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Mr P Hucker![]() Send message Joined: 12 Aug 06 Posts: 1600 Credit: 12,875,129 RAC: 10,607 ![]() |
And zero people can defend themselves against a bullet they didn't know was fired from a a few kung-fu movies and tell me that again!!! NO not everyone with a knife can attack like that but even fewer people can effectively defend themselves against a knife attackIf you attacked me with a knife, I could defend myself. If you shot me from some distance away, I couldn't do a thing about it.It's harder to kill with a knife.Not exactly the point if they stab you 50 times, but it does mean it also takes longer to die and more suffering in the process Look up the stats on gun deaths in America, it's laughable. There's no way there are that many knife deaths in any other 1st world country. |
Mr P Hucker![]() Send message Joined: 12 Aug 06 Posts: 1600 Credit: 12,875,129 RAC: 10,607 ![]() |
Please read up on how evolution works, and how it can't work if we keep interfering.You're worrying just because a small minority get it really bad.And according to you, mein Furher, those people deserve to die anyway. Hey Huffer, do you brush your teeth?Yes, 4 times a day, since I eat a lot of chocolate. How is this relevant? And do you think you're being big and clever by making random names for me by changing a letter or two? Go on, do the obvious one. Look at my 1st initial. |
Mr P Hucker![]() Send message Joined: 12 Aug 06 Posts: 1600 Credit: 12,875,129 RAC: 10,607 ![]() |
Do you believe everything the government tells you?You really have no clue do you? They bury it in a container that can withstand ANY experiment they can throw at it including being hit by a fricking train at over 100 mph, then the mine is sealed shut and some very solid doors put in at several different levels between the containers and the ground. Contrast that with the Worlds underground nuke explosions that were carried out willy nilly until the mid 1960's with just a big hole being drilled and a bomb dropped into it and exploded!!Peter please try using Google for more than virus related it's too far away and the chance of it getting hit and coming back is too great and two if there's a problem and it has to be destroyed then there's going to be radiation spilled from where it was launched all the way across the Earth, think Chernobyl on a MASSIVE scale!! Today they just bury it and hopefully our million ancestor will figure out a way to deal with it.Or it leaks due to an earth tremor. An underground radioactive chemical storage tank in southeast Washington state is leaking gallons of nuclear waste Fukushima nuclear waste container may have leaked |
Mr P Hucker![]() Send message Joined: 12 Aug 06 Posts: 1600 Credit: 12,875,129 RAC: 10,607 ![]() |
Well it is true that 99% of people lack basic common sense and the ability to think for themselves. There's a reason the word "sheeple" was invented.Have you ever thought you might've got the wrong end of the stick?HUFFER: Is it possible that I have it wrong? [pause] No, it's everyone else in the world that is wrong. |
Mr P Hucker![]() Send message Joined: 12 Aug 06 Posts: 1600 Credit: 12,875,129 RAC: 10,607 ![]() |
What concerns me is that Peter seems to have no clue that some day HE could be in the same position he is in now, with someone saying "PULL" when talking about letting Peter live or die due to the expense of treating him. Or someone saying it right now about Peter's friend who is 90+ and smokes and goes down to the Dr and he says 'no more drugs because you are too expensive to keep alive anymore". It's VERY easy to say that when someone is young and healthy but throw in a few trick knees or backs and the costs add up, add in a broken this or that and then a new knee, a pacemaker, etc and good lord the expenses mount up, just kill them the first time they go into a Dr's office and save ALL the money!!! If they want to live they better be able to pay full market price for the drugs and devices or they suffer and die. He wait that's exactly how people in "3rd World Countries live and die right now and WHY their life expectancy is in the mid 40's to 60's while the citizens of the "modern World" with it's medicines is upto the mid 80's on average!!If I was concerned about my health deteriorating, I'd have health insurance. I certainly don't expect your taxes to pay for my medical attention. |
mikey![]() Send message Joined: 5 Jan 06 Posts: 1896 Credit: 10,142,874 RAC: 4,189 ![]() |
I will no longer be responding to any post in this thread regarding the user Peter Hucker and his choice to get a shot or not to get a shot or any of the many offshoot subjects we have gone thru for far too long. I think any of us would be horrified if we were grabbed off the street and forced against our will to have anything done to use that we don't want done to us FOR WHATEVER THE REASON!! Peter has made his choices abundantly clear and me bantering with him any more isn't going to change my mind, his mind or my opinion of him as a human being and his undeniable human right to make his own choice. |
Mr P Hucker![]() Send message Joined: 12 Aug 06 Posts: 1600 Credit: 12,875,129 RAC: 10,607 ![]() |
Some stats.... 30% of the world are refusing the vaccine. 15% of the UK is refusing the vaccine. Don't think I'm unusual in this regard. |
Jim1348 Send message Joined: 19 Jan 06 Posts: 881 Credit: 52,257,545 RAC: 0 |
Some stats.... 30% of the world are refusing the vaccine. 15% of the UK is refusing the vaccine. Don't think I'm unusual in this regard. Actually, it is helpful to have unvaccinated people as a control group to see how well the vaccines are doing. Someone has to do it, and it is better to get volunteers. |
mrhastyrib Send message Joined: 18 Feb 21 Posts: 90 Credit: 2,541,890 RAC: 0 |
And do you think you're being big and clever by making random names for me by changing a letter or two? I'm sorry. I didn't know that it would make you SO upset. I'll just call you "Karen" from here on out, okay? |
Sid Celery Send message Joined: 11 Feb 08 Posts: 2251 Credit: 42,684,468 RAC: 22,844 ![]() |
Now I'm back at work this month for the first time since ChristmasAfter living off tax payers' money, which won't hurt the world at all will it? No tax-payer paid me a penny (setting aside the fact I'm a tax-payer) and I'm getting the chance to speak to lots of people.I can still hear about those who die. Nobody I know has died. Loads of people I know got through it. Not from people who died. And if you don't know of anyone who died, who would tell you? I'm not even sure how you know loads of people who got through it, because not that many people had it. And you keep telling me how I'm worrying. I'm not worrying at all as it's the simplest thing in the world just to be rational about things and I get on just fine. Concerned, yes. Worried, not a bit.The simple thing you're not understanding is there's no point in worrying about a small chance of something happening. What percentage chance causes you to take evasive action? Everyone would do something to stop a 1 in 100 chance, especially if they did that thing every day. But nobody would do anything to mitigate a 1 in a million chance. Where do you draw the line? It's hard to know how you know what I'm understanding seeing as I'm understanding quite a lot more than you. I mean, it would be quite nice if you knew how to count or do basic arithmetic. I drive - quite a lot actually. 1 in 40,000 die per year in the UK. I'm pretty careful and take evasive action on every occasion I get in the car. I like to be meticulous about that. I breath - quite a lot too. 1 in 438 in the UK have died of CV19 in the last year, over and above those who die of the usual reasons. I do most of my breathing at home, but I make sensible choices when I'm out and about given it's 90x more likely I'd expire than if I was driving. If "everyone would do something to stop a 1 in 100 chance" - ok, I know 438 isn't 100 but it's in the same order, but I recognise you're exaggerating seeing as everyone does something while they're driving with a 1 in 40k chance of death, backed up by permanent laws on driver licensing, vehicle licensing, taxes and duties, rules of the road and criminal convictions for breaking them, but 1 in a million means 67 deaths in a year, so it seems like you're actually arguing more on my behalf than your own. Are we using the same kind of numbers here, or do you have some special ones you use? How many fingers do you have? ![]() ![]() |
Sid Celery Send message Joined: 11 Feb 08 Posts: 2251 Credit: 42,684,468 RAC: 22,844 ![]() |
I'd love to see you fly on a bankrupt airline.The trouble is it's damaged certain sectors, like travel and hospitality. So you don't go bankrupt because you're a rubbish businessman, you go bankrupt because you happened to be in that line of work.It's just a change in market conditions. You know, the market being king and all. Businesses rely on it, but it's not a one way street. I know this might be a bit complicated for you, but bear with me. I'm a lot more likely to use one of the airlines that didn't go bankrupt. I just organised for my step-daughter to go to Portugal using a non-bankrupt airline and will be doing the same for my niece this week. I know more than I'd like to know about this subject. No-one ever grieved over the loss of a business, bar you.Go ask the business owners. Can we call them business owners if they already failed due to their own mismanagement or greed and failure to read their market? I think not. I don't know if you think I'm exaggerating or being one-eyed, but on my news this morning I hear about another firm increasing their profits 40+% and watched a great little programme last night about firms in Wales doing great things during lockdown I've never had any regrets about the failure of deadbeat businesses. They're out of time and need to be swept away - the sooner the better to make way for the new and the better. If you know anything about business, which it's clear you don't know even the first thing, it's as much about failure as it is success. Anyone who doesn't know that won't last very long. And, lo and behold, that's exactly what we're seeing. Good. Unless you want us to throw good money after bad and keep something limping along when it's better off dead? Sorry, no. You only proudly think that about living things - people. Silly me. ![]() ![]() |
Sid Celery Send message Joined: 11 Feb 08 Posts: 2251 Credit: 42,684,468 RAC: 22,844 ![]() |
15% of the UK is refusing the vaccine. Don't think I'm unusual in this regard. Yeah, that's not true, as a cursory check confirms. The latest stats from NHS England report (pdf) "As of 25th April, 22,644,679 individuals aged 45 and over have been vaccinated with at least one dose (91.5% of the population aged 45 and over)" Since when a further 915k 1st doses have been administered. Bearing in mind too that something like 2.5% in those age groups can't have vaccines administered for clinical reasons, so even the word "refusing" is heavily loaded with disinformation, let alone the %age. That still doesn't make you unusual, it's true, but it does make you abnormal. No need to ask why. Given there's no other source of this information, you need to ask yourself why you're believing things that simply aren't true. I mean, it's possible your source is ignorant, but I rarely believe that myself. Which means it's an active & knowing deception, which should make you ask yourself why you're so keen to take their word without question and disseminate it here, spreading that deception wider. It's wise to be reluctant to take information at face value, but you need to decide who's telling you the truth and who isn't. It's wholly apparent you've picked a wrong'un. If you're going to decide you owe that source some loyalty when they've gone out of their way to make a fool out of you, you should at least be aware that's what they're doing and what you're doing to yourself by being so gullible. Because it now reflects on your integrity too, be certain of that. ![]() ![]() |
Sid Celery Send message Joined: 11 Feb 08 Posts: 2251 Credit: 42,684,468 RAC: 22,844 ![]() |
I'm quite prepared to to report it just on your say-so, but I'll try to see exactly what mine are saying so I can describe it properly.As of today, it's about 2 out of 12 (approx 16%) errored out after completing. So the percentage that error out with that file transfer error does vary considerably, depending on the Tasks around at the time. This is the post I was looking for. I've been very busy this week and haven't had a single chance to check nor contact anyone about anything. Sorry. But I now notice my entire cache is "pre-helical" tasks - none of the "norn" ones or anything else - so something's happened anyway, without me intervening. And I notice queued tasks have dropped by a few million and "In Progress" tasks have dropped a lot from 450k to nearer 380k as I believe all the pre-helical ones are still demanding 6.6Gb RAM. So we're kind of back to square one atm. I'll expect the same number of complaints as before because we're back in the same situation as at the start of April. On the plus side, those hosts who can, will work on running down the large RAM tasks exclusively, but it still may take some while. Last time it took a week for newly configured tasks to come through (and not the 6 weeks I feared) ![]() ![]() |
![]() Send message Joined: 1 Dec 05 Posts: 2037 Credit: 10,504,141 RAC: 14,229 ![]() |
Still getting plenty of failures of the norn_struct_profile_layered_design_ Taks. Probably around a 40% failure rate at present. Tasks complete OK but then fail when trying to return the result. Although you do get Credit for it, it's only a bit over 2/3 of the Credit you get for one that's Valid. Still today... |
Mr P Hucker![]() Send message Joined: 12 Aug 06 Posts: 1600 Credit: 12,875,129 RAC: 10,607 ![]() |
Nothing makes me upset. But a lot of things point out to me the lack of intelligence of the poster.And do you think you're being big and clever by making random names for me by changing a letter or two?I'm sorry. I didn't know that it would make you SO upset. I'll just call you "Karen" from here on out, okay?Especially that. People who call people Karen can't handle that Karen has a different opinion to you. |
Mr P Hucker![]() Send message Joined: 12 Aug 06 Posts: 1600 Credit: 12,875,129 RAC: 10,607 ![]() |
You didn't bother taking the free handouts they're throwing everywhere? Better in your hands than theirs.No tax-payer paid me a penny (setting aside the fact I'm a tax-payer)Now I'm back at work this month for the first time since ChristmasAfter living off tax payers' money, which won't hurt the world at all will it? You can't be serious. So if your friend died, no mutual friends would bother to tell you?I can still hear about those who die. Nobody I know has died. Loads of people I know got through it.Not from people who died. And if you don't know of anyone who died, who would tell you? I'm not even sure how you know loads of people who got through it, because not that many people had it.But according to the government panic, loads of people had it. I know 6 of them. It's hard to know how you know what I'm understanding seeing as I'm understanding quite a lot more than you.1 in 40,000 is a very small number. If I told you that a certain horse had a 1 in 40,000 chance of winning, you wouldn't put money on it. I never wear a seatbelt and I don't stick to the speed limit. I breath - quite a lot too. 1 in 438 in the UK have died of CV19 in the last year, over and above those who die of the usual reasons.Actually it's 127,570 out of a population of 66,800,000 = 1 in 523, but nevermind, close enough. Both are a fraction of a percent. Do you know 523 people? It's improbable then that you know of anyone who's died of it. I do most of my breathing at home, but I make sensible choices when I'm out and about given it's 90x more likely I'd expire than if I was driving.Not if you drive 90 times more often. It also depends how far you drive and on what roads. And where you were when breathing. Far too many variables to draw the conclusion of 90x. |
Mr P Hucker![]() Send message Joined: 12 Aug 06 Posts: 1600 Credit: 12,875,129 RAC: 10,607 ![]() |
And when the same number of people want to fly on a smaller number of airlines....I'd love to see you fly on a bankrupt airline.I know this might be a bit complicated for you, but bear with me. I'm a lot more likely to use one of the airlines that didn't go bankrupt. How is going bankrupt due to government restrictions anything to do with being a rubbish businessman?Can we call them business owners if they already failed due to their own mismanagement or greed and failure to read their market? I think not.No-one ever grieved over the loss of a business, bar you.Go ask the business owners. I don't know if you think I'm exaggerating or being one-eyed, but on my news this morning I hear about another firm increasing their profits 40+% and watched a great little programme last night about firms in Wales doing great things during lockdownThe lockdowns have shifted profits from some sectors to others. So basically chaos. Some companies are losing money and some can't keep up. Unless you want us to throw good money after bad and keep something limping along when it's better off dead?Which is what governments do all the time, propping up banks, General Motors, etc. Sorry, no. You only proudly think that about living things - people. Silly me.And why don't you? Do you not believe in evolution? |
Mr P Hucker![]() Send message Joined: 12 Aug 06 Posts: 1600 Credit: 12,875,129 RAC: 10,607 ![]() |
It was true according to the articles I read, which were from a few months ago. That it's gone down suggests the government has managed to brainwash more people. I actually read something about councils sending people out to talk to those who refuse "in an effort to find out why they refused". Leave people alone!15% of the UK is refusing the vaccine. Don't think I'm unusual in this regard.Yeah, that's not true, as a cursory check confirms. The latest stats from NHS England report (pdf)You're using skewed data. You're looking at older people. Older people worry more. That still doesn't make you unusual, it's true, but it does make you abnormal. No need to ask why.All it means is I don't worry about stuff. |
![]() Send message Joined: 28 Mar 20 Posts: 1773 Credit: 18,534,891 RAC: 18 |
Yeah, not a norn Task in sight here either.I'm quite prepared to to report it just on your say-so, but I'll try to see exactly what mine are saying so I can describe it properly.As of today, it's about 2 out of 12 (approx 16%) errored out after completing. So the percentage that error out with that file transfer error does vary considerably, depending on the Tasks around at the time. Probably be the odd resend here & there, but there don't appear to be any new Task coming through at present. Grant Darwin NT |
Mr P Hucker![]() Send message Joined: 12 Aug 06 Posts: 1600 Credit: 12,875,129 RAC: 10,607 ![]() |
I only had pre helical for a bit, but now I see many rb and jgsp aswell.This is the post I was looking for.Yeah, not a norn Task in sight here either. |
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