Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home

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Message 107660 - Posted: 4 Nov 2022, 15:28:39 UTC - in response to Message 107653.  
Last modified: 4 Nov 2022, 15:33:40 UTC

It may not improve server throughput, but why waste our CPUs on something a GPU could run? I refuse to do CPU work for them until they get their act together. I could be using far less of my own resources on covid work there.
Once they have enough work for the projects you want to run on your CPUs, you can limit OPN to OPNG by selecting just the projects you want on CPU and enabling "If there is no work available for the project(s) I have selected above, please send me work from another project.".

And I doubt the money needed to upgrade the server is much compared to running a huge institute with several departments full of expensive professors.
The issue in such huge institutes isn't usually the amount of money, it's just complicated and needs time to get it approved to spend them on something, in particullar if you can't use the money you've already got for something else and want additional money. If you just want to change the use of money you already got approved, it's usually easier. So it might depend on wether they can repurpose some "IT money" for this or if they need additional money.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107661 - Posted: 4 Nov 2022, 15:40:47 UTC - in response to Message 107658.  

In the last batch of work I got from them, nearly all of the Covid work was GPU type. So they may be trying your suggestions also.
I'll turn it back on, thanks.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107662 - Posted: 4 Nov 2022, 15:43:12 UTC - in response to Message 107659.  
Last modified: 4 Nov 2022, 15:43:39 UTC

So I do Einstein instead, they have enough FGRP5 work for everyone (and servers capable of sending it out to everyone, who requests it) and that's CPU-only work, so it seems like a good idea to let my CPU do some of those.
I'm doing the radio stuff from them (as it's a new thing a PhD student came up with), it runs on smartphones, CPUs, internal graphics, and discrete graphics, so everything I own can do radio waves at once.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107663 - Posted: 4 Nov 2022, 15:48:14 UTC - in response to Message 107660.  
Last modified: 4 Nov 2022, 15:52:10 UTC

Once they have enough work for the projects you want to run on your CPUs, you can limit OPN to OPNG by selecting just the projects you want on CPU and enabling "If there is no work available for the project(s) I have selected above, please send me work from another project.".
I like all their projects, I just want to avoid Covid CPU. So I've set as you said, which should give the CPU anything but Covid and make the GPU resort to Covid. We'll see if their server actually does that....

I've stuck Rosetta and WCG on a high weight and Einstein on low, so Einstein can fill in when I can't get enough Biology stuff.

The issue in such huge institutes isn't usually the amount of money, it's just complicated and needs time to get it approved to spend them on something, in particular if you can't use the money you've already got for something else and want additional money. If you just want to change the use of money you already got approved, it's usually easier. So it might depend on whether they can repurpose some "IT money" for this or if they need additional money.
I used to work in such a place, there was no problem just buying things. I chose the budget it came from and as long as the boss was ok with that money being spent on that thing, no problem, no delay.

Me: "Mr Smith needs 5 computers for his project, but his grant isn't in yet"
Boss: "Just take it out of budget X, he can pay it back."
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Message 107664 - Posted: 4 Nov 2022, 16:20:56 UTC - in response to Message 107662.  

So I do Einstein instead, they have enough FGRP5 work for everyone (and servers capable of sending it out to everyone, who requests it) and that's CPU-only work, so it seems like a good idea to let my CPU do some of those.
I'm doing the radio stuff from them (as it's a new thing a PhD student came up with), it runs on smartphones, CPUs, internal graphics, and discrete graphics, so everything I own can do radio waves at once.
Isn't "the new thing" BRP7? BRP4 is old and when reporting issues about it, it's always "low prority". But yes, my Android device is running that as the only project (with Moo as backup), nothing else runs on it, it has just Android 4.0 and almost no storage available.
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Message 107665 - Posted: 4 Nov 2022, 16:22:52 UTC - in response to Message 107663.  
Last modified: 4 Nov 2022, 16:24:37 UTC

I like all their projects, I just want to avoid Covid CPU. So I've set as you said, which should give the CPU anything but Covid and make the GPU resort to Covid. We'll see if their server actually does that....
It will as long as there's work from other projects available, but sometimes you might get OPN1 in case that's the only thing in the feeder. Unfortunately they don't have separate preferences for OPN1 and OPNG.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107666 - Posted: 4 Nov 2022, 16:35:07 UTC - in response to Message 107664.  

Isn't "the new thing" BRP7? BRP4 is old and when reporting issues about it, it's always "low priority".
I assumed all the radio stuff was for the same guy. BRP4 is Arecibo telescope data, and BRP7 is Meerkat telescope data. They created BRP4G to allow it to run more efficiently on CPU and Internal Graphics, so I assumed they were just as interested in it.

But yes, my Android device is running that as the only project (with Moo as backup), nothing else runs on it, it has just Android 4.0 and almost no storage available.
I had three Android devices, 4, 7, and 9.

The 4 I gave up on, the OS was so outdated it kept going wrong or refusing to run most projects. It ended up I couldn't get Boinc to work at all, so I threw it away. It was a free phone anyway, I bought it from Ebay China for £20, then got a full refund as it's a fake, they claimed it was Android 6! And it's full of adware in the firmware.

The 7 I've set to run WCG, and Einstein as a backup.

The 9 I recently accidentally discovered I could upgrade to 11 [1], so I did. But newer Androids (from 8 or 9 upwards) don't allow half the projects to run for security reasons (I'm gonna have a go at Google/Samsung/whoever writes Android for that), plus it's got a stupidly small amount of RAM - 3GB for 8 cores, so running more than 4 Einsteins causes some to stick (you'd think Boinc would manage the RAM but it doesn't). WCG crashes on it. So that's doing the only thing it can, 4 Einstein + 4 Universe (I could also do 8 Universe).

[1] I was visiting my Aunt and tried to connect my phone wirelessly to her TV to show photos and it failed, and a google search suggested upgrading the OS. I didn't realise that was possible and thought it would do it automatically if it could.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107667 - Posted: 4 Nov 2022, 16:37:08 UTC - in response to Message 107665.  

It will as long as there's work from other projects available, but sometimes you might get OPN1 in case that's the only thing in the feeder. Unfortunately they don't have separate preferences for OPN1 and OPNG.
Cancer has loads to do, that will probably always be available. What I meant was up until recently the server ignored any changes you made to your account, and someone recently (in here?) mentioned it still doesn't work for them. Most things seem to to work for me now though.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107668 - Posted: 4 Nov 2022, 16:48:33 UTC
Last modified: 4 Nov 2022, 16:51:55 UTC

It's working. I just got a Covid GPU task:

3184	World Community Grid	04-11-2022 04:47 PM	Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.	
3185	World Community Grid	04-11-2022 04:47 PM	Requesting new tasks for AMD/ATI GPU	
3186	World Community Grid	04-11-2022 04:47 PM	Scheduler request completed: got 1 new tasks	
3187	World Community Grid	04-11-2022 04:47 PM	This project seems to have changed its URL.  When convenient, remove the project, then add	
3188	World Community Grid	04-11-2022 04:47 PM	No tasks are available for the applications you have selected	
3189	World Community Grid	04-11-2022 04:47 PM	No tasks are available for Africa Rainfall Project	
3190	World Community Grid	04-11-2022 04:47 PM	No tasks are available for Help Stop TB	
3191	World Community Grid	04-11-2022 04:47 PM	No tasks are available for Mapping Cancer Markers	
3192	World Community Grid	04-11-2022 04:47 PM	Your preferences allow tasks from applications other than those selected	
3193	World Community Grid	04-11-2022 04:47 PM	Sending tasks from other applications	
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Message 107669 - Posted: 4 Nov 2022, 18:40:49 UTC - in response to Message 107666.  

The 4 I gave up on, the OS was so outdated it kept going wrong or refusing to run most projects.

My works with Einstein BRP4, Moo! and WUProp. But I'm using NativeBOINC and not the official client on it.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107670 - Posted: 4 Nov 2022, 18:56:56 UTC - in response to Message 107669.  
Last modified: 4 Nov 2022, 18:58:33 UTC

My works with Einstein BRP4, Moo! and WUProp. But I'm using NativeBOINC and not the official client on it.
I had all sorts of projects on mine, but then it stopped communicating with my PC so I reformatted and reinstalled Boinc and everything went wrong. I'm using the Boinc official client, and before that was invented, something from Fred at Boinctasks. I think the problem is more the adware than the OS version. It was free and only two very slow cores, so it won't be missed. My working phones have 4 and 8 faster cores.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107671 - Posted: 4 Nov 2022, 22:22:26 UTC

Anybody know what's up with Asteroids@Home? The website still has a post from June saying they have the new server up and running, and it will take 2 weeks to transfer data, plus some configuration time. That was 5 months ago.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107672 - Posted: 5 Nov 2022, 1:09:41 UTC - in response to Message 107660.  

The issue in such huge institutes isn't usually the amount of money, it's just complicated and needs time to get it approved to spend them on something, in particullar if you can't use the money you've already got for something else and want additional money. If you just want to change the use of money you already got approved, it's usually easier. So it might depend on wether they can repurpose some "IT money" for this or if they need additional money.
Or maybe the scientists are getting enough data back with the current server so they're happy.
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Stevie G

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Message 107673 - Posted: 5 Nov 2022, 8:02:06 UTC - in response to Message 107650.  

"This parrot is dead"
Errm . .
Oh .
sorry wrong forum .
I have 19 (was 20) parrots and that sketch is not very nice. The rest of Monty Python is funny though.

Your house must be very loud.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107677 - Posted: 5 Nov 2022, 22:03:23 UTC - in response to Message 107673.  

Your house must be very loud.
Two of them have been relegated to the garage. Do not buy Amazon parrots.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 107683 - Posted: 7 Nov 2022, 10:30:46 UTC - in response to Message 107627.  

Hey Sid, KMA...seriously. You think you own these boards and know it all.
If you do, then why not go work for them?
I'll come back here to pester your ass every now and then.
But I'm settled on projects that have plenty of work, not the hodgepodge castoff stuff that comes here now.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107684 - Posted: 7 Nov 2022, 21:58:16 UTC - in response to Message 107683.  

Hey Sid, KMA...seriously. You think you own these boards and know it all.
If you do, then why not go work for them?
I'll come back here to pester your ass every now and then.
But I'm settled on projects that have plenty of work, not the hodgepodge castoff stuff that comes here now.
Why do you object to projects with infrequent work?
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Jean-David Beyer

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Message 107686 - Posted: 7 Nov 2022, 22:52:39 UTC - in response to Message 107684.  

Why do you object to projects with infrequent work?

My dislike for projects that (currently) have infrequent work is not severe enough for me to resign from those projects. The reason I prefer frequent work is because I have some mental priorities for how important each project is to me. Thus, I wish to give 50% of my time to ClimatePrediction, 25% of my time to WCG, and 12.5% of my time to Rosetta. I also participate in MilkyWay (0.25%) and Universe (0.12%) that are only there to give the machine something to do when the others send out no work.

The thing I object to is the way my Boinc-Client works. If a project has accomplished very little work lately, it is more likely to try to get more work from that project. And if one sent out no work is six months, it is so hungry that it will not request more work from a project that actually has work. So when I actually need work and CPDN has sent no work since last July, and WCG had send no work since last February (though now it is sending out work), my client would complain I did not need work from Universe even though it had work available and my cores were going idle from lack of work. I turned off new tasks from CPDN to get over that. Now Rosetta has stopped sending out work to my machine. Fortunately, this has been only a few days, so my Boinc-Client has not gotten spoiled yet, though I am getting only WCG work units these days. So I allow WCG to process 7 tasks at a time, Rosetta 4 at a time (though I ran out of work, so none are running) CPDN 4 at a time (though I ran out of work months ago).

And the balances are nowhere near the proportions I wish. CPDN 0% instead of 50%; MilkyWay 48% instead of 0.25%; Universe 29% instead of 0.12%; WCG 16% instead of 25%, and Rosetta 7% instead of 12.5%. I complain about MilkyWay and Universe that award way too much credit for the work they do.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107687 - Posted: 7 Nov 2022, 22:57:34 UTC - in response to Message 107686.  

Not sure what you mean. You set the projects to the percentages you want, and Bionic will do it's best to hit that percentage over about a month. If you want Rosetta to do 50%, but it's only managed 20% over the last month, why wouldn't you want it to catch up?
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Jean-David Beyer

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Message 107688 - Posted: 8 Nov 2022, 3:39:35 UTC - in response to Message 107687.  

Not sure what you mean. You set the projects to the percentages you want, and Bionic will do it's best to hit that percentage over about a month. If you want Rosetta to do 50%, but it's only managed 20% over the last month, why wouldn't you want it to catch up?

I would want it to catch up. But if Rosetta is not sending out work units, so some of my cores are idle, I do not want my Boinc client to ignore other, lower priority projects because it is so desperate to get work from Rosetta. N.B., the worst offender is not Rosetta, but ClimatePrediction and, until recently, WCG.

Furthermore, it seems to me it takes much longer than a month to approach my desired ratios, even when all projects are continuously sending out work.
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