Posts by ATIPS Qluster

1) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Linux/PPC (Message 26515)
Posted 10 Sep 2006 by Profile ATIPS Qluster
The Rosetta code isn't open source, so it's not available for "somebody", unless the same "somebody" is part of the Rosetta project.

That's what I mean.

And it's not just a case of compiling it, that "somebody" would also have to make sure it calculates correctly, including potentially corner-cases [i.e. those cases where you didn't get the "expected" range of results].

Well, I'm simply comparing to SETI@Home here. Since their client is Open Source, I suspect that they have solved the problem of computing correct results (at least from the point of view of platform-specific numerical peculiarities) for a number of platforms far greater than Rosetta@Home. Perhaps this "somebody" could glean some insight from SETI's experience.

Also, is it not the case that incorrect results can be identified as such ? If so, those results suffering from such corner cases could simply be discarded.

Furthermore, as long as the code is compiled with gcc for all platforms, there is a good chance that platform-specific floating point treatment will be taken care of.

Conclusion: The task of porting Rosetta@Home to Linux/PPC may not be as daunting as it first appears and, IMHO, it is worth some small effort. If, after such effort the resulting client turns out to produce incorrect results, I suppose we'll never have Rosetta@Home on Linux/PPC :o(

Either way, I lament the fact that now, since SETI@Home isn't distributing WUs, my Linux/PPC processor is sitting idly by.
2) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Linux/PPC (Message 21108)
Posted 25 Jul 2006 by Profile ATIPS Qluster
C'mon! There's gotta be somebody with access to the rosetta code who has the opportunity to compile it on a Linux/PPC distribution.

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