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Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 108262 - Posted: 31 Mar 2023, 10:17:48 UTC

Back to the topic- looks like the servers are having issues again.

From 500,000 results per day being returned, it looks like it's dropped back to the 5,000 or so like last time. Even with the lack of new work, the return rate shouldn't have dropped off as much it has at this point in time.
Around 2300hrs Thursday some new work was sent out, and at the same time the return rate plummeted- even if the new Tasks are much longer running, all the existing ones should still continue to be returned at their much higher rate till their number are much, much lower than they are.

Darwin NT
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108263 - Posted: 31 Mar 2023, 10:25:20 UTC - in response to Message 108261.  

I am not a good tyoist.

I type pretty fast, but make a lot of mistakes.
My browser (and I assume all will do this) underlines spelling errors in red as you type. A quick glance before you send is all that's needed. Or you could even read the whole thing back.

Climate change is a religion. It requires belief in something without evidence.
There is plenty of evidience for climate change, You just don't recognize it because you look out your window and don't see aby chabge. It's a global ophenomenon.
I've seen plenty evidence against it, I'm sure I emailed you those graphs, or that could have been someone else. And I've never seen anyone manage to provide any evidence for it. So what if the CO2 is up a bit? Plants will love that, farmers will love that, I will love cheaper food. So what if the sea level rises, I don't live next to the sea, I'm not that stupid. The sea level rose a long time ago anyway. So it goes up a bit more?

Indeed. The sea actually rose without man made "climate change", funny that.
But it didn't happen in 100 years.
Why would that matter?

You believe in getting to the point. But in rushing headlong to your point, you miss lots of critical details
You don't need details when the answer is staring you in the face. If your car beats mine in a race, you don't need to analyze the engines to make sure.

Which thwarts vaccines aswell. And as I've said before, the constantly evolving common cold - we're not immune to it, but it's similar enough we can fight it off.

No, they keep boosting people because new strains of the virus emerge. One of those little details you ignore. You even get periodic booster shots with smallpox vaccination, Polio shots, teteanus shots, shingles shots, flu shots, pneumonia shots, etc.
So they're patching up a badly made vaccine, I won't bother. It's like sellotaping your car window shut. And since people still catch it with the vaccine, clearly the vaccines are one mutation behind, so utterly pointless.

And allow the weak to survive. Lets heat the caves so the sissies who can't stand the cold live on.
I guess you never lived in the arctic during the ice age. Without fire, humans probably would not have lived through the Ice Age.
We're warm blooded, we would have been fine. Or just moved south.

You keep harping on those sissies. I wonder why? Maybe you are part Neanderthal. I don't think they had fire.
And yet they survived.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108264 - Posted: 31 Mar 2023, 10:27:06 UTC - in response to Message 108262.  

Back to the topic- looks like the servers are having issues again.

From 500,000 results per day being returned, it looks like it's dropped back to the 5,000 or so like last time. Even with the lack of new work, the return rate shouldn't have dropped off as much it has at this point in time.
Around 2300hrs Thursday some new work was sent out, and at the same time the return rate plummeted- even if the new Tasks are much longer running, all the existing ones should still continue to be returned at their much higher rate till their number are much, much lower than they are.
Surely if there's less out in the field, less will be returned. At full pelt, they're getting them back from the good guys that run them straight away. When they stop sending stuff out, there's loads of resends to go through as people time out and 3 days later they're tried again.
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Profile [VENETO] boboviz

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Message 108265 - Posted: 31 Mar 2023, 11:40:58 UTC - in response to Message 108261.  

There is plenty of evidence for climate change. You just don't recognize it because you look out your window and don't see any change. It's a global phenomenon, not something seen out your window.

Please, stop to interact with him
It's impossible to win against ignorance and rudeness.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108266 - Posted: 31 Mar 2023, 11:45:06 UTC - in response to Message 108265.  

There is plenty of evidence for climate change. You just don't recognize it because you look out your window and don't see any change. It's a global phenomenon, not something seen out your window.

Please, stop to interact with him
It's impossible to win against ignorance and rudeness.
They're only words. Use your own killfile.
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Profile [VENETO] boboviz

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Message 108267 - Posted: 31 Mar 2023, 11:48:42 UTC - in response to Message 108260.  

Oh stop being such a pathetic girl's blouse.

From R@H forum rules:
Generally speaking receipt of an email indicating that a post has been removed is an indication that the post was determined to be unacceptable for one or more of the following reasons.

1) It contained profane or obscene language, or quoted a post that contained such language.
2) It contained obscene imagery, or quoted a post that contained such images.
3) It contained a threat against another user or the project or quoted a post that contained such threats.
4) It was of such a personally inflammatory or insulting nature that it incited a series of rebuttals of the nature of personal attacks ("flaming").

The Rosetta user community is international, and open to people from all walks of life. For this reason communications between users in the forums is expected to be polite, and suitable for all possible audiences. Threats and profanity are unacceptable, as are language and images of an obscene nature. So called "flaming" is not acceptable.
This concept has been distilled into a simple statement displayed each time a user posts in any of the Rosetta@home forums.

"Don't use obscene language or images, and don't threaten other participants; otherwise we may delete your messages."

So, be polite, GO AWAY from this forum
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Profile [VENETO] boboviz

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Message 108268 - Posted: 31 Mar 2023, 11:50:35 UTC - in response to Message 108266.  

They're only words. Use your own killfile.

It's not only my problem.
You're ruining the thread for all the people.
Go away, please.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108269 - Posted: 31 Mar 2023, 12:09:57 UTC - in response to Message 108267.  

Oh stop being such a pathetic girl's blouse.
From R@H forum rules:
"Don't use obscene language or images, and don't threaten other participants; otherwise we may delete your messages."
So, be polite, GO AWAY from this forum
Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108270 - Posted: 31 Mar 2023, 12:10:32 UTC - in response to Message 108268.  

They're only words. Use your own killfile.
It's not only my problem.
You're ruining the thread for all the people.
Go away, please.
Anyone is free to block anyone they wish, it really isn't that hard.
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Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 108271 - Posted: 31 Mar 2023, 21:44:48 UTC - in response to Message 108262.  

Whatever was going on it seems to have sorted itself out- the return rate has picked up again (or it could have been a case of dribs & drabs of work being sent out instead of one large batch, making it look like the return rate had dropped. Without the actual return rate numbers, you can only go by the Work in progress numbers once new work stops being sent out).
Darwin NT
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Stevie G

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Message 108272 - Posted: 2 Apr 2023, 5:29:49 UTC - in response to Message 108262.  
Last modified: 2 Apr 2023, 5:32:43 UTC

Back to the topic- looks like the servers are having issues again.

From 500,000 results per day being returned, it looks like it's dropped back to the 5,000 or so like last time. Even with the lack of new work, the return rate shouldn't have dropped off as much it has at this point in time.
Around 2300hrs Thursday some new work was sent out, and at the same time the return rate plummeted- even if the new Tasks are much longer running, all the existing ones should still continue to be returned at their much higher rate till their number are much, much lower than they are.

I haven't gotten a Rosetta file in a few days.

The server status says zero ready to send.

Obviously something is happening.
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Stevie G

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Message 108273 - Posted: 2 Apr 2023, 5:44:22 UTC - in response to Message 108263.  

[Quote]I am not a good tyoist.

I type pretty fast, but make a lot of mistakes.
My browser (and I assume all will do this) underlines spelling errors in red as you type. A quick glance before you send is all that's needed. Or you could even read the whole thing back.[quote]

Sure, gmail and most other browsers indicate spelling and grammar errors.

But BOINC does not.

Obviously, if it did, I would make those corrections. But it doesn't and I miss them.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108274 - Posted: 2 Apr 2023, 7:47:31 UTC - in response to Message 108272.  
Last modified: 2 Apr 2023, 7:47:44 UTC

I haven't gotten a Rosetta file in a few days.
What's with ye olde English?

The server status says zero ready to send.

Obviously something is happening.
Yeah, they ran out. Probably putting stuff in test tubes.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108275 - Posted: 2 Apr 2023, 7:48:57 UTC - in response to Message 108273.  
Last modified: 2 Apr 2023, 7:49:13 UTC

Sure, gmail and most other browsers
Gmail isn't a browser. It's an email system. Irrelevant here.

indicate spelling and grammar errors.

But BOINC does not.
What? You're accessing this forum through a browser. Tell that browser to check spelling.
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Profile [VENETO] boboviz

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Message 108277 - Posted: 2 Apr 2023, 10:06:18 UTC - in response to Message 108272.  

The server status says zero ready to send.

Obviously something is happening.

Maybe they are working to implement new app (tested on Ralph)
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108278 - Posted: 2 Apr 2023, 10:20:45 UTC - in response to Message 108277.  

The server status says zero ready to send.

Obviously something is happening.
Maybe they are working to implement new app (tested on Ralph)
I did 20 of those, they all failed in 15 seconds. Those are far from being useful.
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Bill McLachlan

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Message 108510 - Posted: 25 Aug 2023, 11:24:03 UTC

Rosetta Units resetting to 0 progress.

When I close BOINC with Rosetta work units in progress then on restarting all the Rosetta units are reset to 0 progress and all the previous work is repeated from the start.
This seems a complete waste of computer time and electricity.
Not sure when it started but I have noticed it for about a week now.
This is not related to checkpointing since other projects are not affected and even if the Rosetta unit is 80 -90% complete it still goes back to zero.
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Bryn Mawr

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Message 108511 - Posted: 25 Aug 2023, 17:10:36 UTC - in response to Message 108510.  

Rosetta Units resetting to 0 progress.

When I close BOINC with Rosetta work units in progress then on restarting all the Rosetta units are reset to 0 progress and all the previous work is repeated from the start.
This seems a complete waste of computer time and electricity.
Not sure when it started but I have noticed it for about a week now.
This is not related to checkpointing since other projects are not affected and even if the Rosetta unit is 80 -90% complete it still goes back to zero.

It is related to checkpointing, the current set of tasks is not completing a decoy and is not checkpointing therefore they run over the agreed time limit and restart from zero after interruption.

The tasks appear to be getting into an internal loop and not making progress. The processing time goes up and, after the task gets close to the agreed deadline, the progress % and the time to completion do not come down.

All that can be done is to abort them or leave them running until the watchdog aborts them for you.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108513 - Posted: 25 Aug 2023, 21:52:52 UTC

The answer is simple, don't close Boinc. And set it to leave apps in memory when suspended.
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Bryn Mawr

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Message 108521 - Posted: 26 Aug 2023, 7:23:13 UTC - in response to Message 108513.  

The answer is simple, don't close Boinc. And set it to leave apps in memory when suspended.

And the jobs still fail
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