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Mario W.

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Message 108083 - Posted: 19 Feb 2023, 20:03:10 UTC - in response to Message 108065.  

Yes, i have, i even uninstalled BOINC complete and reinstalled it, still dont get any Tasks sadly.
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Message 108084 - Posted: 19 Feb 2023, 20:04:48 UTC - in response to Message 108083.  

Will i contribute more if i set Target CPU run time to 1 day 12 hours?
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Jean-David Beyer

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Message 108085 - Posted: 19 Feb 2023, 20:26:23 UTC - in response to Message 108084.  

Will i contribute more if i set Target CPU run time to 1 day 12 hours?

What does contribute more mean in this context? Do you think it means you will be assigned more work-units? Or does running 4.4 times longer mean that you will get more credit?

Mine runs with Target CPU run time 8 hours and I have never seen a reason to change it. My current batch is part-way done and the boinc manager predicts they will take slightly over 8 hours.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108086 - Posted: 19 Feb 2023, 21:33:38 UTC
Last modified: 19 Feb 2023, 21:34:51 UTC

Assuming everyone wants to help the science, and are not being silly and childish with points, I assume it's best to leave it at whatever the programmer chooses. I normally get 8 hour ones, but I've seen a lot of 3 hour ones recently.

Although it may be better for faster computers to have a shorter time, so every task gets the same amount of work done. But David Baker explained a long time ago, they don't mind (or prefer) some tasks to be "more well cooked" than others, as what you're computing is like a single point on a big map. As long as the average work on each point is about right, it's fine.

Steven Rettie probably understands this better than me.
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Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 108087 - Posted: 19 Feb 2023, 21:54:42 UTC - in response to Message 108084.  
Last modified: 19 Feb 2023, 21:58:03 UTC

Will i contribute more if i set Target CPU run time to 1 day 12 hours?
In reality, you'd be contributing less (if work were continually available). The more Tasks you do, the more you contribute to the data being processed.

The project determined years ago that 8 hours was sufficient time with the hardware available back then to do enough work to produce a useful result. Any further time processing a given Task just wasn't worth the extra time required to produce that extra data, better to spend that time processing another Task.
Given how much more powerful systems are now than they were all those years ago, even 8 hours is probably more time than is needed to produce a valid result these days.

The longer it takes you to process a Task, the less work you can do before the deadline is reached, so you actually contribute less to the project. But unless you have the very latest and greatest in x86 or M2 hardware, reducing the Target time from the default 8 hours would most likely result in less useful work being done as older hardware (or phones/tablets) can't do as much work in the same period of time. Hence the Projects' default Target CPU runtime of 8 hours (even though many Tasks these days won't even run for that length of time).
Darwin NT
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108088 - Posted: 19 Feb 2023, 22:06:42 UTC

So am I right or wrong in thinking in the ideal world a fast CPU would be set to run for 2 hours, and one half the speed for 4 hours? That way every task has the same amount of work done.

I think I'm wrong, there was some reason that wasn't done. If they wanted to, they'd just make each task do x number of (whatever they call the sections inside them), and it would take longer on slower machines, much like almost every other Boinc project.
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Message 108090 - Posted: 20 Feb 2023, 2:11:09 UTC
Last modified: 20 Feb 2023, 2:58:14 UTC

DONE :: 1 starting structures 10683.5 cpu seconds
This process generated 31 decoys from 31 attempts
The test_fix that are now realy_fixed run at about three hours
And the word is "Decoys" for some strange reason only known to rosetta staff .

And I have finaly been able to reattach my big cruncher to rosetta after pondering "why can this one work without any bother and that one can`t even reattach"
and I have been "try again later" for a month ...........
They are both the same win 7 [sort of]
its a security certificate problem - we knew that .
this one is on IE11 and has loads more security certificates in its store , what a job trying to export them it was , I gave up trying .
than that one which is still on IE8 (raw install from the dvd + SP1) it crunches so I did`nt care , etc .
So , did the upgrade from a heap of win updates I have on backup and now its connected and crunching what a pain in the [bodyparts] that was .
install update - restart , install update - restart , install update - restart , install update - restart , install update - restart ..................
I did`nt want to miss out on my share the of 3,5 million work units that the admin `fixed` up for us ,
so got my act together and did the grind to update the thing
Would anybody else care to search through the Microsoft update catalogue for all the win 7 updates that are needed to get IE11 running with the security certificates that rosetta needs .
I can post a list if anyone wants it :-)
You are as mad as me if you do ,
I was shure there was a way to do it so I did .
I now have the feeling I need to get smashed to recover from todays endeavours .
sad me , I had to look up how to spell "endeavours" in a dikshonery , sigh........ my bwain hurtz .
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108091 - Posted: 20 Feb 2023, 2:20:36 UTC - in response to Message 108090.  

And the word is "Decoys" for some strange reason only known to rosetta staff .
Proteins that distract the virus from attacking your body?

And I have finaly been able to reattach my big cruncher to rosetta
They are both the same win 7 [sort of]
Why would you have a "big cruncher" on that old junk version of Windows? Put 11 on it.

what a pain in the [bodyparts] that was .
I would say "a pain in the gentleman's excuse me" - not sure what the equivalent is for girls.

Would anybody else care to search through the Microsoft update catalogue for all the win 7 updates that are needed to get IE11 running with the security certificates that rosetta needs .
I can post a list if you want :-)
I just let it get everything.

I now have the feeling I need to get smashed to recover from todays endeavours .
That is always a good idea.

I had to look up how to spell "endeavours" in a dikshonery
I just make a best guess and let the browser's spellchecker sort it.

sigh........ my bwain hurtz .
I say "my brain's full".
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Message 108092 - Posted: 20 Feb 2023, 3:02:36 UTC - in response to Message 108091.  
Last modified: 20 Feb 2023, 3:43:45 UTC

Would anybody else care to search through the Microsoft update catalogue for all the win 7 updates that are needed to get IE11 running with the security certificates that rosetta needs .
I can post a list if anyone wants it :-)

I just let it get everything.

R but , MS have dumped win 7 so win update no longer works .
Why would you have a "big cruncher" on that old junk version of Windows? Put 11 on it.

I have bought a `win 10 home` disk and done a test install to see what it`s got , hate the look of the thing .
it would have to be the `pro` or `ultimate` version as its got twin xeon cpu`s so the licence would cost more , hence the new one is on Linux Mint
one interesting thing I saw is that when the installer gets to "input product key"
there is an option to "continue without product key with limited functionality"
low detail graphics and other stuff , and unlike previous versions windblows it still works two months after install and I wunder how long it will last , I installed boinc ok , time will tell .
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108093 - Posted: 20 Feb 2023, 3:14:19 UTC - in response to Message 108092.  

Would anybody else care to search through the Microsoft update catalogue for all the win 7 updates that are needed to get IE11 running with the security certificates that rosetta needs .
I can post a list if anyone wants it :-)

I just let it get everything.

R but , MS have dumped win 7 so win update no longer works .
Why are you still using 7?!
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Message 108094 - Posted: 20 Feb 2023, 3:25:41 UTC
Last modified: 20 Feb 2023, 3:45:48 UTC

Looks like I was editing my previous post while you where replying to it :-)
Why 7 . I hate the look of 10 and 11gui .
I use the basic `windows classic desktop` in 7 , so it looks like win 95/98 :-)
I still have a system that only crunches Moo waper that runs 32 bit XP sp3 with a Q6700 and a AGP HD 4650 gpu coz it works (the motherboard will take a max of only 2GB of memory)
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108095 - Posted: 20 Feb 2023, 4:04:52 UTC - in response to Message 108094.  

Startallback, 3rd party software, makes it look like 7 or any version you want.
47% of Windows worldwide isn't paid for.
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Message 108109 - Posted: 20 Feb 2023, 6:03:43 UTC - in response to Message 108090.  

And the word is "Decoys" for some strange reason only known to rosetta staff .

I can hopefully clear that up a little. When predicting protein structures we generate possible structures for a given sequence of amino acids and score them using the Rosetta energy function. These structures can be any chemically reasonable structure and can vary wildly from the correct one. If we have enough sampling and diversity in these decoys of the real structure we can obtain a complete (or at least close to complete) energy landscape for a given sequence, with an energy minimum at the correct structure.
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Jesse Viviano

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Message 108110 - Posted: 20 Feb 2023, 7:26:47 UTC

I have a task that has been stuck waiting for validation at Please diagnose why my task never validated.
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Mario W.

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Message 108111 - Posted: 20 Feb 2023, 9:10:02 UTC

Okay, just to reply on that. I complete uninstalled BOINC, deleted the "Program Data" Folder with the Projects complete and afterwards reinstalled the Client and suprisingly it gets (at the Moment 26 Tasks running) heck knows what causes it or maybe was the Issue. I leave it running for a bit and see what happens. Thanks for Reply and Help, much apprechiated.
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Message 108112 - Posted: 20 Feb 2023, 13:15:19 UTC - in response to Message 108109.  

And the word is "Decoys" for some strange reason only known to rosetta staff .

I can hopefully clear that up a little. When predicting protein structures we generate possible structures for a given sequence of amino acids and score them using the Rosetta energy function. These structures can be any chemically reasonable structure and can vary wildly from the correct one. If we have enough sampling and diversity in these decoys of the real structure we can obtain a complete (or at least close to complete) energy landscape for a given sequence, with an energy minimum at the correct structure.

Thankyou srettie that answers it ,
though I think my ear wax is melting :-)
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108115 - Posted: 23 Feb 2023, 2:30:21 UTC - in response to Message 108109.  

I can hopefully clear that up a little. When predicting protein structures we generate possible structures for a given sequence of amino acids and score them using the Rosetta energy function. These structures can be any chemically reasonable structure and can vary wildly from the correct one. If we have enough sampling and diversity in these decoys of the real structure we can obtain a complete (or at least close to complete) energy landscape for a given sequence, with an energy minimum at the correct structure.
How come your tasks are 3 hours and the usual is 8 hours?
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Message 108116 - Posted: 23 Feb 2023, 2:35:14 UTC - in response to Message 108115.  

Probably because they have set Target CPU run time in to 3
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108117 - Posted: 23 Feb 2023, 3:07:22 UTC - in response to Message 108116.  

Probably because they have set Target CPU run time in to 3
I meant the new batch are set at the server to be 3 hours. I was wondering why. When I said "your", I was replying to the scientist who created them.
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Profile [VENETO] boboviz

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Message 108126 - Posted: 2 Mar 2023, 14:55:50 UTC - in response to Message 106996.  

There are plans for more python tasks, but we are still working on creating the new disk image for the VM.
This image will likely be larger in size since we hope to run some of the latest deep-learning based methods for protein design and validation.

Computing resources are still very much in high demand within the Baker Lab and IPD so Rosetta@home will definitely help once we can get the latest software set up and running.

Also, the standard rosetta application is currently being worked on for an update.
The IPD has hired a software developer specifically to help expedite this.

I am not sure about timelines at the moment but hopefully there should be updates to both projects/apps within the next month or so.

David Kim

Still waiting...
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