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Profile [VENETO] boboviz

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Message 101627 - Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 13:35:21 UTC - in response to Message 101619.  

Which only goes to prove you are one. Awww were you bullied at school? Were you the one that told the teachers when there was a fight everyone else was enjoying?

Maybe it's time you grew up.
ID: 101627 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 101628 - Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 13:41:37 UTC - in response to Message 101620.  

and anyone can get it from the silliest little thing, the gas pump handle, the door knob that the neighbor kid just rattled to scare or bother you, walking thru an area with still air after someone with Covid has walked thru that same area., drinking from a poorly washed mug or cup at the local bar, how many times have you gone into a public bathroom and watched someone pee and walk out without washing their hands?

You claim that, but everyone is concentrating on masks. The postmen wear masks or distance themselves, but hand you a parcel.[/quote]

My postman, we call them mailmen in the US, wear gloves and my neighbor, while wearing gloves and a mask, puts her packages on the porch in the Sun and sprays the heck out of them with Lysol and lets it sit in the Sun until it's dry before bringing it inside her home. She is a retired Nurse and is not taking any chances as she is aware of the potential.

People who have surgery can die afterwards from an infection they GOT while being in the Operating Room, yes the risk is small but viruses are mean aggressive buggers that will kill you if they get the chance!! An Operating Room is aggressively cleaned before and after every surgery and viruses sill survive!!
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 101630 - Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 14:08:59 UTC - in response to Message 101623.  

Worldometer states facts, not government biased stuff to make sheep do what they say. And 9.6m is for ONE YEAR, I explained that. 9.6 is roughly 4x3.1, the last time (2 months ago) I checked the variable figures it was closer to 4. It's certainly a much larger number than 3.1. So worry about the 9.6, not the 3.1. You are far more likely to die of cancer. As for the numbers being understated, I disagree. They're overstated. How many people catch it, don't get symptoms (or just mild ones) and don't report it? More of us are immune than the hospitals think.
Worldometer isn't accurate for anything.
As I said, it's raw unbiassed data. They state their sources.

The reason your figure was 4x and changed to 3.1x over time
An insignificant change.

is that you rely on comparing it to the total world pop'n (which is comparatively fixed over the short term)
So not a problem.

and the deaths figure at the time you look at it, which is still increasing rapidly[quote]Yeah I should have chopped off the earliest which is now over a year ago. So it probably is closer to 4x.

[quote]that only came to light early last year. By the end of the year it'll be 1 in 2.x and continue to increase.
No, because I'm quoting PER YEAR.

Meanwhile, cancer has existed for more than an average lifetime, so it's the culmination of a lifetime of development.
No, I'm looking at deaths per year. Cancer will stay the same until we make cures. Coronavirus will go away. Even if it doesn't, it will stay as it is for this past year, 4x less than cancer.

And, of course, while you may be more likely to die from Cancer over 20+yrs, that's compared to CV19 in 28 days. Apples v bicycles.
It doesn't matter how long it takes, I'm talking about how many people die.

There's also no way of telling if you're more or less likely to die of CV19 until after you've had it. Most people haven't had it.
Well done, most people haven't had it, so why are you worried you will?

There's also no way of telling if the vaccine you're given, which can give you the same symptoms, will stay in your forever and kill you later on.

It's a bit like saying people are immune to strychnine because a vanishingly small number of people have taken strychnine. That hardly implies immunity to it.
It shows it's not a significant problem.

Irrespective of the number of people who've had CV19, if the number of people who are recorded to have died is dependent on having been tested for it too, which the majority of people haven't, then it makes no difference. So 4.4m positive tested, 152k positive tested <and> died from it, then the proportion is 1 in 29.
You're not including those that were never tested and never realised they had it. But you are including all those that got symptoms, because they saw a doctor. So your figures are biased towards pessimism.
ID: 101630 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Mr P Hucker

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Message 101631 - Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 14:10:51 UTC - in response to Message 101624.  

The leaders of both the UK and USA governments had it and survived. And neither of those were particularly healthy.

Actually the President of the US came close to being on a ventilator and the only thing that saved him was an EXTREMELY experimental treatment that worked. Despite his 'show of invincibility' the dude almost died from covid!!! He then quietly got vaccinated WHILE telling people he was fit as a fiddle and that Covid was nothing more than a 'mild case of the flu'. He LIED about Covid just like LIED about him 'winning the election'! He lost the election simply because he was a POS as far as how he treated others!!! He became President in 2016 because the ONLY other choice was Hillary Clinton and her reputation was SOOO soiled that if she ran for dog catcher in a hole in the wall town in Arkansas a frickin dog would have won instead of her!!! In the US we do have Green and other so called 3rd political parties but there chance of winning is realistically the same as a snowballs chance in hell. When Trump imitated that handicapped reporter on the News time after time he lost more and more of the "undecided" voters which is the key to winning any National election, then bashing some favorite politicians and war heroes and that recording of him saying to 'grab women by their pussy' he just put his chances out of reach.
That was the best President you ever had, he was a normal person who didn't take everything seriously and was full of common sense unlike the screwed up politicians you normally get. And the point is he didn't die. Neither did anyone I know of. Funny that isn't it?
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 101632 - Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 14:12:03 UTC - in response to Message 101626.  

Well you gotta change those gun death stats somehow, they're embarrassing! Why not make a fuss about those instead of the virus and ban guns?

America's "problem" with guns has very little to do with guns themselves and more to do with the people that are able to get their hands on them that should NEVER ever be allowed to own a fricking garden trowel!! The Laws are a hodgepodge of State Laws, think of England and Scotland Counties as each making their own Laws and you see the problem except the US is ALOT bigger in area and States.
Agreed, but imagine if guns were banned. Most of the nutters currently using them would have a lot more difficulty getting them, and have a high chance of getting caught with one before they go and use it. You'd also remove the deaths caused by kids getting hold of dad's gun he didn't lock up properly.
ID: 101632 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Mr P Hucker

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Message 101633 - Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 14:12:41 UTC - in response to Message 101627.  

Which only goes to prove you are one. Awww were you bullied at school? Were you the one that told the teachers when there was a fight everyone else was enjoying?

Maybe it's time you grew up.
You're the one getting upset over nothing, which means you're the child here.
ID: 101633 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Mr P Hucker

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Message 101634 - Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 14:15:16 UTC - in response to Message 101628.  

You claim that, but everyone is concentrating on masks. The postmen wear masks or distance themselves, but hand you a parcel.
My postman, we call them mailmen in the US, wear gloves and my neighbor, while wearing gloves and a mask, puts her packages on the porch in the Sun and sprays the heck out of them with Lysol and lets it sit in the Sun until it's dry before bringing it inside her home. She is a retired Nurse and is not taking any chances as she is aware of the potential.
A very small potential, which is why our postmen do not wear masks. In fact I've chatted to quite few of them, at about half a metre away. The only masked people I've seen at my door is one out of the 5 different guys that does supermarket deliveries, and he admitted to me he has OCD.
ID: 101634 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 101636 - Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 21:18:32 UTC

Slowly (very, very, very slowly) things are recovering as the mis-configured Tasks make their way through the system.

Darwin NT
ID: 101636 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 101638 - Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 22:06:49 UTC

Still getting plenty of failures of the norn_struct_profile_layered_design_ Taks. Probably around a 40% failure rate at present. Tasks complete OK but then fail when trying to return the result. Although you do get Credit for it, it's only a bit over 2/3 of the Credit you get for one that's Valid.

command: projects/boinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta/rosetta_4.20_windows_x86_64.exe -run:protocol jd2_scripting -parser:protocol norn_pssm_layered_nocart_design_w.xml -parser:script_vars pssm=89613493ccb0a8c6e1a5426d1686a569_barrel6_L1L3L6L4L7L4L5L3_61_TrR_FOLD_1_2_0.25.pssm aacompfile=TMWFYIV_0.08_1_1_4_4_5_6.comp wts=beta_nov16.wts @beta_nov16.flags -in:file:boinc_wu_zip -in:file:s 89613493ccb0a8c6e1a5426d1686a569_barrel6_L1L3L6L4L7L4L5L3_61_TrR_FOLD_1_2_0.25.pdb -silent_gz -mute all -out:file:silent default.out -nstruct 10000 -cpu_run_time 28800 -boinc:max_nstruct 20000 -checkpoint_interval 120 -database minirosetta_database -in::file::zip -boinc::watchdog -boinc::cpu_run_timeout 36000 -run::rng mt19937 -constant_seed -jran 3885291
Using database: database_357d5d93529_n_methylminirosetta_database
WARNING! attempt to create gzipped file ../../projects/boinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta/norn_struct_profile_layered_design_TMWFYIV_0.08_1_1_4_4_5_6_beta_nocart_w_89613493ccb0a8c6e1a5426d1686a569_barrel6_L1L3L6L4L7L4L5L3_61_TrR_FOLD_1_2_0.25_SAVE_ALL_OUT_1391670_2_0_r1679605158_0 failed.
DONE ::   111 starting structures  28797.4 cpu seconds
This process generated    111 decoys from     111 attempts
BOINC :: WS_max 6.18492e+08
14:50:48 (8272): called boinc_finish(0)

upload failure: <file_xfer_error>
  <error_code>-240 (stat() failed)</error_code>

Darwin NT
ID: 101638 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 101639 - Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 22:09:03 UTC - in response to Message 101632.  

Well you gotta change those gun death stats somehow, they're embarrassing! Why not make a fuss about those instead of the virus and ban guns?

America's "problem" with guns has very little to do with guns themselves and more to do with the people that are able to get their hands on them that should NEVER ever be allowed to own a fricking garden trowel!! The Laws are a hodgepodge of State Laws, think of England and Scotland Counties as each making their own Laws and you see the problem except the US is ALOT bigger in area and States.

Agreed, but imagine if guns were banned. Most of the nutters currently using them would have a lot more difficulty getting them, and have a high chance of getting caught with one before they go and use it. You'd also remove the deaths caused by kids getting hold of dad's gun he didn't lock up properly.

Then we would have the same problem England and Scotland does...people running around with machetes and whacking people to death. The US already has that with some Hispanic gangs and it's not pretty.
ID: 101639 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 101640 - Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 22:10:36 UTC - in response to Message 101636.  

Slowly (very, very, very slowly) things are recovering as the mis-configured Tasks make their way through the system.

ID: 101640 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 101642 - Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 22:26:20 UTC - in response to Message 101630.  
Last modified: 30 Apr 2021, 22:33:34 UTC

The reason your figure was 4x and changed to 3.1x over time
An insignificant change.
Overstating it by 30% is insignificant? More to the point, it indicates that you formed an opinion, then made up some numbers to support it, then looked for a source to support it. I got my information from the American Cancer Society, which is why, BTW, that I quoted USA COVID deaths. Not because I'm arrogantly American (I don't even live in the USA, you clown!), but because it was the most accurate comparison.

Cancer will stay the same until we make cures.
An ignorant statement. Cancer rates have been gradually dropping as sources of cancer are discovered in things like consumer products and eliminated. Living is easy with eyes closed, amirite?

There's also no way of telling if the vaccine you're given, which can give you the same symptoms, will stay in your forever and kill you later on.
Do you have any idea how immunity is formed in the human body? No, of course you don't. When you are infected with a virus for the first time, there is some hysteresis between being infected and your immune system becoming aware that the virus is a threat. During that time, the virus gets a head start, and you fall ill. The symptoms that you express are your body fighting off the infection. If you are able to do so successfully, and not die, your T cells develop a protein on their surfaces that will recognize a virally-infected cell, of the same type, if they encounter it again. The infection can still occur, but the virus loses the ability to get a head start over your immune system.

The vaccines for COVID are mRNA based. That means that they have the genetic code for the coronavirus, but not the ability to infect cells and rewire them to churn out copies of themselves. They are UNABLE to cause COVID. They are UNABLE to replicate. They do, however, trigger an immune system response, which is why there can be symptoms. Eventually, they disintegrate.

Your statement is ignorant because you utterly fail to understand how the vaccines against COVID work. Will that change your mind about the COVID vaccines? No. Will it give you pause that maybe you don't know as much as you think that you know about the subject? Also no. Will it make you engage in some self-reflection to reassess your other beliefs? [checks notes] Still no.
ID: 101642 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 101643 - Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 22:32:19 UTC - in response to Message 101638.  

Still getting plenty of failures of the norn_struct_profile_layered_design_ Taks. Probably around a 40% failure rate at present. Tasks complete OK but then fail when trying to return the result. Although you do get Credit for it, it's only a bit over 2/3 of the Credit you get for one that's Valid.
I'm getting work for my hosts which have 8gb or more of memory. The ones with 4gb still are not getting work. The error notice has changed. It used to say that it needed 6.2gb of memory but only 3.1gb was available; now it says that it needs 3.8gb of memory but only 3.1gb is available. So a change was made, but it has no effect, probably because whoever made it didn't research how much memory is required for basic operation of a host with 4gb of RAM.
ID: 101643 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Sid Celery

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Message 101644 - Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 22:52:07 UTC - in response to Message 101630.  
Last modified: 30 Apr 2021, 23:14:49 UTC

And, of course, while you may be more likely to die from Cancer over 20+yrs, that's compared to CV19 in 28 days. Apples v bicycles.
It doesn't matter how long it takes, I'm talking about how many people die.

There's also no way of telling if you're more or less likely to die of CV19 until after you've had it. Most people haven't had it.
Well done, most people haven't had it, so why are you worried you will?

Personally I'm not worried at all. It hasn't made any difference to me that's bothered me.
I'm not the one obsessing over how hard done by I am. That'll be you, which is why you're posting multiple messages every time you log on in order to to tell us how you are so delighted by the number of extra weak people dying all over the world.

There's also no way of telling if the vaccine you're given, which can give you the same symptoms, will stay in your forever and kill you later on.

The number of people who die after being vaccinated isn't just fewer by several orders of magnitude than the number of people who have CV19, it's also less than the rate that people die ordinarily, which is actually quite remarkable seeing as it's being given to the very oldest and most frail first.

At some point you're going to ask yourself why you're contributing to a site that's currently working toward increasing knowledge and production of several types of cures and palliatives for CV19 while simultaneously being delighted by every death as it reduces the population of the weakest and most vulnerable. I'll leave that one with you.

Irrespective of the number of people who've had CV19, if the number of people who are recorded to have died is dependent on having been tested for it too, which the majority of people haven't, then it makes no difference. So 4.4m positive tested, 152k positive tested <and> died from it, then the proportion is 1 in 29.
You're not including those that were never tested and never realised they had it. But you are including all those that got symptoms, because they saw a doctor. So your figures are biased towards pessimism.

It always amuses me how people are so desperate to hold onto their indefensible biases while conveniently forgetting parts of the argument already established. I never mentioned symptoms in that part - not part of anyone's argument. You just made something up no-one said so you could feel good about knocking it down. Hospitalisation (1 in 9.5) is only a subset of "seeing a doctor". The vast majority of those who sought medical advice were told to stay home and take paracetamol. And a subset of them went straight to death without being hospitalised or any treatment at all. Well over UK 30% of CV19 deaths never attended hospital at all according to ONS. During part of the 1st wave, the number of CV19 deaths outside hospital was the same as the number in hospital.

All of this is documented in the UK. Only an idiot would contest it. And yet here we are... stay well.
ID: 101644 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Sid Celery

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Message 101645 - Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 23:11:32 UTC - in response to Message 101643.  

Still getting plenty of failures of the norn_struct_profile_layered_design_ Taks. Probably around a 40% failure rate at present. Tasks complete OK but then fail when trying to return the result. Although you do get Credit for it, it's only a bit over 2/3 of the Credit you get for one that's Valid.
I'm getting work for my hosts which have 8gb or more of memory. The ones with 4gb still are not getting work. The error notice has changed. It used to say that it needed 6.2gb of memory but only 3.1gb was available; now it says that it needs 3.8gb of memory but only 3.1gb is available. So a change was made, but it has no effect, probably because whoever made it didn't research how much memory is required for basic operation of a host with 4gb of RAM.

Can you check what settings you have on Options/Computing Disk & Memory tab?
If you change the amount of memory when the computer is idle to 99% it might not be sufficient right now, but when tasks are reconfigured again to to use slightly less than 3.8Gb you may find you have enough.
Note, the tasks don't actually use 3.8Gb so it's unlikely you'll have a problem while they're running, just at the point of download. Worth a try anyway.

I'm surprised these norn... tasks are reporting problems again. I thought that got fixed f(though those were file xfer errors the previous time iirc)
I'm away again until Sunday, so I'll take a proper look once I get home.
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Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 101646 - Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 23:54:01 UTC - in response to Message 101645.  
Last modified: 1 May 2021, 0:01:18 UTC

I thought that got fixed f(though those were file xfer errors the previous time iirc)
And still the same file transfer errors; for a while there the percentage that errored out wasn't as bad, but now it's a bad as it was when they were first released.

Tasks that died within seconds of starting (pre_helical_bundles_round1_attempt1_) are also still about, but they're probably 1% or less of what is released. 99% or so complete with no issue, so i don't consider them to be a problem (NB- although there are those that only run for a few seconds, with the same error as the ones that Error out, but are marked as Valid. Probably a similar percentage as those that Error out). But 40% or more of Tasks failing- that's a problem (and even more so when they have actually finished 8 hours of processing without issue, then die when trying to return the result).
Darwin NT
ID: 101646 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 101647 - Posted: 1 May 2021, 2:34:55 UTC - in response to Message 101645.  

change the amount of memory when the computer is idle to 99%
I did it and there was no immediate effect, but let's let it breathe for awhile and see what happens. Thanks for the tip.
ID: 101647 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 101648 - Posted: 1 May 2021, 2:44:10 UTC - in response to Message 101642.  

The vaccines for COVID are mRNA based. That means that they have the genetic code for the coronavirus, but not the ability to infect cells and rewire them to churn out copies of themselves. They are UNABLE to cause COVID. They are UNABLE to replicate.
I have to amend this, as I found out just now that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is DNA based. However, the scenario that Puffer described, where a virus lays dormant for a time and then awakes after the T-cells "forget" the virus sequence, is extremely unlikely. First, it would require ALL of the latent virii to be dormant, which doesn't happen. Different virii in different location would periodically activate, refreshing the "memory." Second, the time required for the "memory" to erode is on the order of decades.

So Puffer's scenario works on paper, but not in real life.

By the way, the reason Johnson & Johnson went with a DNA-based vaccine are well-founded. There is only one shot necessary, rather than two for mRNA-based vaccines, which is a huge logistical advantage. DNA-based vaccines are also much more stable, so it's less like to "go bad" and less expensive to store and transport. And mRNA vaccines are a new technology. DNA vaccines have been around for a relatively long time and are better understood. Every shot anyone has ever had, up until COVID, has a DNA vaccine.
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Message 101649 - Posted: 1 May 2021, 2:46:41 UTC - in response to Message 101644.  

At some point you're going to ask yourself why you're contributing to a site that's currently working toward increasing knowledge and production of several types of cures and palliatives for CV19 while simultaneously being delighted by every death as it reduces the population of the weakest and most vulnerable.
This is side-splittingly hilarious! I can't wait to see how Puffer wiggles out of this latest hypocrisy.
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Message 101652 - Posted: 1 May 2021, 3:29:14 UTC - in response to Message 101648.  

I have to amend this, as I found out just now that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is DNA based. However, the scenario that Puffer described, where a virus lays dormant for a time and then awakes after the T-cells "forget" the virus sequence, is extremely unlikely. First, it would require ALL of the latent virii to be dormant, which doesn't happen. Different virii in different location would periodically activate, refreshing the "memory." Second, the time required for the "memory" to erode is on the order of decades.

So Puffer's scenario works on paper, but not in real life.

It's an argument non Science based discussions often devolve into, kind of like the comment 'why can't we just send out nuclear waste and garbage to the Sun and let it burn up' it's based on someone having no clue how the Solar System and Universe work but trying to explain that to people takes more time than just saying 'NO it doesn't work like that'.
ID: 101652 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
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