Posts by Steve Shedroff

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems with Rosetta version 5.40 (Message 31509)
Posted 21 Nov 2006 by Profile Steve Shedroff
Ever since about October 20 somthing my computer was crashing more than normal. Windows XP SP2. I am not in control of the maintnenace of this box so I always wait a few weeks to see it the auto-updates I get fix things. I noticed that Rosetta was up-versioned about the same time as my crashing problem so I stoped receiving work units for a short time. The problem went away. I noticed a new version of Rosetta today so I started back up. I'll let you know if I have further problems. Could have all been a coincinence. The crash alwasys strted with slow mouse/keyboard resonce, then total mouse and keyboard lockout. Power down was only way to reboot. Just thought you should know.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Report Problems with Rosetta Version 5.16 I (Message 17033)
Posted 25 May 2006 by Profile Steve Shedroff
This may be coincidence, but I just downloaded the most recent BOINC Client and all my numbers are dropping. Work per day is about 1/2 of what it was before the new client. This is true on MacX and Intel P4 systems. Is it just me?

What version of BOINC did you install?

Sorry, Client is 5.4.9 all both systems. One thing I noticed and changed after I noticed the slow down and it appears to help the Intel boxes. I turned off the screen saver. At least 2 Intel boxes were hanging on the screensaver (no Rosetta progress while screensaver was active). On both these boxes, BOINC & Rosetta has consistently run better without the screensaver mode. The new install defaulted to turning on the screensaver. numbers have been improving since this change.

3) Message boards : Number crunching : Report Problems with Rosetta Version 5.16 I (Message 16946)
Posted 24 May 2006 by Profile Steve Shedroff
This may be coincidence, but I just downloaded the most recent BOINC Client and all my numbers are dropping. Work per day is about 1/2 of what it was before the new client. This is true on MacX and Intel P4 systems. Is it just me?
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Report stuck & aborted WU here please (Message 12079)
Posted 16 Mar 2006 by Profile Steve Shedroff
I aborted the following WU it appeared stuck at 1% after 44 hours with 59 hours to go. It did not appear to be progressing.

3/15/2006 6:54:16 PM|rosetta@home|Unrecoverable error for result FA_RLXai_hom022_1ail__359_179_0 (aborted via GUI RPC)
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Improvements to Rosetta@home based on user feedback (Message 11558)
Posted 2 Mar 2006 by Profile Steve Shedroff
Since the change to WU matched to processing time to minimize transfer losses, I have seen my daily averages and my overall average WU/day soar. I also noticed the total project Teraflops go up. Good move. I noticed that the number of pending WU is much lower on each machine. I assume this is also good for the project, since there is less work at risk of a lost/delayed machine, you will be able to lower the level of redundant WU's sent out to insure total coverage. Net higher throughput and higher reliability.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Report stuck & aborted WU here please (Message 11427)
Posted 26 Feb 2006 by Profile Steve Shedroff
This work unit was at 1% after 86 hours with 96 hours to go so I aborted it.

2/26/2006 1:15:09 PM|rosetta@home|Unrecoverable error for result PRODUCTION_ABINITIO_INCREASECYCLES50_2acy__317_316_0 (aborted via GUI RPC)
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Report stuck & aborted WU here please (Message 10775)
Posted 15 Feb 2006 by Profile Steve Shedroff
I have had a large number of downloads freeze and keep data from flowing so work has stopped. Most have the "fasta" designationin thier name. I just aborted about 20 downloads. Each took two aborts or more to actually kill them. I was getting Error 500 and error 505 messages from BOINC. Any idea what I may have set wrong that might be causing this? I saved a portion of the message log if anyone wnats to see the communication thread.

Work is on a laptop that moves from connection to connection, some with Proxy and some without. I manually change proxy setting to fit location. Been running BOINC for some time now, 10,451 WU on this computer so far. This started happening this week.
8) Message boards : Number crunching : NO_SIM_ANNEAL_BARCODE_30_RLX_NATIVE ERRORS !! (Message 10501)
Posted 6 Feb 2006 by Profile Steve Shedroff
NO_SIM_ANNEAL_BARCODE_30_2reb_286_4473_1 has run for over 20:13 hours and is but 1% complete. Looks like I should abort this one.
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Upload trouble (Message 9279)
Posted 18 Jan 2006 by Profile Steve Shedroff
Nothing there about failed upload...its says failed DOWNLOAD!

Duh! Brain fart here. Downloads are safer to abort. Aborted it and all cleared up. Work is flowing again. Thanks.

10) Message boards : Number crunching : Upload trouble (Message 9276)
Posted 18 Jan 2006 by Profile Steve Shedroff
I have had a couple WU that fail to upload. Here is the latest. Last time I let this go a couple days then aborted the upload. Is there a better way to deal with this? Here is the message log from this mornings startup. The first failure was my fault I forgot to set my proxy on after docking my laptop at work.

1/18/2006 9:10:10 AM||Starting BOINC client version 5.2.13 for windows_intelx86
1/18/2006 9:10:10 AM||libcurl/7.14.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8 zlib/1.2.3
1/18/2006 9:10:10 AM||Data directory: C:Program FilesBOINC
1/18/2006 9:10:10 AM||Processor: 1 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.60GHz
1/18/2006 9:10:10 AM||Memory: 503.36 MB physical, 1.20 GB virtual
1/18/2006 9:10:10 AM||Disk: 37.25 GB total, 14.14 GB free
1/18/2006 9:10:10 AM|rosetta@home|Computer ID: 57396; location: work; project prefs: default
1/18/2006 9:10:10 AM||General prefs: from rosetta@home (last modified 2005-12-17 21:56:17)
1/18/2006 9:10:10 AM||General prefs: using separate prefs for work
1/18/2006 9:10:11 AM||Remote control not allowed; using loopback address
1/18/2006 9:31:05 AM||request_reschedule_cpus: project op
1/18/2006 9:31:09 AM|rosetta@home|Sending scheduler request to
1/18/2006 9:31:09 AM|rosetta@home|Reason: Requested by user
1/18/2006 9:31:09 AM|rosetta@home|Note: not requesting new work or reporting results
1/18/2006 9:31:14 AM|rosetta@home|Scheduler request to succeeded
1/18/2006 9:34:41 AM|rosetta@home|Started download of 2reb_.fasta
1/18/2006 9:34:42 AM|rosetta@home|Temporarily failed download of 2reb_.fasta: error 500
1/18/2006 9:34:42 AM|rosetta@home|Backing off 3 hours, 10 minutes, and 16 seconds on download of file 2reb_.fasta

11) Message boards : Number crunching : Report stuck & aborted WU here please (Message 8773)
Posted 11 Jan 2006 by Profile Steve Shedroff
I have a Work Unit that is at 1% processed after 21 hours, 24 minutes and counting. Id: NO_BARCODE_FRAGS_2reb_227_9692_0. The other Work Units I have seem to be running fine in parrallel on this multi CPU computer. Should I abort or let it fail on its own?

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