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Message 107503 - Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 7:58:55 UTC - in response to Message 107501.  

FAH both GPU's
BOINC 1 GPU at the moment, 15 cores in total allocated to BOINC
TN got more work, so more cores as its a new project.
MOO is also "new"
Must have been a learning thing. CPU's in the 90s now on TN
Either that or you're running more things than cores. You have 16 cores, but you're using 17 cores (Moo is using two cores, as indicated by task manager saying 12%). The CPU doesn't care, but you should watch your GPU usage, because if the CPU is overloaded, it might not feed the GPU fast enough (depends on the project).

yeah I keep forgetting gpu uses cpu, but then again figured BOINC or the system would take care of managing that.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 107504 - Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 9:18:24 UTC - in response to Message 107503.  

Also noticed that BOINC tasks says MOO is using between 180-190% CPU and maybe TN with Rosetta and FAH is chewing up to much capacity?

A couple of TN's are 40 minutes behind in CPU time vs run time.
Makes me wonder if TN needs more power.
Rosetta is fine, running about 15 minutes behind.
Maybe drop TN then. For now, setting it to no new tasks to see what happens after it has completed all the stuff in queue.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107505 - Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 1:36:55 UTC - in response to Message 107503.  
Last modified: 20 Oct 2022, 1:39:42 UTC

FAH both GPU's
BOINC 1 GPU at the moment, 15 cores in total allocated to BOINC
TN got more work, so more cores as its a new project.
MOO is also "new"
Must have been a learning thing. CPU's in the 90s now on TN
Either that or you're running more things than cores. You have 16 cores, but you're using 17 cores (Moo is using two cores, as indicated by task manager saying 12%). The CPU doesn't care, but you should watch your GPU usage, because if the CPU is overloaded, it might not feed the GPU fast enough (depends on the project).

yeah I keep forgetting gpu uses cpu, but then again figured BOINC or the system would take care of managing that.
It's not very good at it. GPU tasks should get higher priority on the CPU than CPU tasks get on the CPU. But we all know Boinc is a piece of shit. However in your case it was actually doing it correctly!

The only thing wrong in your case is the GPU task is noted as 0.2C + 2NV. So Moo project has determined that task will take a fifth of a CPU core, when it's really taking 2. That's Moo's fault. You can change it in an app_config.xml for Moo.
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Message 107506 - Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 1:44:16 UTC - in response to Message 107504.  

Also noticed that BOINC tasks says MOO is using between 180-190% CPU and maybe TN with Rosetta and FAH is chewing up to much capacity?

A couple of TN's are 40 minutes behind in CPU time vs run time.
Makes me wonder if TN needs more power.
Rosetta is fine, running about 15 minutes behind.
Maybe drop TN then. For now, setting it to no new tasks to see what happens after it has completed all the stuff in queue.
Your computer's running fine. Your GPU task is getting the 2 CPU cores it needs. The GPUs are most important since they're much more powerful and should always be kept busy. Your remaining CPU cores are shared between the CPU tasks.

Either leave it as it is, since presumably (you haven't told me) your GPU is flat out and so is your CPU.

Or use app config in Moo to tell it that task requires 2 CPU cores, so Boinc will run less CPU tasks at the same time.

Or decrease the number of CPU cores Boinc is allowed to use in preferences, but this won't be very automatic, since if you change your GPU to do something other than Moo, it won't be set correctly.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 107507 - Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 9:09:16 UTC - in response to Message 107506.  
Last modified: 20 Oct 2022, 9:12:00 UTC

Also noticed that BOINC tasks says MOO is using between 180-190% CPU and maybe TN with Rosetta and FAH is chewing up to much capacity?

A couple of TN's are 40 minutes behind in CPU time vs run time.
Makes me wonder if TN needs more power.
Rosetta is fine, running about 15 minutes behind.
Maybe drop TN then. For now, setting it to no new tasks to see what happens after it has completed all the stuff in queue.
Your computer's running fine. Your GPU task is getting the 2 CPU cores it needs. The GPUs are most important since they're much more powerful and should always be kept busy. Your remaining CPU cores are shared between the CPU tasks.

Either leave it as it is, since presumably (you haven't told me) your GPU is flat out and so is your CPU.

Or use app config in Moo to tell it that task requires 2 CPU cores, so Boinc will run less CPU tasks at the same time.

Or decrease the number of CPU cores Boinc is allowed to use in preferences, but this won't be very automatic, since if you change your GPU to do something other than Moo, it won't be set correctly.

HWINFO says GPU's are 98% capacity. 15/16 cores are used in BOINC. 1 core is left free for general non BOINC stuff. Though if there was a way that when I am not on the computer to use all 16 and then release one when the computer is in use, then it would be a more efficient use of my system. So I could configure MOO to do like you said for now. I will have to look up the command to do that.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107508 - Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 9:52:13 UTC - in response to Message 107507.  
Last modified: 20 Oct 2022, 10:02:07 UTC

HWINFO says GPU's are 98% capacity.
Then all is well. I use MSI afterburner which gives lovely graphs. I can see temperature and usage of CPU and GPU all at once and adjust Boinc until everything is running most efficiently.

15/16 cores are used in BOINC. 1 core is left free for general non BOINC stuff. Though if there was a way that when I am not on the computer to use all 16 and then release one when the computer is in use, then it would be a more efficient use of my system.
The current version 7.20 of Boinc doesn't have that setting, but it's planned for 7.22.

So I could configure MOO to do like you said for now. I will have to look up the command to do that.
Have you used app configs before? You need this app_config.xml in the Moo folder:

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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 107509 - Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 12:20:13 UTC - in response to Message 107508.  
Last modified: 20 Oct 2022, 12:36:37 UTC

Then all is well. I use MSI afterburner which gives lovely graphs. I can see temperature and usage of CPU and GPU all at once and adjust Boinc until everything is running most efficiently.

I use that as well...more for boosting the GPU temp range to run it a bit harder.
But I see the usage graph now as well. I'm pretty much maxed out. 98% on both cards.

I forgot it looks at CPU as well.
Based on that info, the system is working just under maximum. 98% seems to be a common number.
CPU temp with a radiator is also just under max.

That's what I built this system to do.
Gaming board, hardcore but not pricey CPU.
GPU's are second hand. I got a good deal on the 1080 a long time ago, that group sold off all their cards really fast. I'm ok with a 1060 and a 1080.
I've spent all the money I am going to on this system and I will just keep it this way until it dies.

App_config I have used in the past to limit LHC ATLAS. But then they changed their coding and the app_config was no longer needed.

But something isn't adding up: 10/20/2022 2:32:52 PM | Moo! Wrapper | Found app_config.xml
10/20/2022 2:32:52 PM | | Config: use all coprocessors

The percentages look the same and the core usage configuration looks the same still.

Thats good to see they are looking at that idea for more specific control for idle and non idle systems.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107510 - Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 13:03:01 UTC - in response to Message 107509.  
Last modified: 20 Oct 2022, 13:03:54 UTC

I use that as well...more for boosting the GPU temp range to run it a bit harder.
I find the manufacturer's range lets it go up to 90C and crash. I reduce it to 50C no fan, 70C half fan, 80C full fan. I also reduce clocks on old cards that are tired and crash a lot, but I never increase clocks as that just causes unreliability and busted cards. I also boosted the max power consumption on my Fury from normal to +50% (!) to stop it reducing the clock when thinking hard and it seems happy with it, apart from I melted the power connector, so I soldered the wires directly on, it's working now. I was going to boost it even higher, but if I select the option to exceed manufacturers overclocking specs, it crashes the other card in that machine, even though I'm not overpowering that one.

But something isn't adding up: 10/20/2022 2:32:52 PM | Moo! Wrapper | Found app_config.xml
10/20/2022 2:32:52 PM | | Config: use all coprocessors
I see nothing wrong there.

The percentages look the same and the core usage configuration looks the same still.
It should have noticed your Moo task needs 2 CPU cores, and should have reduced the number of CPU tasks running. The CPU will presumably still be maxed out, but doing the correct number of things, so the CPU tasks should drift up to nearly 100% each.

Note: it will still display the same 0.2C+2NV until you download new Moo tasks, then it will show 2C+2NV. It's doing what you asked, just not updating the display on the tasks you already have. Yet another Boinc bug.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 107511 - Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 13:06:45 UTC - in response to Message 107510.  
Last modified: 20 Oct 2022, 13:11:05 UTC

I use that as well...more for boosting the GPU temp range to run it a bit harder.
I find the manufacturer's range lets it go up to 90C and crash. I reduce it to 50C no fan, 70C half fan, 80C full fan. I also reduce clocks on old cards that are tired and crash a lot, but I never increase clocks as that just causes unreliability and busted cards. I also boosted the max power consumption on my Fury from normal to +50% (!) to stop it reducing the clock when thinking hard and it seems happy with it, apart from I melted the power connector, so I soldered the wires directly on, it's working now. I was going to boost it even higher, but if I select the option to exceed manufacturers overclocking specs, it crashes the other card in that machine, even though I'm not overpowering that one.

But something isn't adding up: 10/20/2022 2:32:52 PM | Moo! Wrapper | Found app_config.xml
10/20/2022 2:32:52 PM | | Config: use all coprocessors
I see nothing wrong there.

The percentages look the same and the core usage configuration looks the same still.
It should have noticed your Moo task needs 2 CPU cores, and should have reduced the number of CPU tasks running. The CPU will presumably still be maxed out, but doing the correct number of things, so the CPU tasks should drift up to nearly 100% each.

Note: it will still display the same 0.2C+2NV until you download new Moo tasks, then it will show 2C+2NV. It's doing what you asked, just not updating the display on the tasks you already have. Yet another Boinc bug.

It's ok now since it started a new task. So now it 2+2 on MOO, 4 LHC (like normal) and 9 single tasks (15) and then 16 is for windows and other stuff.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107512 - Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 13:54:12 UTC - in response to Message 107511.  

It's ok now since it started a new task. So now it 2+2 on MOO, 4 LHC (like normal) and 9 single tasks (15) and then 16 is for windows and other stuff.
I've never seen a task (including Moo) use two GPUs. I don't have any machines with two identical cards to test it right now, but I'm sure I have in the past and I just got 2 Moo tasks, one on each card. Maybe only Nvidias do it? (I only have AMDs) Are your GPUs identical?
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 107516 - Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 17:25:35 UTC - in response to Message 107512.  
Last modified: 20 Oct 2022, 17:26:01 UTC

It's ok now since it started a new task. So now it 2+2 on MOO, 4 LHC (like normal) and 9 single tasks (15) and then 16 is for windows and other stuff.
I've never seen a task (including Moo) use two GPUs. I don't have any machines with two identical cards to test it right now, but I'm sure I have in the past and I just got 2 Moo tasks, one on each card. Maybe only Nvidias do it? (I only have AMDs) Are your GPUs identical?

1080 and a 1060TI
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107517 - Posted: 21 Oct 2022, 0:14:19 UTC - in response to Message 107516.  
Last modified: 21 Oct 2022, 0:14:45 UTC

I've asked here if AMDs can do so:

Did you do anything special to combine cards on the project?
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Message 107518 - Posted: 21 Oct 2022, 1:04:07 UTC - in response to Message 107516.  

I would like to see what actual use is in resource/ task monitor or the like
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 107519 - Posted: 21 Oct 2022, 7:35:28 UTC - in response to Message 107517.  

I've asked here if AMDs can do so:

Did you do anything special to combine cards on the project?

No...everything is standard.
I don't mess around with stuff like that.
All projects are default.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 107520 - Posted: 21 Oct 2022, 7:36:17 UTC - in response to Message 107518.  

I would like to see what actual use is in resource/ task monitor or the like

When MOO is up to run again, I will grab a screen shot.
Right now Einstein and Prime are running.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 107521 - Posted: 21 Oct 2022, 7:45:23 UTC - in response to Message 107519.  

I've asked here if AMDs can do so:

Did you do anything special to combine cards on the project?

No...everything is standard.
I don't mess around with stuff like that.
All projects are default.
I jsut tried Moo on a computer with a Tahiti and a Fury (both AMD, not too far apart. Tahiti is 3GB 4tflops SP, Fury is 4GB 8tflops SP.) But I got tasks for 1 AMD at a time, maybe it's a Cuda thing. I've asked here:
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Message 107525 - Posted: 21 Oct 2022, 11:08:27 UTC
Last modified: 21 Oct 2022, 11:23:00 UTC

And then FAH GPU

But what is interesting is Windows shows only 20% usage of the GPU but if you look at MSI Afterburner it shows 98%

A GPU engine represents an independent unit of silicon on the GPU that can be scheduled and can operate in parallel with one another. For example, a copy engine may be used to transfer data around while a 3D engine is used for 3D rendering. While the 3D engine can also be used to move data around, simple data transfers can be offloaded to the copy engine, allowing the 3D engine to work on more complex tasks, improving overall performance. In this case both the copy engine and the 3D engine would operate in parallel.
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Message 107528 - Posted: 21 Oct 2022, 19:04:05 UTC

Not the output I was expecting from task mangler , and leaves me baffled ,
Afterburner looks to be telling it as it is .
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Message 107529 - Posted: 21 Oct 2022, 19:43:35 UTC - in response to Message 107528.  

Try switching to performance tab, down to gpu and press on title of one of the graphs
There should be Cuda graph.
It doesn't show up on my screenshot because i have Hardware accelerated gpu memory scheduler enabled.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 107530 - Posted: 21 Oct 2022, 20:44:40 UTC - in response to Message 107529.  
Last modified: 21 Oct 2022, 20:50:13 UTC

I did have a look at the time.
They were mirrored just as it says in the processes.
The text below all the images I posted explains it.

A GPU engine represents an independent unit of silicon on the GPU that can be scheduled and can operate in parallel with one another. For example, a copy engine may be used to transfer data around while a 3D engine is used for 3D rendering. While the 3D engine can also be used to move data around, simple data transfers can be offloaded to the copy engine, allowing the 3D engine to work on more complex tasks, improving overall performance. In this case both the copy engine and the 3D engine would operate in parallel.
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