Per decoy.

If I got any of that wrong someone will correct me :)

Happy crunching.

So during relax, why would the Accepted Energy ever go up?
(and the first two lines were a quote from the FAQ, the 2nd two were my questions)
19) Message boards : Number crunching : New Crediting system: questions (Message 24129)
Posted 21 Aug 2006 by Avi
Its mentioned elsewhere about the optimization (not the boinc client, the core rosetta client) for the architecture its running on. The post said that there is still some "legacy" code, which I would suppose runs slowly. Perhaps with the new credit system, the software developers can see which machines are STILL getting low credit and see if some of the code needs to be updated?
20) Message boards : Number crunching : What program to attach an old computer to? (Message 24016)
Posted 21 Aug 2006 by Avi
SIMAP needs about an hour/WU on an Athlon XP@2200MHz, about 1:40 on a P3s/1266.

Your box is a Pentium Coppermine so it should do SSE already, which means that you can use their standard client (they have an optional client for CPUs without).

WU size on HD is about 2MB, RAM requirements are very moderate.

They fill an already usable medical database for comparing protein sequences.

Project URL is

Attached, and canceled the einstein since I won't be running this computer another 30 hours before I leave... Progress keeps updating, so thouse should be checkpoints. ATM its saying under 4 hrs (only been 2 minutes...)
No pretty pictures though :(

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